Chapter 187 Morning Mist Sneak Attack
Xiao Se's whole body tensed up, holding the stone with both hands, staring at the wild beast that might suddenly appear in the white mist.

At this time, she was even breathing softly, and she didn't dare to shout that Acha was coming.

It was quiet all around, with only the bleak heartbeat sounding.

Xiao Se swallowed nervously and quietly took a step back. Unexpectedly, there was a sound behind him.

There was a sound like a stone being kicked. Xiao Se suddenly turned around and faced Ah Bao's rough face.

Without even thinking, Xiao Se jumped up and threw the stone in his hand at A Bao's face.

Once he succeeded, he quickly ran behind him. They must want to outflank him and they must not run back.

If she ran back, she would have fallen into their trap. Only by running behind them could she get rid of them.

Xiao Se made the right choice, there was no one behind Abao.

Her mind was racing. It would be too anxious to catch her before dawn, unless...

A bold idea formed in Xiao Se's mind, and Shou shouted with all his strength: "The Tahe tribe is coming to attack the Qinglong tribe!"

There is a watchtower above the wall of the Qinglong tribe, which was built by Xiao Se. Unfortunately, on this white morning, it is really difficult to see the distance clearly.

Amang, who was patrolling the watchtower, heard these words, picked up the bone hammer, and struck hard on the drum made of wild animals.

"Dong dong dong..."

As soon as the drums sounded, everyone in the tribe became alert. The males looked solemn and rushed towards the gate of the compound with bows and arrows on their backs.

Aye and others quickly put down their movements and ran towards the cave while protecting the old man and the child.

The strong females, those with bows and arrows, took bows and arrows, and those without bows and arrows took spears. Even Aye and the others held spears and stood at the entrance of the cave, protecting the children and the elderly, as well as food.

Axi swallowed: "I am so happy these days that I have almost forgotten the existence of Changhun and the others."

"We have forgotten, but the clan leader will not forget. He said that if Chang Hun comes, send the old man and the child to the cave, and we will protect them."

"The patriarch and the others will protect us outside."

At this time, the tribesmen of the original Xiaocao tribe came forward with bows and arrows on their backs to block the females.

There was no fear in their eyes. They came to the Qinglong Tribe, where they could eat well and sleep well. This was the happiness of their illegal lives. Now they were asked to protect their children, old men and women. It was their duty as males.

Aye looked at the orderly tribesmen. They were no longer like before, screaming and crying and running around.

Now, under the training of the patriarch and Arthur, they know what order is and what protection is.

Ye Feng carried a bow and arrow on his back and rushed out first. Looking at the white mist outside, he said loudly: "Light the fire."

Fengshou, Alu and others had already taken the burning wood and ran forward. Those who followed them holding branches followed closely and quickly lit a fire.

With the light of the fire, the white mist was bright.

Fengshou and others acted quickly, and everyone cooperated seamlessly, lighting piles of fires by the roadside.

The tribesmen who had gone out for a run also ran back crazily. They did not scream or cry, they just kept running back towards the tribe.

"Keep your eyes wide open!" Ye Feng said sternly, "I asked you to recognize people in the tribe just for now. I will find out the strange faces."


One by one, the tribesmen ran over quickly, passing by Fengshou and the others, then by Yefeng and the others, and finally by Amang and the others, and rushed into the tribe.

Suddenly, Ye Feng's eyes turned cold, he stretched out his long hand, grabbed a tribesman, and kicked him in the crook of his leg: "Grab him!"

The members of the Tahe tribe who wanted to sneak in were caught without even touching the Qinglong tribe's gate.The tribesmen slowly came back, and there were more than a dozen tribesmen from the Tahe tribe guarding the door.

The sky is bright and the white fog has dispersed.

Ye Feng frowned: "Xiao Se, Ah Ri, Ah Xue, and Ada didn't come back."

Fengshou said anxiously: "There is also Ocha!"

He watched Ah Cha run out, and just now he had been staring at the tribesmen running back, but there was no Ah Cha in them.

Ye Feng nodded slightly and was about to take action when he shouted. Chang Hun held a spear in his hand and charged towards the Qinglong tribe with a ferocious face: "Come on!"

The tribesmen behind him roared towards the Qinglong tribe with spears in hand, but Chang Hun took the opportunity to step back with a proud smile in his eyes.

Ye Feng raised his hand: "Get ready... to fire the arrow!"

Following the order, the archers fired a hundred arrows.

The people of the Tahe tribe had never seen what this thing was, and they rushed forward without fear at all.

In the eyes of the people of the Tahe tribe, the Qinglong tribe was too timid to confront them head-on. They only dared to use a human wall to stop their progress, which was simply stupid.

Suddenly, small branches flew out and shot into their bodies. The pain woke them up and frightened them, causing them to scream and retreat.

But more people couldn't move and collapsed directly on the ground, lifeless.

Chang Hun's eyes burst out with surprise. This is the bow and arrow that A Xue mentioned. It turns out that it is so easy to use. It can kill wild beasts without getting close!
Hahaha, that’s great. He wants this kind of thing, and so does the Qinglong Tribe.


After getting the result he wanted, Changhun dragged a tribesman who was hit by an arrow and ran away.

Ye Feng raised his hand and said, "Chase."

He winked at Fengsheng: "Look for Xiao Se, they must be hiding somewhere, be careful of the people from the Tahe tribe."

Fengshou naturally understood, and followed Yefeng to pursue Changhun. They did not stop their pursuit until they were driven out of the Tahe River crossing.

Changhun grabbed the tribesman who was hit by the arrow, pulled out the arrow fiercely, and laughed loudly: "It's really a good weapon."

The tribesman who had been struck by the arrow had not finished screaming when the arrow in Chang Hun's hand pierced into the tribesman's body.

Chang Hun was strong enough and stabbed the tribesman in the heart again. This time the tribesman didn't even scream, he fell to the ground and vomited blood and died.

Changhun laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that this bow and arrow would be so easy to use. It's a pity that I didn't get the curved one they had."

The clansmen didn't even glance at the dead clansman, they all complimented Chang Hun.

Chang Hun, holding the feather arrow, said proudly: "This is a good thing, right? So, I want to ask now, which of you got the bow and arrow?"

The tribesmen looked at me and I looked at you, but they all bowed their heads and remained silent.

Chang Hun glanced at everyone and sneered: "You didn't get the bow and arrow? Did I bring you here to give Ye Feng's head? I told you a long time ago that I wanted to snatch the bow and arrow from Ye Feng, but you didn't succeed. !”

He smiled cruelly: "Now, go back and grab Ye Feng's bow and arrow."

He glanced at the clansmen with a cruel smile: "If you don't grab it, then don't come back, otherwise, I will kill you."

The tribesmen were frightened and frightened, but they did not dare to go against Chang Hun's words. They carefully waded across the Ta River crossing, preparing to wait until night before attacking the Qinglong tribe.

Chang Hun looked at the bow and arrow in his hand, then looked in the direction of the Qinglong tribe. He recalled the rows of tall trees in front of the Qinglong tribe. He frowned and murmured: "What is that? It blocks the view from the inside of the tribe. It's a good thing." "

(End of this chapter)

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