Immortal Fu Yongxiang

Chapter 524 Insect-type Demon

Chapter 524 Insect-type Demon
Reiki and magic are two unrelated things.

The goddess of night's thinking is wild and unconstrained. She uses materials from the world of cultivation to depict the magic patterns of the world of magic. She uses materials from the world of magic, but uses the most orthodox talismans and seal scripts.

Her nine alchemical golems have magic patterns, talismans, and even fairy talismans on them.

The frame structure of the Alchemy Golem is the simplest. It only needs to ensure the continuous penetration of energy and power, the flexible operation of the joints, and the magic circle rings of each part to ensure that even if one part is damaged, the other parts can still function well. Work.

The central energy source depends on what kind of energy the alchemy golem is made of. The magic world usually uses magic crystals with various attributes or the magic core in the body of the monster, while the cultivation world only has various spiritual stones. The consumption of the alchemy golem is very high. Low-grade spiritual stones are almost unusable. The spiritual energy contained in medium-grade spiritual stones and high-grade spiritual stones is purer and denser. However, for powerful alchemy golems, the spiritual energy contained in middle-grade spiritual stones is only enough to move the hands and feet. Once encountered in combat, Even high-grade spiritual stones cannot satisfy the appetite of the alchemy devil.

The formations in the cultivation world make up for this very well. Through the formations, the spiritual energy contained in multiple spiritual stones is integrated into one, which can be used for a longer period of time than a single spiritual stone. Of course, in terms of cost, the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual stones can be used for a longer time. The stone is more expensive than the magic crystal and magic core.

For the same effort, cultivators are more willing to use spiritual stones to practice and improve themselves, or to purchase more powerful flying swords, or to purchase spiritual pets and ghost attendants.

That’s why the art of machine puppetry in the world of cultivation has gradually become a cold subject. The knowledge it contains is so extensive that it cannot be thoroughly studied in a lifetime. It costs a lot of money. Without strong assets, it is impossible to take the right path. Slowly , the mechanism and puppet technique was separated into two different skills, the mechanism technique and the puppet technique. The former is more combined with formations and has achieved good results.

Puppetry has not declined, it just lacks more complex and exquisite changes. It has changed from aloof to people-friendly, but correspondingly, its power has been weakened.

For example, the lowest straw puppet, the more advanced ones are just replacing materials to make the puppet stronger, but cannot change its essence.

The Mingpuppet Sect attaches great importance to the summons from the leader of the Hanyu Palace War Hall.

The Yin Puppet Sect was once famous for its puppet refining technique, especially the stand-in puppet that "occupied" the monk's body. It was equivalent to one person having multiple bodies, giving him a few extra lives for nothing, which was very practical.

It can be said that the Yin Puppet Sect has rich experience and skilled craftsmanship in the refining of puppets.

It was Mo Ranyi's helper.

"Sir, I think it is better to use a human prototype. Not only are we familiar with the distribution changes in the body, it is easy to arrange, but we are also better at binding and stripping souls." The Puppet Elder of the Ming Puppet Sect said cautiously.

The origin of this elder can be distinguished from his name. The Yin Puppet Sect is named after Puppet, and the Yin Ming Sect is named after Ming Qian. Those who receive this title are all powerful elders of the sect.

The reason why this puppet elder has survived safely in the Dark Puppet Sect and still holds important positions is because of his attainments in puppetry.

The substitute puppet requires the Five Elements Spiritual Roots to be mastered. Together with this puppet elder, there are only two people from the Dark Puppet Sect who meet the qualifications and conditions to study this method intensively.

Mo Ranyi put forward the idea and the general idea. Before starting to refine the alchemy golem, it was difficult to choose between the human and beast forms.

Elder Puppet Shen belongs to the purely academic sect and always stays away from the struggles within the sect. If these people are not true scholars who ignore foreign affairs and focus on their studies, they are models of people who believe in being wise and protecting themselves.

Obviously, Elder Puppet falls into the latter category.

As for why the Lord Commander suddenly wanted to start refining the alchemy devil in the world of cultivation, he didn't want to know the reason at all, and he didn't want to think about whether the Lord Commander could complete her work. All he had to do was to do his best to assist , if the refining of the golem can be completed, there is no doubt that it is the honor of the commander. If the refining fails, it is because he is not good at learning.

For the puppet body who only formed the golden elixir after stumbling and is about to expire, if he can spend the remaining time in peace, arrange his posthumous affairs, and seek more resources for future generations, he will have nothing more to ask for in this life.

His great-grandson has a fourth-line spiritual root. He spent a lot of materials and passed the test twice before he was able to build a foundation. His qualifications are really poor. He doesn't even think about the golden elixir. The puppet has already planned to take advantage of him while he is still there. You can help him find a good marriage, at least the qualifications of the other party should not be too different. If they can give birth to a child with spiritual roots while he is still alive, then he can really smile.

If this wish were in Cangqiong Continent, it would really be nothing. The Yin Puppet Sect was a powerful demon sect, and there weren’t many female cultivators who were willing to marry his great-grandson. But on Xiuyuan Star, even the Ming Puppet Sect was An ally of the Cold Jade Palace, he, the Grandfather of the Golden Pill, is about to meet his ancestors. His great-grandson is not a handsome man with no friends, a talented and beautiful man, so it is really difficult to find a suitable wife for his great-grandson!
At this moment, the Lord Commander’s call was undoubtedly the voice of the fairy world.

