After traveling through ancient times, she became a wild woman

Chapter 178 Free the replacement of the shoulder

Chapter 178 Free the replacement of the shoulder

Ye Feng looked at Xiao Se's brows and frowned, feeling very distressed: "It's not urgent, think about it slowly."

Ah Wu saw that his shoulder was broken and made Xiao Se so embarrassed, so he was extremely sorry: "Arthur, we can do it, don't be sad, really."

Others kept saying what they could.

This is what they should do. Before Xiao Se came, wasn't that how they lived?

It was possible before, and it is naturally possible now.

It's just carrying something, leaving some blood on the shoulder, how can it be so pretentious.

Xiao Se looked at these simple and kind people, feeling grateful in his heart: "Yes, I know."

The more they know, the more they have to think of something to use to free their shoulders.

At this time, Harvest and the others were back.

They put down the baskets on their backs, and Ah Xi led the other tribesmen to take the peaches to the cave and stack them.

They all collapsed on the grass and didn't want to move.

Xiao Se ran over and saw the males carrying peaches. Their shoulders had already been torn by the vines on the baskets.

However, they didn't say anything, and Xiao Se didn't come to care about it all day, so naturally he didn't know about it.

Looking at the blood stains on their shoulders, she felt guilty and sad. It was because she thought everything was too simple. She moved her mouth, but they broke their legs.

Fengshou looked at Xiao Se, who was frowning, and asked urgently: "What's wrong? But we came back with too little, so let's make two more trips tomorrow."

"No, your shoulder is broken." Xiao Se was really distressed.

Fengshouyi saw Pi Pi's shoulder and chuckled: "Well, it will be fine in two days, what's the fuss about."

The more they behave like this, the more Xiao Se blames himself.

Ye Feng looked at Xiao Se who was blaming herself, and felt extremely distressed. He wrapped his big hands around hers: "Actually, we all have to thank you. When you didn't come, without your basket, if we wanted to put these peaches I don’t know how difficult it will be to transport them back, maybe only a dozen can be transported at a time.”

"But look at it now, they are carrying a basket, and one person can transport hundreds of peaches at one time, which saves them a lot of walking."

There were no baskets before, so no matter what I did, I had to rely entirely on my hands and feet.

Now that we have baskets, we can save time and distance, but it’s just a bit of a pain on our shoulders.

But for Ye Feng and the others, these are already very satisfying things.

Xiao Se, who kept his head down, did not reply.

Such a quiet Arthur made Ye Feng feel distressed. He held her face, asked her to face him, and said solemnly: "Arthur, this is not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself. Really, believe me!"

Xiao Se blinked blankly: "What?"

Night Breeze was startled: "What were you thinking just now?"

When he spoke, Arthur didn't even listen. It turned out that his position in her heart had dropped so much.

I feel so uncomfortable, I really want to be the number one in her heart.

Xiao Se frowned: "I'm thinking of using something to free their shoulders... Don't talk to me!"

Ye Feng still wanted to comfort her: "..."

He didn't like this feeling of being ignored, but he wanted to see Xiao Se's face dancing with joy, so he had no choice but not to disturb her.

Ye Feng stayed with Xiao Se, who was meditating hard, and watched her draw random pictures on the ground with a stone. She didn't know what she was drawing, but it was just circles horizontally and vertically.

Suddenly, Xiao Se's eyes lit up and she shouted loudly: "Yes, yes, I thought of it." "Open your mouth!" The night wind brought the cool winter melon to her lips, "Eat."

Only then did Xiao Se realize that it was already time for dinner.

Xiao Se looked at Ye Feng's dark face, opened his mouth obediently to eat the winter melon, and did not forget to say to Ye Feng: "I thought of something to use to free their shoulders, a unicycle. I'm so stupid, it took me so long to think of this."

"Open your mouth!" Ye Feng said with a stern face, feigning anger, "If you don't want to eat, I won't eat either."

Xiao Se was about to get up when he saw a bowl of winter melon soup next to him, and then looked at the bowl in Ye Feng's hand.

She chuckled twice, picked up the winter melon soup on the floor, finished it as quickly as possible, and said to the night breeze with bulging cheeks, "It's gone."

The word 'gone' was only heard by Ye Feng through guessing. It was not difficult, as she had a mouth full of winter melon, so what words could she say.

Xiao Se put down the bowl and ran away. Ye Feng stuffed all the winter melon in the bowl into his mouth in one breath. Before he could swallow it, he ran towards Xiao Se.

Looking at the two empty bowls of Ocha: "..."

When Xiao Se ran to Mushi, he had not yet swallowed the winter melon in his mouth. He stood in front of a group of people in Mushi and performed the swallowing of winter melon for a long time.

Before we finish this, the clan leader also comes to perform swallowing winter melon.

This was originally a very funny scene, and the clan members were so frightened that they did not dare to make any move. They waited until Xiao Se emptied the food in his mouth, and then he felt that he could finally breathe.

"Uncle Mu, I have something to do with you, let's go." Without saying a word, Xiao Se grabbed Mushi's big hand and started to leave.

As soon as he grabbed Mushi's hand, Ye Feng snatched Xiao Se's hand away and said coldly: "Uncle Mu, follow me."

The person involved, Xiao Se, didn't realize anything was wrong and ran away in a hurry.

Everyone sympathizes with Mushi. If you were touched by Arthur, you will be stared at by the clan leader. You will be miserable.

While there was still some sunset light, Xiao Se had someone pick up a pile of wood, go to Ishiro's cave, and let the night breeze rekindle a bonfire.

Ye Feng, Mushi, and Shidai all listened carefully to Xiao Se's explanation of the principles of the wheelbarrow.

Finally, Xiao Se said: "The most difficult thing about this unicycle is the round wheel. As long as the round wheel is well made, there is no car that cannot move."

"Then, no matter where we go, we can push this cart to transport the supplies we need. It won't hurt our shoulders at all, saving time and effort."

The three people's eyes were shining as they listened to Xiao Se's description of the unicycle.

If that's the case, don't mention it, it would really save everyone time and effort.

"It's just..." Xiao Se frowned, extremely worried, "It's just that this circle is not easy to make."

Although she knew the principle of rivets, she was not a carpenter after all, and she really couldn't imagine how to make a circle out of thin air.

Ye Feng suddenly said: "Just dig a hole in the middle of the big tree."

Xiao Se: "..."

Mushi nodded solemnly: "Yes, if it's not round enough, just repair it inside and out."

Ishiro also nodded in agreement: "Just chop it into pieces like a tree, and then use stone pieces to carve it out like a big stone pot."

The corners of Xiao Se's mouth twitched. She was really a person who used her brain and mouth. As for her actions, others had already thought about it for her.

Now that I have already practiced it, I just have to do it.

Xiao Se took a deep breath and clenched his fists to cheer himself up: "We must succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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