Chapter 338 True Freedom ([-])
The beautiful sound of the piano pours out as deep as the dark night, if it is there or not, the sound of the piano is like a complaint, containing all the best times and the original appearance. After flowing slowly, it settles all the waves, and every note is... Shocking feelings.

Following an opening piano piece, a slightly lower singing voice followed.

The people in the audience did not make a sound and listened quietly, for fear of breaking the silence.

It was the first time I heard Roy change his previous popular style. Such light music made people feel as if they had discovered his secret.

"How about the piano accompaniment? Miss Elena." Ron looked at the mysterious oriental man on the stage and asked.

"The sound of the piano is very steady and there are no missed beats. Although this accompaniment is not very difficult, this person's strength should be more than that." Elena said slowly.


To receive such a comment from the international pianist Elena, even though I don't understand piano and can't hear anything, I am even more curious about who the mysterious oriental man is?

Is he a friend his younger brother met in the East?Maybe we can get to know each other after the performance is over.

"That oriental man, Roy will introduce him later." Elena said calmly, lowering her eyes and not looking at the stage.

"Huh?" Ron tilted his head in confusion.

Elena paused for a moment, then continued: "Actually, I received a letter from Roy's transoceanic trustee a few years ago, but I treated it as if I hadn't seen it and never replied to him."

Then, she raised her head and looked at Ron, her eyes became moist, making Ron a little stunned.

"Mr. Ron, do you know what he wrote?"

She smiled, but she smiled reluctantly: "Roy has always been very frank, but sometimes, I hope he can lie to me, at least let me live in a beautiful fantasy, but he told me the truth, so sincerely, I can't give him an answer. No, in fact my answer is that nothing matters anymore, because he has already decided. Since he has abandoned the stage, what else is he afraid of? Afraid of the opposition of a little woman like me. ?"

Will next to him also looked here, and Ron hesitated for a moment. Although he had a premonition that it was definitely something bad, he still asked: "What did he say?"

The tears were forced back. She didn't shed tears, but her eyes were a little moist.

"He said he fell in love with someone else, and he wished me happiness and said he was sorry." Elena took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Will and Ron were a little surprised by this sudden news. No wonder Elena always lowered her head with a strange look before. It turned out that she knew that Roy was in love with someone else.

"No, Miss Elena, if Roy comes back, we will keep him. He will stay here, and even if he falls in love with someone else in the East, after so many years, people like him, It's normal to change his heart easily and have several girlfriends. His fiancée has always been you." Ron analyzed it and then comforted him.

Elena shook her head slightly: "He has not changed his mind. In the past few years, he has only loved one person."

Will and Ron looked at each other.

"He has been sending me letters since he went to high school in the East. About four years ago, he told me that he might be crazy and attracted to a man." Elena raised her head again, looking at the stage seriously. Xia Xichen looked at the piano keys with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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