The school idol is a girl: the battle for the campus NO list

Chapter 310 Chapter 319 Raven's Boat (2)

Chapter 310 Chapter 319 Raven's Boat ([-])
The man glanced at Xia Xichen lazily: "[Raven's Boat] has rules. You can't charge more, let alone charge less. The commission is 500 million, or you can find someone else to do it."

This detective agency is a bit interesting, Xia Xichen raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, deal."

"Roy Anderson, right? If the media finds out that he is back, it will definitely be a big news. He went to the East a few years ago, and a few years later, the mysterious Oriental people came to find him. It is really an exciting story. "

As the man spoke, he wrote and drew on the paper. After a while, he handed the paper to Xia Xichen.

The address was written on the paper, and there was a simple but understandable map.

"Go this way and you will find him. [Raven Boat] has rules. You will pay when you find him."

"With this kind of transaction, aren't you afraid that the client will evade the account because he doesn't want to pay?" Xia Xichen took the piece of paper with the address on it and put it in his pocket like a treasure.

"As far as I know, everyone in this world has paid their bills obediently, because those who evaded their accounts are already dead."

The man clenched his chin, then looked at Xia Xichen and continued.

"Let me tell you, you don't seem to be in need of money, so just pretend you didn't hear what I just said. Besides, as the head of the Xia family, it's not nice to talk about your debts."

Hearing him talking about the head of the Xia family, Xia Xichen raised his head slightly and looked at him with squinted eyes: "Do you know me?"

"The first sentence, asking you to get out is just a test. Now it is confirmed. We at [Raven Boat] have heard about you for a long time. You are the spy of [Raven Boat] in this world. A famous big shot like you , it’s not surprising to know each other.”

The man leaned forward slightly, then smiled slightly: "In our [Raven Boat] news, do you know how you were described?"

"Oh? How do you describe me, a murderous demon, a gangster leader, and a noble man who drinks freely?" Xia Xichenpo raised his head slightly with interest.

"The King of the East..., in the legend of [Raven Boat], it is said that you are the King of the East."

King of the East?

What kind of title is this?

But it is absolutely certain.

This title was given to someone with power at the top and a arrogant position.

However, I originally thought that [Raven Boat] was only active in Country S, but I didn't expect that it even knew things about the East so clearly. It seems that the scope of this organization's influence is larger than I thought, and it may be spread all over the world.

"Thank you. I have to rush to find someone. When I find him, I will come over and thank him personally."

"That's not necessary. As a client, I can't bear this gift. Just bring the money. After all, [Raven Boat] is just an organization that recognizes money but not people."

The man yawned, and then continued to put his feet on the table rudely. He picked up the book on the table and started reading. He returned to the lazy look he had when Xia Xichen came in. He had Xia Xichen pointing a gun at his head just now. It's like it never happened.

The bell on the door rang a few more times, and the sound was sweet. After coming out of this humble shop, Xia Xichen opened the picture.

The picture shows a secluded villa far away from the center of the capital of country S.

Xia Xichen took a deep breath, stopped a car and headed in the direction of the target.

In my heart, there were some strange emotions, some uneasiness and more excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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