After the sick and delicate shadow, cute!

Chapter 728 Isn’t she the mother?

Chapter 728 Isn’t she the mother?

He is still busy trying to appease the teachers and other leaders of the school, and he really can't pay much attention to such trivial matters like student fights.

So he could only press his eyebrows, and then said to Su Bao, "This student Su Bao, what do you have to say?"

He has also seen the video evidence taken by other students.

The principal himself was a practicing master, and he was secretly frightened by Su Bao's expression at that time!
At least in the five or sixty years he has lived, there has never been a girl of sixteen or seventeen with such a ruthless expression!
Although being fired for fighting was indeed a bit serious.

But this female classmate named Su Bao...

In fact, he doesn't look like a good person.

With such a temperament that can easily kill people, staying in school will only be a disaster.

There doesn't seem to be much regret in being fired.

"Why do you only say that I made a mistake and not your own daughter?"

Su Bao just asked in an extremely calm manner.

"They bullied people first and refused to apologize, so I took action. And I only took action to get them to apologize. After they apologized, I stopped taking action."

Su Bao couldn't understand why she had no regrets after doing something wrong, and even God wanted to strike her with thunder.

And after others do something wrong and refuse to apologize, they can get away with it without any punishment?

You know, if she hadn't sought justice for Qiao Qiao, no one would have sought justice for her!
"If you make a mistake, correct it. This should be something everyone knows. But Shen Tingting and Gu Yuan don't know how to do it. Don't you think this is your dereliction of duty as parents?"

Dahei often felt very guilty and said to Su Bao that if she had parents to teach her, Su Bao would definitely know more truths.

But Su Bao didn't understand why so many people who were taught by their parents didn't seem to know more than her.
The parents of Shen Tingting and Gu Yuan heard this. Is this okay? !
You little bunny!

You are just beating around the bush and scolding people for not having a tutor!

fire!Must be fired!
Not only must she be expelled, but this Su Bao and her family must not be able to survive in Hancheng!
They had already found out clearly from their daughter...

This one's name is Su Bao, and her mother's occupation would make people laugh out loud!
A woman who makes a living by standing on the street, and a girl who has been expelled from school, it is not up to them to decide what to do with her!
These adults, who pride themselves on being of noble birth and elegant taste, just barely pointed at Su Bao's nose and scolded him.

After scolding him, he discussed with the principal about expelling Su Bao.

In the end, they got the result they wanted. The principal asked Su Baodao, "You had a serious impact on the fight at school. Now you are going to be expelled. Do you have any objections?"

Su Bao just raised his head sharply: "Although I made a mistake, they were the first ones to make the mistake. Why should I be the only one punished?"

Su Bao is not a person who refuses to admit her mistakes. She admitted that it was indeed her fault to hit someone first.

But someone else made the mistake first!
If you want to punish her, you must punish the person who made the mistake first!

I'm asking you what your opinion is. It's just a humanitarian statement. Do you really have any objection?
The principal didn't react for a moment.

Su Bao said directly: "Principal, I don't think it's because of the serious impact of my fighting that you want to expel me. It's obviously because you think I'm easy to bully, so you decided to put all the responsibility on me!"

Principal: "I..."

You're so sharp-tongued and so annoying, I really want to fire you!
"Principal, I think you are going to get angry and say you will fire me next?" Principal: "..." What the hell...

He is really the most fearless junior I have seen in all these years!
This sentence after sentence left him speechless!
There was a knock on the door of the principal's office.

The principal roared angrily: "Come in."

The teacher from the Academic Affairs Office cautiously opened the door and came in, followed by someone who was beyond Su Bao's expectation...

Su Yuzi.

Su Yuzi came in anxiously, with a state of panic all over her body.

The principal may not know, but the teachers in the Academic Affairs Office know very well...

This classmate Su Bao has repeatedly caused a lot of trouble since the beginning of school.

First, when the girl in the same dormitory with her was taking a shower, the glass door of the bathroom suddenly broke, causing her death.

Then there was a conflict between her and some boys at the lotus pond. This incident got into trouble at the time, and eventually all those boys died!
Then she was involved in a case related to human traffickers...

He just came back from Kyoto not long ago. It is said that in Kyoto, he was also assisting in the investigation in the bureau.

Each of these things proves that this student named Su Bao is really not a good person.

This time she got into a fight with someone in school again, so she simply notified her parents directly.

Su Yuzi was trembling after coming in. She was a woman who usually had such a fierce temper, but now she was extremely reserved.

After entering, he immediately bowed deeply to Shen Tingting and Gu Yuan's parents.

"I'm really sorry, our child is ignorant and has caused trouble for you!"

Su Bao did not expect that Su Yuzi's first words after coming in were to apologize to others on her behalf.

Su Bao grabbed Su Yuzi and said, "Mom..."

She is not the only one who made a mistake, so there is no need to apologize in such a hurry!
Su Yuzi just couldn't help but pat Su Bao on the back several times.

While shooting back, he cursed with hatred: "I sent you to school to study, not to cause trouble!"

"Why are you so dissatisfied? You said you are a good girl, why do you imitate others in fighting?"

"I usually spoil you too much, that's why you are so reckless! I don't know what to do! What not to do!"

Su Yuzi had always had a fierce temper, so it was not a big deal when she moved her hands. When she slapped Su Bao on the back several times, Su Bao felt as if his back was numb.

Su Bao couldn't understand. It seemed that she was not the only one who made the mistake. Why did Su Yuzi just beat her without asking anything clearly?
It seemed like she had decided that she was the one who had done something wrong!
She didn't give her a chance to defend herself, nor did she stand on her side...

But isn’t she a mother?
Su Yuzi urged Su Bao to apologize, but Su Bao just looked at her stubbornly and unblinkingly.

Round almond eyes with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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