Chapter 351 Returning to China ([-])
After six years of working the most profitable job in the Xia family, he could only afford a sea-view villa. This was a bit funny. Xia Xichen looked at Ye Ying. This guy was too upright to think of being evil.

Yes, he is not here to make money, he doesn't care at all, his work and tasks are only because of himself, only because of himself.

Where can I find such a good lover? Fortunately, it's not too late now. Fortunately, I have saved her.

"Xiao Chen, actually, I have never brought a woman into that sea view villa. I was lying to you."

Xia Xichen was stunned for a moment, and then said calmly: "Yes, I know."

"Also, I never go to bed with other women unless I am of use to you. Of course, this is not the case from the beginning. Unless my sweet words really fail to make sense, I will help you get out of those women's mouths." There are a lot of secrets in it, right? This can prove that you are the only one in my heart, and it has always been."

Ye Ying turned slightly sideways and hugged Xia Xichen: "Actually, every time I feel so sick, I always wonder why I am so sick. You must be sick of me too. Anyway, I never have any hope. You Will stay with me, will agree to all my requests, will tolerate me so much, I have already planned to help you, and when it is over, I will marry a beautiful wife. In this way, you will also feel that you don’t owe me anything, so you can go with ease. It’s time to pursue your own life.”

"Ye Ying."

"Now I really didn't expect it, because I should be rotten to the core. Xiaochen, I am so dirty, and you still want me, thank you." As he said, he raised his head slightly and looked into Xia Xichen's eyes.

I always feel that his eyes have become a little moist...

Xia Xichen looked at Ye Ying in disbelief. If it weren't for him confessing here now, she might never know his thoughts. She thought she knew him very well.

He can come and go as he pleases, he likes to smoke, drink, and flirt with women, but it turns out it's not his original intention.

Everything he did was just because of himself, and he even found him disgusting. How much grievances was he enduring in his heart?
He originally thought that he was unlucky enough, but when he learned that the entire Xia family was killed and only his sister was left alone, he almost went crazy.

It was Ye Ying who held him back and stayed with him to help him.

After the Xia family's strength stabilized, he accepted various tasks and lost his life at any time...

There is nowhere better than this chaotic capital city. Is he staying here just to help himself?There is no picture at all.

No money, no rights. In the nightclub on Twelve Nights, even if he was an ordinary resident singer, he still didn't stop to ask for information for himself.

He has given too much. Is he an angel sent by God to save him?I always feel that the softest part of my heart has been touched and received some kind of salvation.

"If I have to say it, I don't think I'm worthy of you." Xia Xichen could no longer laugh, and her eyes were a little complicated and bitter.

"How come, Xiaochen, you are not such a lack of confidence. You have always been perfect." Ye Ying sat up and looked at Xia Xichen, incredulously hearing what he just said.

"I found that I was wrong, very wrong."

He covered his face: "I don't know what to say. If you have any requests, just ask. This time, I will put you above your dreams. You are the most important thing."

(End of this chapter)

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