Chapter 508

It was a well-dressed woman carrying a limited edition small leather bag. Her well-maintained face was full of arrogance and disdain.

Especially when she saw Song Wanqiu, she sneered.

It's Qiao Man again.

Song Wanqiu's eyes darkened.

She was pale now, with redness and swelling still remaining on her face, and she was still a little embarrassed.However, when he looked at Qiao Man, he was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Song Wanqiu, you have today, I'm really happy to see you." Qiao Man played with her carefully made manicure, "Do you know why I hate you so much and insist on making it difficult for you?"

Song Wanqiu pursed her lips and said nothing.

Qiao Man leaned against the wall behind her, her posture a little lazy, "Let me tell you, Rong Cheng and I have known each other since childhood. It can be said that we are childhood sweethearts. Both our families said that he and I will get married in the future, and I did. I like him. I thought the person he liked was me, but I didn’t expect you to show up."

"After you appeared, his soul was taken away by you, and he married you back home despite the opposition of his family. I was really angry and felt that you had robbed me of my man. After that, even if you have children, But I didn’t give up either. After my hard work, I became his lover, and he was still obsessed with me.”

"But!" Qiao Man gritted her teeth and continued, "That's not what I want. What I want is the position of the young lady of the Rong family! So I asked the two families to put pressure on him, and he finally lost you."

Qiao Man looked at her sideways, looking at her as if she were looking at rubbish, "Song Wanqiu, with your background, are you worthy of joining the Rong family? And the son you gave birth to, is he worthy of being the heir of the Rong family? "

Ever since she left the Rong family and moved to that dilapidated community, Song Wanqiu had been subjected to all kinds of rumors. She had heard even worse rumors many times.

So when she heard Qiao Man say such words, she didn't feel much ups and downs in her heart. She just thought that Qiao Man was talking about other people's affairs.

Song Wanqiu said calmly, "Whatever you think. In my heart, Ah Si is the best child. I don't care who is the heir of the Rong family. I just want the child to grow up safely and healthily."

"Really? It's a pity that you are going to jail now, how can you take care of him when he grows up?" Qiao Man sarcastically said, "I told you yesterday, how do you think about it? Although Rong Cheng can't be discharged from the hospital yet, he has woken up. I don’t want you to have any more entanglements. If you don’t want me to deal with you, you’d better be sensible and take your son out of the capital, as far away as possible. It’s best to go abroad!”

"If you agree, I will no longer pursue this matter. If you don't agree, you will be responsible for the consequences! You know, even if Rong Cheng is at fault, I still have plenty of ways to get the judge to convict you."

Qiao Man walked a few steps towards her, leaned down and looked directly into her eyes and said, "You don't want to leave a criminal record, do you? You know, this is not good for your son, and you don't want him to have a mother who has been in prison, right? ? If you need to check the file when looking for a job in the future, your son will definitely be swiped."

Song Wanqiu remained silent, she lowered her eyes and fell into thought.

In fact, to be honest, leaving the capital may not be a bad thing. She took her children to other cities, to a place where Rong Cheng could not find them, and to live a good life with her children.

"How are you, have you made up your mind?"

Qiao Man looked at her coldly, "I don't have that much time and patience to wait for your reply, so you have to hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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