Chapter 443

In the North District of Xuantian Zongfang City, a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old turned into an alley and passed by another woman with an unknown appearance. It was a passerby’s face that was hard to remember. The girl did not let go. In her mind, she came to a small courtyard, took out a jade plaque and opened the door. She walked into the small courtyard, turned around and was about to close the door. Suddenly, a green jade hand stretched out and pressed between the cracks of the door, making the courtyard The door cannot be closed.

The girl frowned slightly and asked, "What's going on with this fellow Taoist?"

The jade hand between the cracks in the door pushed hard, followed by the pressure of the foundation-building monks, forcing the girl in the courtyard to take a few steps back. She was shocked and angry, and said bluffingly: "My father is still in the courtyard. If you dare to act recklessly, my father will not let you go!"

The female cultivator who had passed by the girl before squeezed into the small courtyard and closed the courtyard door heavily.

When she raised her head, the girl saw clearly what kind of eyes they were. In addition to being lifeless, there was also extreme fear and uneasiness.

Yes, this female revisionist is Han Tingxue after her disguise.

Until the girl died, she still didn't know why she died.

Han Tingxue disguised herself as this girl and put the body into a storage bag, but her fingertips still couldn't stop trembling.

On the way here, Han Tingxue met several waves of Xuantian Sect disciples. She knew that they were trying to capture her. Xiao Chengzi was really a big deal. He would do nothing if he didn't take action. Once he did, he would force her into a desperate situation, just like... A trapped beast.

At this moment, in addition to hating Xiao Chengzi, Han Tingxue hated the old man who deceived her even more.

He gained her trust from the beginning, then lied to her for ten years, and only today did he reveal his true colors. He was really calm.

But she has no choice but to kill people and pretend to be someone else to try to escape the disaster.

People come and go in Xuantian Zongfang City, and there are even many monks who travel between Dongtong Territory and Nanzhou Territory who temporarily stay in the city. Even if the city is closed, it cannot be closed for too long. As long as she survives these few days of closing the city , you can escape!

The jade slip in the storage bag flashed, and Han Tingxue took out the jade slip.

After placing the jade slip of message in front of his forehead and reading it, he heard the furious voice of Taoist Xiuyuan.

"You bastard, what did I warn you in the past few years? I asked you not to provoke Xuantian Sect, but you stubbornly refused to listen. I ignored you and asked you to think clearly, but you fell deeper and deeper into Wuji. The sect caused such trouble! Are you worthy of the training of the Wuji Sect and the careful teachings of this deity for many years? Compared with your short-lived sister, you caused the Wuji Sect worse! If I had known that I would give birth to you two evildoers, I would have given birth to you two. When your father was born, I should have strangled him to prevent giving birth to you two and causing trouble to the Wuji Sect!"

After receiving this message, Han Tingxue's hands trembled even more.

When she was a child, Xiu Yuandao respected her as the most outstanding descendant, took her with him and taught her carefully, and put a lot of effort into cultivating her. She was also very grateful to her ancestor for his teachings and worked hard to do her best. Good, worthy of the ancestor’s training.

But since my sister Han Xiangxue died in the hands of Xiao Chengzi, and my ancestor was unwilling to stand up for her sister, and even prevented her from avenging her sister, everything has changed. He is no longer the ancestor who only cares about her, and she is no longer the one who cares about her. The younger generation who trusted his ancestor wholeheartedly, so the two of them went against each other.

Now that Han Tingxue heard that Tao Zun Xiu Yuan hated her for not being born, Han Tingxue felt extremely uncomfortable.

She has been with Taoist Xiuyuan since she was a child. He valued her, so everyone around her doted on her. She had a smooth journey and never suffered any setbacks. All of this was brought about by Taoist Xiuyuan. Once he gave up, She had nothing again.

Han Tingxue could trust the old man easily. In addition to wanting to avenge her sister, she also wanted to prove herself.She also wanted Taoist Xiuyuan to regret that she had given up on her. The idea was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. She had done nothing and was left with nowhere to go. Even the ancestor who really loved her in the past felt sorry for her. She was extremely disappointed.

Just as Han Tingxue was about to transmit a message to Taoist Xiuyuan, her message slip flickered.

Han Tingxue suddenly didn't dare to look up the message. She was afraid of hearing words that would make her even more uncomfortable.

While he was afraid, there was also a paradoxical expectation in his heart, hoping that Taoist Xiuyuan would change his mind.

Carefully placing the message jade slip on her forehead, Taoist Xiuyuan once again disappointed her.

"The biggest mistake I have ever made in my life is to bring you to my side, let everyone hold you up, raise your heart, captivate your eyes, and make you unable to see clearly the situation and its importance. ! From today on, you no longer deserve to be named Han. Your father gave birth to you two evildoers. You no longer deserve to be a descendant of the Han clan. There is no place for your family in the Wuji Sect! Go to Xuantian Sect to confess your sins yourself, don’t wait for me to confess in person. Catch you!"

Han Tingxue was stunned. She was expelled from the family and from the Wuji Sect.

She also implicated her parents. There was no longer a place for them in Wuji Sect, and they could only become casual cultivators.

Han Tingxue came to her senses, covered her face and cried suppressedly.

Why is this happening?She just wanted to avenge her sister, was she wrong?

It was Xiao Chengzi who killed Han Xiangxue. She wanted revenge. What was wrong with her?
Xiao Chengzi is safe and sound, why did she fall into this situation?
Does the ancestor want her to go to Xuantian Sect to confess her crime, even without caring about her life or death?
Han Tingxue fell into self-doubt, and her messenger slip appeared again.

This time it was her parents, who were deprived of their surname and expelled from the Wuji Sect without even knowing the reason.

The father's anxious voice came from the jade slip: "Xue'er, our family has been expelled from the sect. From now on, without the support of the Wuji Sect, we may be unable to move forward. No sect in the Zhongning Region dares to take us in. You are here now where?"

Just like when the Pei clan was expelled from the Wuji Sect, other sects were afraid of offending the Wuji Sect and did not dare to take them in.

Han Tingxue's parents knew what they would face, either becoming a helpless wandering cultivator, or imitating the Pei family and moving overseas.

Until now, they still don't know that their expulsion from the sect was caused by their precious daughter.

Xiao Jiuye's situation was unknown, his father was already on the way, and his anger could not be tolerated by the Wuji Sect.

What's more, there is also the female killer Ruowei Xianzi. What happened today is beyond good.

Han Tingxue sent a message back to her father: "Dad, you and your mother should go overseas first. I will be there soon!"

After transmitting the message, Han Tingxue remembered her companions. She picked up the message slip and wanted to send them a message. Suddenly she hesitated. Xiao Chengzi sealed the city to capture her for a maximum of five days. During these five days, if If there is no gain, Xiao Chengzi will lose face and will definitely hold on to her.

Let those companions serve as scapegoats for Xiao Chengzi to vent her anger!
 o(*≧▽≦)ツThank you for the reward from Suijinghao Baby~touch it~
(End of this chapter)

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