Chapter 493 Punishment
Anu screamed, and Ada let go and let her fall to the ground. Her voice was cold: "Rebel, there is no food to eat today."

Anu's screams stopped suddenly, and then she begged: "No, no, no, I'm obedient. My mother is injured. She can't be hungry. She has to heal her injury. I'm going, I'm going now."

Azuan's outstretched hand slowly retracted and clenched into a fist. She had to let Anu go, she had to let Anu grow.

Otherwise, she wouldn't survive.

This is the Qinglong tribe with regular distance, not the Tahe tribe with no regular distance.

"Let's go." Ada really showed no mercy at all and pushed Anu away.

Anu turned back three times with each step, looking at Azuan with tears streaming down her face.

"Wait a minute!" Azuan said suddenly.

Ada said impatiently with a cold face: "If you do something wrong, you must be punished!"

There aren't that many reasons to give.

Azuan said quietly: "I know. I would like to ask, who is Xiao Se from the Qinglong tribe? Just now you said she is a goddess?"

Ada did not answer, but looked at Changsheng.

Changsheng hesitated for two seconds before replying: "Xiao Se is the protector of the Qinglong tribe, the female of the Yefeng tribe leader, a witch, a future sacrifice, and a goddess!"

The status of witches in the tribe is higher than that of the clan members and lower than that of the clan leaders and priests.

The status of the sacrifice is a little lower than that of the clan leader, but in fact, the clan leader has to listen to the sacrifice on many important matters, because the sacrifice can communicate with the gods.

The goddess is the protector of a party. If a tribe has a goddess, the tribe will prosper and become the overlord of the party.

Changsheng, Yefeng and the others, together with Huasui Sacrifice, decided to reveal Xiao Se's identity as a goddess after careful discussion.

Firstly, it can stabilize the hearts of the tribesmen who join later, and secondly, it is to attract more tribes to come, so as to accelerate the growth of the tribe, so that attacks on tribes and deaths of tribesmen will never happen again.

In the past, the tribe was not strong enough, and they were afraid that revealing the identity of the goddess Xiao Se would lead to attacks and seizures from other tribes.

Now that the tribe is stronger, if they hide the identity of Goddess Arthur, it will give those tribesmen a false feeling.

Moreover, as the tribe grows larger and has more and more people, it is inevitable that one day someone will reveal Arthur's identity as a goddess.

Instead of waiting to be randomly suspected by them, it is better to reveal it yourself, so that since they join the tribe, they will be devoutly afraid of Arthur, but protect him with their lives.

Azuan opened his mouth in shock: "Goddess!"

Since she is a goddess, no wonder Xiao Se speaks so confidently. No wonder she can calmly negotiate terms with herself even though she knows Chang Hun is arresting her and is in the Tahe tribe.

No wonder she was so determined, so indifferent, yet so confident just now.

It turns out that she is a goddess!
Anu was also frightened by Chang Sheng's words, and murmured softly: "She is a goddess!"

The identities of myself and the goddess are so different that they are simply incomparable.

Ada pushed Anu with the handle of his knife: "Let's go. Work well in the tribe and be obedient. There will be plenty of food, drink, and shelter."

A typical slap in the face and then a date!
Anu was driven into a herd of cattle. The beasts here were too big for her. She was so frightened that she wanted to step back and scream, but she was caught by a female and given a shovel. : "Just shovel the cow dung into the cart."

He didn't even see the cow clearly, so he was dragged to clean the cow dung. Anu looked at the strange tribesmen and didn't even have the courage to cry. He just behaved obediently.

In the past, when Eminem was around, the most she could do was pull weeds and pick two fruits. She really had never done such heavy work.When the shovel was pushed down, the force was too weak and he fell down.

Smelling the smell of cow dung, Anu wanted to cry, but she didn't dare. Amu was not around, and no one comforted her or protected her when she cried. She had to continue doing things after crying.

She got up and wanted to say to wash up, but when she looked at the tribesmen who were working hard, she didn't dare to speak. With tears in her eyes, she took the shovel and shoveled cow dung again.

Time after time, without the protection of Eminem, she is still a strong baby, and she can do it alone.

I didn't have to eat breakfast. At lunch, I ate the same food as yesterday.

Anu held the food and burst into tears while eating.

After working for two consecutive days, the blisters on my palms have worn off, but the pain has not subsided much.

She was envious when she saw Ah Cheng, who was so small, shoveling cow dung and throwing it onto the cart quickly: "Ah Cheng, didn't Ada not let you come here? Why are you still here?"

Ah Gan answered while shoveling cow dung: "I want to practice archery, but Ah Wu said my hands are weak and I can't draw the bow."

"I just wanted to come here to shovel cow dung. After shoveling cow dung to improve my strength, I can go practice archery."

Anu didn't know much about it: "Arrow shooting! You need strength!"

"Of course you need strength." Ah Gan, who only reached Anu's waist, looked up at her, "Now that your hands are strong, you can also practice archery, sword dancing, stick dancing, you can learn anything. ."

He pointed to the tribesmen who were shoveling cow dung and said to Anu: "Look at them, they are all unable to lift that big stone and are not strong enough to practice archery, so they came here to shovel cow dung to practice their strength. .”

Anu understood this sentence. After she was stunned for a moment, she said in surprise: "You mean, they are not punished to shovel cow dung here, but they do it voluntarily?"

"Aren't you?" Ah Qian asked her, then continued to shovel cow dung without paying attention.

Anu said in his heart, yes, I did not do it voluntarily, I was punished to come here.

But she didn't dare to say it, for fear that Ah Gan would laugh at her and force her to question her.

If the clan members knew that she was punished here because she disobeyed Arthur, they would definitely glare at her.

The two days of punishment and contact with the tribe had made her understand Arthur's status in the tribe.

The female who is second only to the clan leader is a goddess who even gives face to the priests and clan leaders. Who dares to offend her?

Anu stopped talking and continued shoveling cow dung. This was what she had to do now. She was not qualified to blame Arthur, let alone fight for herself.

Another day later, another tribe came to seek refuge with the Qinglong Tribe. In the heavy snow, they did not encounter wild animals and arrived at the Qinglong Tribe safely.

The only drawback is that the priest of their tribe is still alive.

Ye Feng looked at the Shui clan leader and clan members lying at his feet, his face as cold as a knife: "He can't stay."

This he is talking about sacrifice!

A tribe cannot have two sacrifices. If this sacrifice is left behind, their Hua Sui sacrifice will die.

Ayou, the leader of the Youshui Tribe, said painfully: "I know that we did not encounter wild beasts, no one died, and he did not die. However, I am still willing to ask the Yefeng leader if he can stay and be an ordinary person." Clan members... just ordinary clan members!"

Ye Feng frowned and said in a cold voice, "Do you know what it means for a priest to become an ordinary tribesman?"

(End of this chapter)

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