Chapter 329 Concert ([-])
However, Elena insisted on waiting for this late returner, so the engagement was not terminated.

Alena is still Roy's fiancée. They are childhood sweethearts, and Alina is a talented international pianist. Roy has liked Alina since she was a child. Although Roy's female fans will have objections, it is unbelievable that they They are recognized as the most perfect couple in the music industry, but this time——

I never heard Roy mention Elena, his father and mother, himself and Ron, and Elena's father, but he never mentioned his favorite fiancée Anlina.

Why exactly, or did he just forget to mention it for the time being?

Will always had a bad feeling.

This video was released less than 5 minutes ago. Does it mean that his brother is quietly preparing for a concert somewhere in the country's capital?
A cell phone rang from the side, and the blond secretary took out the phone he kept for Will. He glanced at the notes on the screen, then handed the phone over and said, "It's Mr. Ron's number."

The video was released for less than 5 minutes, and it was already enough to cause a sensation. In order to gain popularity, various media outlets reported the news of this video one after another. This news shocked the entertainment industry, and Ron found out about it immediately.

"Brother, have you seen that video? It's the news that Roy is going to hold a concert. You should go home quickly. My father and mother have something to discuss with us. There will be a family meeting later. I have already contacted the TV station If you take leave and go home, so do you. No matter what kind of work you have, put it down and go home as soon as possible."


"Yes, now, Elena and Uncle Bronte are here too, so you know the importance of this matter, right? Roy said in the video that he would return to the East again. Don't you love him the most? So no matter what, even if you tie him up, we won’t let him continue to fool around.”

Ron said to the person on the other end of the phone with rare seriousness.

Family meetings are rarely held. It seems that the family attaches great importance to this matter. My youngest brother has always been obedient at home. The whole family loves him. His father and mother will not allow him to be lost again, so he told Ron The same.

I won't let him continue to mess around.

He is not fooling around, he must have a reason, a reason more important than the dream, otherwise he would not give up the dream.

He is no longer a child in everyone's eyes. He is almost 23 years old this year. He has grown into an adult who can make his own decisions. Will he still be easily controlled?

No, his feelings for his family are still there. If the whole family tries their best to stay, he will definitely become the little boy he was a few years ago, obedient and stay at home and do what he wants, right?
"I understand, I'll be right back." He said calmly.

After hanging up the phone, he looked at the blond secretary, who said knowingly: "Don't worry, I will cancel all the schedule for you today."
In the hotel room, Ye Ying lazily browsed the comments under the post he just posted.

Forced by Xia Xichen's threats, he finally compromised and held a concert before leaving.

"Xiaochen, do you really want to see my family?" Ye Ying clenched his chin, scrolled the mouse, and looked sideways at Xia Xichen, who was reading a book at the side.

"Of course, I'm serious."

"Then what do you have to say to them? They are not easy to compromise. And have you ever thought about what if they don't let me go back to the East?"

(End of this chapter)

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