The puppet pretended to be a public servant and brought his great-grandson here as an apprentice. No matter whether the alchemy demon was successful or not, during the refining process, he could use the aura of Commander Mo Ranyi and Mo to find a new partner for his great-grandson. A wonderful companion for dual cultivation! "If it is a beast, it is not difficult to retain the fighting instinct of the spirit beast. The difficulty lies in the connection between the soul and the puppet itself. From the receipt of the order to the execution, it is easy to cause time errors and delay the fight." The puppet still has two sides. Those who use the brush have something to say and are well-founded. "The defense and strength of the body made of metal are guaranteed, but the flexibility is difficult to reach the level before death."

This is a problem encountered by all beast-shaped puppets. Spirit beasts have some natural fighting instincts, but they can be replaced with stronger bodies, but they cannot exert their original speed, and their overall strength is greatly reduced. But even so, beast-shaped puppets are still very powerful. The double guarantee of popularity, defense and strength is already a big help. The only regret is the cost. To cover the entire puppet with metal and engrave a magic circle inside it, the consumed materials are definitely not worth converting into spiritual stones. Most cultivators can afford it.

"Elder Puppet Body." Mo Ranyi was thinking about how to convince her puppet master. "I think you have misunderstood. I am not trying to refine a puppet."

In the world of cultivation, it is customary to extract the soul, erase the autonomous consciousness, and stuff it into a puppet, so that the puppet "begins to gain intelligence" and can recognize the master's commands.

Alchemists in the magical world mostly use the living thing itself as the prototype for refining, plus modifying and replacing parts. Because the autonomous consciousness in the soul is not completely erased, there is often a bad situation of attacking the owner.

What Mo Ranyi wants is a combination of the two, retaining the fighting consciousness in life and being able to use his new body to maximize it.

And if she wants to achieve this goal, the immortal talisman is the top priority and the capital she relies on.

Of course, she would not reveal this key core. Mo Ranyi's original intention was for the puppet body and his apprentices to complete the structural refining of the external form, while she concentrated on the layout of the inner formation and the final integration.

It was difficult for her to choose between the humanoid and beastly forms. Considering the user herself, both had obvious advantages, but the humanoid golem was more difficult to control. She wanted to popularize sharp weapons like the alchemy golem in the battle hall. We have to consider the level of the boys in the battle hall. Guys with a physical training background, can we expect them to memorize the complicated hand seals?
It would be too easy to betray a humanoid demon if the consciousness is not erased. If the consciousness is erased, all manual manipulations require very high IQ and hand speed of the owner. Beast-shaped demons are much simpler. Since monks can contract spiritual pets, Communication is all based on spiritual consciousness, and it is also feasible to apply it to beast-shaped golems. Of course, this presupposes that Mo Ranyi can master the immortal talismans and apply them.

The contract magic patterns of the Goddess of Night are very unique, with strong binding and suppressing power. A single thought can erase its existence. According to Mo Ranyi's calculation, before she can fully cast these magic symbols, that is to say, before she reaches the Before the Immortal Realm, she could only borrow and exert a small part of the power of these immortal talismans. She could not preserve all the conscious memories like the nine alchemy demons and remain obedient. There should be no suspense about the beast.

"Yes, sir, I want to recreate the power of the alchemy devil." The puppet behaved well and looked very humble.

"I want to start with the beast type first," Mo Ranyi thought over and over again, but decided to start with the simple one. Although the humanoid devil should be more powerful if equipped with suitable weapons, "What do the elders think?"

"Why not try using the insect form?" A monk standing behind the puppet suggested in a low voice.

The puppet turned his head quickly and glared at him fiercely, his eyes were so fierce that they almost wanted to eat someone.

Doesn’t he, the master of puppetry, know this?And use your kid as a reminder!
The commander-in-chief only gave you multiple-choice questions to choose from, and the scope of the discussion was circled. You are so full that you have crossed the line!

Mo Ranyi ignored the little movements of the puppet for a moment, his eyes lit up and his voice jumped, "Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"

She had indeed fallen into a misunderstanding, forgetting that spirit insects could also be used as the prototype of the golem.

He quickly walked to the workbench, found a blank piece of white paper, and quickly sketched out the images of several spiritual insects.

Qianya Mountain is rich in spiritual insects, and they deal with these spiritual insects all day long. Especially recently, two insect tribes, the Demonic Insect and the Jian Zhe, hunted aggressively at the request of the War Hall and almost wiped out all the spiritual insects in Qianya Mountain.

After this hunting, the Zhantang has more complete information on various spiritual insects. In addition to recording these information in books and collecting them in the sect, every disciple of the Zhantang has a copy, and of course she is no exception.

Because of his deeper understanding, Mo Ranyi quickly locked onto several types of spiritual insects, drew them one by one, and then made detailed comparisons.

Putting down his pen with satisfaction, Mo Ranyi glanced at Puppet Body and the person behind him who had just spoken. His eyes flickered slightly, and then he said warmly: "What Elder Puppet Body said is true. The insect shape has more obvious advantages than the animal shape."

 I saw a child going to military training. This is the rhythm of a new school. Congratulations~
  Hope to have a new and wonderful beginning~!

(End of this chapter)

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