Chapter 143 Winter Melon
Xiao Se removed the flowers that were hiding the winter melon. At this time, the winter melon was more practical than the flowers, so get rid of the ones that shouldn't be kept.

Acha and Alu also followed Xiao Se and moved the flowers and grass, revealing the winter melons hidden under the flowers.

When they were halfway through, Amang also came with his tribe, each male carrying a basket on his back.

"Did you get the stone blade I told you about?" Xiao Se asked.

Aman handed the stone blade to Xiao Se with confusion on his face: "Is it this?"

Xiao Se responded, took the stone blade, and said to the tribe: "Come over and take a closer look. In this way, use the stone blade to cut off the vegetable vines, and then bring the winter melon back to the tribe."

"Also, we don't want any rotten or broken winter melons. We want the intact ones."

It stands to reason that winter melons that are a little broken can also be eaten.

But Xiao Se didn't want to cause trouble, because the winter melon with a slightly broken skin had other small families living in its core, so he was about to fall into a trap.

The doctors at this time were not as good as modern ones, and they could still save people from food poisoning and the like.

Here, food poisoning is a complete disaster. You can't afford to try it. You can only be cautious and guard against all unknowns.

Looking at the fat winter melon, the clansmen were very happy. It was another edible food, and they were in for a treat tonight.

There are also rules for arranging winter melons. Xiao Se didn't want to take the winter melons home properly only to have them rot because they were not stored properly.

So, she went back to the tribe directly. After checking the terrain, she pointed directly to the deepest part of the cave where the tribesmen slept, and said to Amang: "Put it here. Get some trees first, it's so long."

She gestured at the trees that were almost as long as the space, and placed them on the ground, and then placed the winter melons on top of the wood to isolate the winter melons from contact with the ground, so that they would last longer.

Amang and the others moved quickly and arranged the wood. Xiao Se asked them to find hay and spread it on top, and then put the winter melon on it.

The chubby winter melons are all in good size, and it’s really a joy to look at them.

At this time, Xiao Se looked at the winter melon and smiled like an old mother.

It's great, there is another kind of food to eat in the coming snowy days.

Ah Cha saw Arthur smiling happily, and she also laughed along with her: "Arthur, is this good?"

Xiao Se looked left and right, and when he was about to nod, he suddenly realized: "Yes, cover it with hay. Come on, cover it."

Just now I felt like something was missing. It turned out that I forgot to cover Winter Melon with a quilt.

Amang didn't need to ask again now. After hearing what Xiao Se said, he and his clan members covered the winter melon with hay.

Xiao Se clapped his hands and rolled his eyes with a smile: "Perfect!"

"Would you like to eat winter melon tonight?" Ah Cha swallowed, it must be delicious.

Xiao Se nodded wildly: "Of course I want to eat."

It would be better if you have long-haired pigs. Everything in pigs is good, including ribs, lard, lean meat, and fat meat.

Wow, I can’t think about it anymore, my mouth is watering.

When Xiao Se came out of the cave, he saw the group of people from the Xiaocao tribe, smiling in panic and full of flattery.

Aru, who was standing next to Xiao Se, looked at the humble smile of the original tribesman, and his heart sank suddenly, feeling extremely bitter.

Xiao Se already understood that disabled people would be ostracized in the tribe. They were trying to please him, not just because they wanted to get more bites of food.

The courage to take an extra bite comes from their desire to do things for the tribe.

Xiao Se understands, and so does she.

She smiled and said to them: "I was thinking of asking Aru to find you just now. You came just in time. I have something I need you to do." Their pupils dilated instantly, and their bodies were filled with disbelief and excitement. Trembling slightly.

Aru, who was lowering his head and worrying about the original tribe, heard Arthur's words and his hands and feet were trembling in shock.

Can the disabled members of their original Xiaocao tribe really do things for the tribe?

Ah Cha is a cheerful person: "Arthur, they are disabled, what can they do?"

In an instant, the eyes of the tribesmen of the original Xiaocao tribe that had been shining just now no longer had any luster in their eyes.

The smile that Aru had just raised froze on his face, and he said sadly that he shouldn't have expected it.

so sad.

"You are quick to talk, and you can ask about their worries before they do." Ah Cha said that without any malice, it was just that his mouth was a little faster than his brain.

Xiao Se was afraid that Alu and the others would have objections to Ah Cha, so he quickly explained to everyone.

She continued: "Because everyone has something suitable for them to do, so what they have to do is grow vegetables."

Yes, this is Xiao Se's arrangement for them. You don't need to have all hands and feet to grow vegetables.

Moreover, if you perfectly match those who are missing hands and feet, wouldn’t that be a person who has complete hands and feet?

Xiao Se took them to the open space opposite Ishiro Cave. This was the vegetable garden she had long admired. The land was fertile and vegetables would grow well.

Xiao Se rushed to the cave and shouted: "Ah Wu, where is the hoe I asked you to make?"

Ah Wu smiled shyly when he saw Xiao Se, and quickly gave the hoe to Xiao Se: "Arthur, look, is this okay?"

At the end, he added, "I've made it a long time ago, just waiting for you to pick it up."

This time the hoe is much improved than the last time. It is no longer flat, but has a slightly curved shape.

Holding the shirt in her hand, Xiao Se naturally would not be stingy with her praises to Ah Wu: "Not bad, very good, well done, awesome!"

Looking at Xiao Se's thumbs up, Ah Wu smiled even more shyly. He knew from Ah Cha that Arthur giving a thumbs up means admitting that you are great.

Ah Wu never thought that one day he would also get Arthur's thumb. He was so embarrassed that his face turned red to his neck and even to the soles of his feet.

Xiao Se looked at the shy little boy and did not dare to tease him anymore. He took the hoe to the open space to teach the tribesmen.

"First clean up all the pebbles, twigs, and other messy things in the open space, leaving only the soil." Xiao Se picked up the pebbles and twigs, and the tribesmen followed her.

"Hold the hoe like this, and the ground should be turned like this." Xiao Se is also someone who has been on the ground before, and his skills are very good. "When you turn the ground for the first time, you must be careful, because it is easy to hurt your feet."

Ah Cha, who was watching it carefully, smiled and said, "Really? Then I'll try."

As soon as the hoe went down, her feet were almost gouged by the hoe, which scared Xiao Se so much that he never wanted her to play with him again.

Those with one hand can pick up stones and branches, and those with two hands can use a hoe.

Everyone tried to have something to do. Looking at the smiles on their faces, Xiao Se smiled. At least so far, this is the arrangement.

Aru, who was standing in the distance, looked at the long-lost smiles on the faces of his tribe and his eyes were red.

He finally fulfilled his vow to keep his people alive!

"They're back!" a voice yelled. "The males are back from hunting!"

He ran toward the hunting males bleakly.

(End of this chapter)

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