Chapter 106 Heart-wrenching surprise

Arthur is not in the water, so where is Arthur.

Ye Feng's whole body felt as if he had been soaked in snow water, it was bitingly cold, and his eyes were as if they had been soaked in ice water.

He couldn't imagine how miserable Arthur would be when he was so weak and helpless.

When he thought of that, his heart ached like a knife.

"If it's not in the water, where is it?" Fengshou looked at the small area of ​​land, looked at Ye Feng's red eyes, trembled, and shouted to the tribesmen, "Hurry up and find Arthur!"

At this time, someone shouted: "Axue is here."

Ye Feng, with a gloomy face, stood up from the water and walked towards Ashue. His words were full of anxiety, but as cold as Shura: "Where is Arthur?"

The night wind that had just come out of the water was covered with water drops. When the sun set down the mountain, the water drops on his body were even more obvious. They were like golden beads, dazzling the eyes and refreshing.

The water droplets on his hair rolled down to his chest, then rolled down his eight-pack abs, all the way down to...

Seeing such sexy Night Breeze, Axue swallowed her saliva in surprise. She really wanted to swallow Night Breeze in one gulp.

"I said, where is Arthur?" Night Breeze hated the fact that females other than Arthur were staring at her, her voice was bone-chilling, frosty and snowy.

This sound woke up A Xue, and she spoke quickly in shock: "I was here just now. I saw the male trying to carry Xiao Se away, and then Xiao Se scratched the male's back. When I saw it, I rushed up to hit the male with a stone. When I turned around, I didn't see where Xiao Se had gone."

The words that were half true and half false, coupled with the blood on her hands at this moment, made the tribesmen believe what she said.

Fengshou, who dragged the male body up, nodded anxiously to Ye Feng and said in a low voice: "Yes, there are many scratches on his back, and there are indeed a few bloody holes on his head!"

After finishing speaking, he added: "This male is tall. Neither Arthur nor Ashue could have killed him by themselves. They probably killed him through a sneak attack."

Ye Feng's face was as dark as water, his whole body was covered with coldness and murderous intent, and his eyes were staring sharply at the dead male.


There was only one egg yolk hanging stubbornly in the sky, and the orange light illuminated the entire Qinglong tribe as gentle and beautiful as a fairyland.

However, this fairyland-like tribe was silent at this time. At a glance, no one could be seen. It was empty and strange.

Changsheng, who came back carrying the bitter water, saw the Qinglong tribe with no one, and his heart sank. He quickly ran towards the tribe and shouted: "Good harvest! Patriarch!"

No one answered him, so Changsheng shouted again: "Night Breeze!"

Still no one answered him, as if the entire tribe was a dead city, Chang Sheng shuddered nervously, his heart pounding.

But the fried bird meat on the open ground is still there, steaming and exuding bursts of fragrance, tempting people's tongue buds and making their mouths water.

Changsheng's pupils were slightly narrowed, and the hot bird meat clearly showed that there were people in the tribe before they came.

But now all the clan members are gone!
Ana, who was following Changsheng, hurried towards the cave: "Acai!"

He ran in and out again, shaking his head at Changsheng with red eyes: "A Cai is not here."

Others also rushed to look for their family members, but no one could see them.

Achang rushed to the back of the cave, his eyes red, his lips trembling and he said: "There is no one behind, no one at all. Where have they gone?"

Changsheng's face was pale. There were more than 200 people in the entire Qinglong tribe. Suddenly, there was no one left. What happened?

Suddenly, a thin man came out of the cave.

Changsheng's eyes caught him for the first time, and he rushed towards him, grabbing A'ri's shoulders, his pupils were scarlet, and he gritted his teeth: "Where are the other people in the tribe?"

Ah Ri, who was in pain from being scratched, sweat rolled down his face. His white lips trembled and he whispered: "Arthur is missing!" Chang Sheng was startled and said anxiously: "So, they all went to find Arthur?"

Ah Ri's painful eyes were filled with tears, and Se Se nodded and replied: "Yes."

Changsheng then let go of Ah Ri's shoulders, threw the bitter water on the ground, and said to Ah Na and the others: "Ather is missing, and the tribesmen are looking for her."

After saying this, he didn't even notice it himself. He breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't imagine how he would have faced all the events that followed without Ah Ri's words.

Changsheng, who was sitting on the ground, realized that his legs and feet were weak, and his fingers were trembling slightly, unable to control his strength.

He was scared just now, so scared that his whole body was shaking, so scared that his heartbeat was racing, so scared that...

Bitter sweat rolled down from his forehead and fell into his eyes, making him want to cry in pain.

Beads of sweat fell into his mouth, making him want to cry.

Fear surrounded his whole body, Changsheng wiped away a handful of sweat, and at the same time wiped away the tear of fear.

He never knew that he had such deep feelings for the tribe.

Even when he was fighting wild beasts and fighting with the Tahe tribe, he didn't care about his own life.

But when he saw no one in the tribe, he realized that he was a fragile person.

If the tribe is gone, he will definitely guard the tribe and wait for them to come back. Even if he starves to death, is bitten by wild beasts, or is killed by other tribes, he will never go to other tribes to be a slave and betray the Qinglong tribe. .

"Oh, Ah Cai, I was scared to death. I thought all the members of the Qinglong Tribe were gone." Ana cried immediately.

People who have never experienced it cannot describe the fear of not seeing their loved ones, but those who have experienced it are only left with fear at this time.

Ah Na was sitting on the ground like a baby, crying loudly, calling Ah Cai over and over again, and occasionally calling Amu once or twice.

He was really scared just now.

When Ah Na cried, except Changsheng and Ah Ri, everyone else also cried together.

After a long time, Chang Sheng, who had recovered, stood up fiercely and said to Ana: "You guys are guarding the tribe here, I'll go take a look."

Ana quickly stood up, wiped away her tears and said, "I want to go too, but there is no one in the tribe."

Changsheng understood what Ana meant. When they came, there was no one in the tribe, so they really didn't need to guard them.

Changsheng nodded in agreement.

"I'll go too." Ah Ri grabbed Chang Sheng's strong arm and said timidly.

Changsheng shook him off and said coldly: "I have no time to care about you. Let's go."

Ah Na and the others followed Chang Sheng as they walked toward the river. The thin Ah Ri immediately staggered to follow. Even if he stumbled, he did not give up and chased after Chang Sheng.

After Ah Ri fell for the fifth time, Changsheng directly carried him on his shoulders and gritted his teeth: "You'd better not make me angry."

Ah Ri remained motionless and allowed him to carry her to the river. The tribesmen had already walked a long way along the river.

The Hua Sui Priest was prostrated, sweating profusely, face pale, and weak, but he said sincerely and stubbornly: "There can be no mistake. God told me that Arthur is in the water, so there can be no mistake." .”

The people of the Qinglong tribe heard this and searched along the river again.

Ye Feng, who had been searching in the river from beginning to end, dived to the surface again, with a cold and distant face, and a violent storm in his eyes, as well as an indelible look of anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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