The boss’s deskmate is super sweet

Chapter 287 Who knew, I would meet two rude people this time!

Chapter 287 Who knew that I would meet two troublemakers this time!

"Why do you have so many problems? Other customers are not like you, ordering noodles that cost a few dollars and changing them!"

Lu Chi's expression turned cold, and his dark eyes glanced straight at the irritated cashier aunt.

Qin Chuqing's little hand gently tugged on his sleeve, and her voice was very soft: "Don't talk yet."

Her words were gentle, as if she was trying to smooth Lu Chi's hair.

Let the cold and irritable young man completely extinguish the fire in his heart in just one second.

Qin Chuqing stared at his tight profile for a while, and the corners of her lips curled up unconsciously.

Her mood improved, and she was able to smile and talk as kindly as possible to the cashier aunt who was being mean to her.

"Auntie, first of all, I admit that it was my fault for temporarily changing the type of noodles. But - first, I asked you to change it when I saw you didn't print the receipt. Second, I used a polite questioning tone. , and you directly come to attack me?"

The little girl raised her lips, but her smile was thin.

She was brutally beaten for no reason, and she really didn't know who to go to if she had any grievances.

It's obviously the cashier's job to help customers order.

Just because the cashier aunt is considered a vulnerable group, we can't blindly condone her not working seriously and just come to earn a salary.

Hearing this, the cashier aunt glared at her again, and then tapped the machine a few times.

She impatiently threw a small ticket at Qin Chuqing's face.

"Okay, okay! Take the tickets yourself! If I have customers like you in the stall, I will be unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

The fluttering cashier receipt was like snowflakes flying in the air. It did not touch Qin Chuqing's face, but fell to the ground in a cheerful manner.

If you want to take the receipt to get noodles from the kitchen window, you have to squat down and pick up the receipt.

Lu Chi narrowed his eyes, his taut jaw line was a bit sharp, and his piercing eyes were filled with the chill of winter.Just thinking of what the girl just said, he took a deep breath and temporarily suppressed the fire in his heart.

The cashier lady happened to look at him, and was aroused by the coldness in his eyes. She muttered: "Look at a ghost, it scares people to death..."

Qin Chuqing smiled instead of being angry. Seeing the cashier's humiliating behavior, there was no trace of annoyance on her face.

She knocked on the cashier counter casually a few times and curled her fingers: "Auntie, can you come out for a moment?"

The cashier aunt frowned and was about to speak dissatisfiedly when a cleaning aunt with a rag in her hand rushed over.

"What's wrong, little girl? What happened?"

As soon as the cleaning lady saw the white cashier receipt on the ground, she immediately understood what was going on.

This isn't the first time this has happened.

The eldest lady in charge of the cashier would sneer and get angry at customers whenever she disagreed with her.

The cleaning lady sighed and smiled kindly: "Little girl, let me apologize to you on her behalf..."

While she was apologizing, she was about to squat down and pick up the receipt.

Qin Chuqing had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly supported her aunt. She bent her lips and shook her head and said, "It's okay, auntie, you shouldn't be the one to apologize for this..."

Taking advantage of the moment while she was holding her aunt, Lu Chi bent down and picked up the small ticket.

He glanced sideways at the cashier aunt who was still holding her neck. He held the thin receipt between his slender fingers and shook it a few times in the air.

"Auntie, would you like to apologize?"

The cashier lady stopped talking. She sat on a plastic stool with a livid face and began to look through the account books. She seemed to be ignoring them.

In the past, when she was dissatisfied with customers, she would always throw away the receipts. Who knew that she would encounter two troublemakers this time!
(End of this chapter)

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