50 Lucky Wife Has Space

Chapter 324 Seriously injured, come quickly (2)

Chapter 324 Seriously injured, come quickly (2)

He was holding the backpack in one hand and holding her shoulder with his free hand.

Lingxi nodded.

"Okay! You can go and look around, I haven't been out that far yet!"

Gu Si felt relieved when he saw Lingxi didn't think much about it.

What Lingxi can calmly prove can be seen from the fact that the old lady almost died after taking medicine before. At that time, Lingxi was panicked and restless.

And now she can still smile and talk to you about whether the foie gras is spicy, braised, or fried. After that, she can tell him eagerly that she wants to eat it.

Gu Si laughed.

"The train doesn't leave today, and the next one won't be until a few days later. Let's take the train at two o'clock tonight. What do you want to eat? It's only... three o'clock in the afternoon.

We still have a few hours, so we can cook whatever you want to eat. "

After a pause, he said, "Make more. Dad said that you have to pay for everything there. Let's bring him some braised pork and so on. If there are still some pig's trotters, ribs and other pork head meat left in the ice cellar... "

Lingxi listened to him talking and really didn't think there was anything wrong.

The main reason was that Gu Ange was so annoying when he was making noise in the village. Suddenly, to God, she really thought he was going to hide in peace.

The two simply packed up some things and returned to Hongfeng Village. If they wanted to braised pork, it would definitely not be possible here in Dahuaishu Village.

With Gu Ange watching over him, if there is smoke in his place, he might be investigated and held accountable, which is not troublesome enough.

This afternoon, the aroma of braised pork wafted over Hongfeng Village.

Hearing that Lingxi and the others were going to the imperial capital and wanted to bring some venison, the old lady smiled and helped, and she and Aunt Pei burned the earthen stove in the yard.

Stewed chicken, duck, chicken, duck and other miscellaneous things.When Pei Xuan came back from work, he smelled the aroma that filled the yard as soon as he entered the village entrance. He wiped his face and the anxious look in his eyes disappeared before entering.

He said hello, walked over with a smile, pinched a chicken heart and threw it into his mouth. Second Aunt Pei slapped it away: "Eat, eat, eat, this is for your uncle, am I starving you? You can eat everything." .”

Pei Xuan giggled, glanced at Minghui, who was munching on chicken legs and his face was oily, yelled about being partial, and turned to Lingxi's side.

Gu Si had a lot of things packed up. When Pei Xuan arrived, he was already cutting braised pork and neatly stacking it in an aluminum lunch box. There were three already covered aluminum lunch boxes stacked next to him.

Gu Si saw him coming and pointed at the stove.

"It's all cut. Let's fry the steamed buns for us to eat on the train."

Pei Xuan was stunned...

"No, you know I'm going to follow you!" He heated the pot and poured oil into it. He saw that Gu Si had already washed his hands and started to fish out the braised eggs. He peeled them off and threw them into a can. Eat on the way.

Gu Si hummed.

"I have a lot of things to bring. You have to help me sort out my luggage. The eldest brother has Minghui and he can't leave. The second brother only has these two days off, but it takes two days to get to the imperial capital, so he will definitely not be able to make it in time.

That's the second uncle. Now that Secretary Gu has just arrived, he still has to take care of the village and can't spare any time. "

Pei Xuan: "..."

"It's true...my dad and eldest brother went to the brigade captain to get a letter of introduction and will be back soon. The second brother went to find a car and will take us directly to the county seat.

We discussed whether it would be inconvenient for you to carry things while you are protecting Ling Xi'er. If we go together, we will have one more person to keep watch even when we sleep at night.

In fact, my dad really wants to go..."

(End of this chapter)

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