Gods, Demons and Doctors

Chapter 485 Differential Treatment

Chapter 485 Differential Treatment
Passers-by noticed that a new store suddenly opened and immediately watched with interest.

As a result, when I walked in, I found that there was nothing inside, and countless question marks popped up all over the place.

"What does this store sell?"

After a round of careful questioning, the passers-by who happened to be watching were so shocked that their jaws dropped to the top of their feet.

The news was posted on the forum immediately, and the whole world was shocked.

A teleportation shop suddenly opened in the main city of Phoenix?
One person only needs one low-grade spiritual stone at a time?
Although it can only be teleported to the main city of Qilin, isn't it just right now?
I just happened to go over to accept a mission with a good reward, and I was filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred!
After discovering this incident, people from other main cities also ran out to check the situation, thinking that this was something that Qilin Main City encountered in special circumstances.

Since the main city of Phoenix has it, it should be good for other main cities as well.

As a result, after searching for a while or two, there was nothing, and the forum suddenly exploded.

Who wouldn’t want a job with good rewards?That represents cultivation resources and the future.

"Ah ah ah, why does the main city of Phoenix have such benefits but we don't?"

"Yes, did you do some mission to activate it or something? Brothers and sisters in the main city of Phoenix, you can't live alone!"

"Yes, yes, there are so many tasks in the main city of Qilin, and we need help from people. We only have one month. At least we can tell you how to open the teleportation array, and everyone will have something to drink..."

"I can see it, but I can't touch it, and it hurts."

The survivors in the main city of Phoenix were collectively confused. Where did this teleportation array come from? How did they know?

Who eats alone?They don't, they don't recognize it.

"To be honest, I really don't know. This teleportation array suddenly appeared."

"I'm really confused. If the news hadn't been revealed on the forum, we wouldn't have known it at all, okay?"

"There must be some great god who is an angel and knows that we all lack cultivation resources!"

"It's so touching that a great god hides his merits and fame."

"Oh, I'm not showing off. No one really knows. The store NPC only collects spiritual stones and doesn't say anything, let alone reveal the store owner's information."

No matter what, the survivors in the main city of Phoenix felt a vague sense of superiority when they discovered that this was the only thing they had.

Of course, most people don't have time to pay attention to what's happening on the Internet. They can't wait to rush to the teleportation array and go to the main city of Qilin to complete tasks.

I'm afraid that if I go slower, too many people will come, resulting in too many monks and too little rice.

Therefore, there are more and more people in Qilin's main city, and the progress of the task of brushing data is very gratifying.

After realizing that everything was on track, Yun Jinyao stopped paying too much attention.

Because the tasks were divided, everyone in Nangongmen was very busy.

Especially for tasks like spiritual pulse, although you have signed up, there are more people doing this task. If you arrive late, you will definitely not even be able to drink the soup.

No matter how many years it will be sealed in the future, this is a real benefit. If you fall behind one step, you will fall behind everywhere.

Yun Jinyao didn't plan to do the task. She used to complete the task until she vomited, and she wanted to be quiet.

At this time, Xia Hongxing, the leader of the Tianxing Sect, restrained the members of his sect and prevented them from doing tasks, and immediately applied to establish a garrison.

"Regional announcement: The Tianxing Sect has successfully established its base. The monster siege will begin in twelve hours. Please prepare." Just as everyone was completing tasks with great enthusiasm, an announcement about the Tianxing Sect came out.

Although it was not an announcement for the entire Huaxia District, the jurisdiction of the main city of Qilin would not be missed. Almost instantly, the entire Huaxia knew about it.

All those who completed the tasks took action.

"What the hell, the Tianxing Sect didn't complete the missions properly, and they actually welcomed monsters to attack the city?"

"He doesn't care at all what will happen to Qilin's main city, does he?"

"Why should people care? I heard that they already have a complete city and will build it soon. The upgrade or downgrade of Qilin's main city has nothing to do with him."

"Xia Hongxing is really good at choosing his time. When everyone is too busy, do you think no one will cause trouble for them?"

After all, many passers-by came to see the excitement, and the mission of Qilin's main city still had one month left.

The Tianxing Sect's monster siege will begin in 24 hours, so it doesn't matter if you go and watch the fun while you're doing tasks!
Moreover, there are people who come here specifically for the Tianxing Sect and do the tasks on the way, so they will not miss this good show at all.

Xia Hongxing knew something was wrong when he found out that his application actually had a regional announcement, and his face suddenly turned ugly.

System announcements are very rare for individuals. They only appear in a few special circumstances, so they subconsciously forget that there are announcements.

The most important thing is that they were given time to prepare when monsters attacked the city?Twelve hours, 24 hours a day?

This is an outright blow to the morale of the Tianxing Sect members who are just about to roll up their sleeves.

Xia Hongxing was so angry that he almost flipped the table: "Why is there still one day of preparation time? Why didn't you make it clear beforehand? I have already prepared any preparation time, and I don't need it at all."

Isn't this day's preparation time just for those who are watching the excitement to come over?
The plan to quickly attack the city through monsters while everyone is unprepared is completely unworkable.

When they discovered that Tianxing Sect had chosen to set up a base at this time, a group of people on the forum who were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously fell silent for a few seconds before dying of laughter.

All precautions are taken, but there is no way to prevent the sinkhole of the system master!
"Hahaha, I laughed so hard. I wanted to get an advantage, but I fell into a trap."

"I'm just trying my best to do the tasks instead of completing them. Let's watch the excitement first. Anyway, there are more and more people doing tasks in the main city of Qilin. It won't be long before this happens."

"Yes, yes, with the support of friendly forces from Phoenix Main City, the dawn is just ahead."

"Which great god opened the teleportation array? I want to thank you three times and nine times. My missing relatives and friends have actually met each other. I am so moved that I cry..."

"Oh, this reminds me that even if I don't want to do those tasks, I can still watch the fun!"

"Yes, yes, I originally thought I could only wait for the live broadcast of the brothers in front of me, but I didn't expect that I can go there. A low-grade spiritual stone can be directly used as the ticket price!"

"You're right, I'll go over right away. Where is the Tianxing Sect's headquarters located?"

Xia Hongxing would definitely cry if he knew this joke. Who gave him the ticket money? After seeing his excitement, who gave him the ticket money?
However, he also knew that he couldn't hide it anymore. No matter how big the territory was, it would only be so big. There was no reason why he couldn't find an extra city somewhere.

What's more, he chose the leveling place based on his game experience and took into account the flow of people. The place was not remote at all and there was no way to avoid the crowds.

Others don't know how Xia Hongxing jumps around.

As soon as his application was submitted, Xiyao's news channel confirmed the location.

(End of this chapter)

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