Chapter 150 Separation ([-])
It seemed that his body could barely move. Ye Ying pushed away Duanmu Sheng who was holding him hard. He supported his body and could barely sit up. He picked up the shirt next to him and put it on. The door suddenly opened.

"Ah!" Duanmu Sheng pretended to be frightened and screamed, then quickly covered his naked body with the quilt.

He raised his head and looked blankly at Xia Xichen, who was also standing at the door. The two people's eyes met. Xia Xichen was stunned for a second, and then immediately closed the door.

Duanmu Sheng smiled behind him: "What do you think he will say?"

Ye Ying did not turn around to look at the woman behind him. His mind was buzzing. He opened the door. Xia Xichen was not far away and was standing at the door with a slight smile on his face.

This smile frightened him.

"Is this why you didn't answer my call?" After standing for a while, Xia Xichen spoke first. He was surprisingly quiet, which made Ye Ying feel awkward.


I lost it when I drank too much. I threw it in the dark and couldn't find it.

"It seems I came at the wrong time, what about you? Aren't you going to continue? Don't keep the woman inside waiting." He smiled sarcastically and turned to leave. Ye Ying grabbed his arm and said calmly.

"This is a misunderstanding."


Xia Xichen smiled, raised the corners of his mouth, and withdrew his hand, as if being touched for a second longer was disgusting: "You don't need to explain to me, this kind of thing is not strange anyway, all the women you have slept with have Too many to count, none of my business, I don’t want to know at all——"

The tight string in his head seemed to have suddenly broken. In Xia Xichen's eyes, was he so unbearable?By accident, he clenched his fist and swung it towards Xia Xichen.

When Xia Xichen took a step back and stood still under the impact, he slowly raised his head. The corner of his mouth was scratched with blood, and the other side of his cheek quickly became red and swollen. He stretched out his finger to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up straight. , and then said coldly.

"I understand, I won't bother you anymore."

That kind of indifference, as if he didn't recognize him for a moment, no -

He has always been like this, what he thinks is right is right, and what he thinks is wrong is wrong. He is too proud, so proud that he never questions what he thinks, and never thinks how hurtful his words are.

"Why." Ye Ying looked at Xia Xichen and said blankly. Something in his heart seemed to be broken, broken, and scattered all over the floor. There was no way to sew it up. Although he couldn't accept it, Duanmu Sheng guessed it right. He followed The feelings between people have always been so fragile.

He lost this game, completely, but he was still very unwilling to do so.

Xia Xichen looked at Ye Ying and was suddenly stunned. Was he crying?

How could it be, hadn't he always lived a free and easy life? How could he cry? Xia Xichen reached out and touched his face with one hand to help him wipe away his tears. Ye Ying had already grabbed his collar unreasonably.

He shouted at Xia Xichen with almost all his strength: "Why do I have to humiliate myself in order to love you! Why can you be so superior! Why don't you believe me!"

He paused for a moment: "I have nothing left. Now you must be happy. Yes, I tell you, I am a bad person. I am close to you because of your money. Otherwise, why do you think I should be yours?" dog!"

After saying that, he pushed Xia Xichen away like a pile of garbage.

His face was expressionless, but his eyes were full of tears. He pulled out the gun he had just gotten from Xia Xichen, pressed the trigger several times, and pointed the black muzzle at Xia Xichen's head.

(End of this chapter)

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