He is like a delusional person

Chapter 326 Just good?

After Fu Yanlin finished washing the dishes and walked out of the living room, he saw Wen Sheng sitting on the sofa, staring at the phone screen and smiling.

She held a cute cartoon pillow in her arms, and had just taken a shower with her long hair hanging loosely. When she smiles, her eyebrows are curved and very cute.

He turned around and went to the bathroom, and when he came back there was a hair dryer in his hand.

"You must blow dry your hair immediately after washing, otherwise you will have a headache when you get up tomorrow." Fu Yanlin sat next to Wen Sheng and took the initiative to help dry her hair.

He became more and more proficient in his techniques, holding a bunch of long hair in his palm and blow-drying it carefully, patiently and carefully.

"Jo just sent me a message, saying that the company's troubles have been resolved, and you can go to work as usual tomorrow." Wen Sheng turned her head to the side, with a smile on her brows and eyes. It was obvious that she was in a good mood.

Fu Yanlin said "Yeah", "I said, the problem will be solved."

"I have several new projects on hand to start next. I will be busy before the Spring Festival and may not have time to accompany you." Wen Sheng raised his head and looked at the man behind him, his pair of deer eyes shining like stars, "You must Don't think so wildly that I don't care about you."

This clingy guy gets jealous easily, so she needs to vaccinate him in advance.

Fu Yanlin put down the hair dryer and took the opportunity to kiss Wen Sheng on the cheek, "No matter how busy you are, you can't forget to eat. I ordered a meal for you at Guangde Building, and someone will deliver it to you on time every day."

"I got it, Mama Fu." Wen Sheng hugged Fu Yanlin sideways, leaning her palm-sized face against his tight chest.

The two of them had not been married for long, and she already had the feeling of an old married couple. Fu Yanlin became more and more like an old woman. He kept talking in her ears all day long about eating well, not staying up late, and putting on more clothes when it was cold.

Not only did he tell her in person, but he also took time out of his busy schedule to send her WeChat messages to remind her repeatedly.

It was obviously just ordinary words, but it made Wen Sheng feel warm.

Fu Yanlin's eyes were full of adoration, he rubbed Wen Sheng's hair and said, "You didn't know how to take care of yourself before, but now you marry me, everything has been arranged for you."

"It feels like my husband is in pain - it's really good." Wen Sheng raised his eyebrows and smiled, his eyes shining.

She used to think it was fine to be alone, but now she is used to two people.

Two people in one house, three meals a day, three meals a day, four seasons.

It's good to keep it simple.

"Mrs. Fu, it's just good, huh?" Fu Yanlin didn't seem satisfied with this statement.

Wen Sheng reached out and drew a circle on the man's chest, "Teacher Zhu said, if I don't give you 100 points, I won't make you proud."

Fu Yanlin chuckled, "What else did your teacher Zhu say?"

"Teacher Zhu also said that Mr. Fu finally did a good thing today and arranged a blind date for Brother Shifang." Wen Sheng couldn't help but laugh first, "Teacher Zhu also asked me, when will you change your career to become a matchmaker?" ? If it works, will the fee be high? I’m worried that Brother Shifang is stingy and won’t give up money, so she, as a younger sister, has to prepare big red envelopes.”

Fu Yanlin raised his hand and pinched Wen Sheng's chin, looking at her carefully. No matter how much he looked at her, he never got tired of it. "I wish I would always be your best friend. I'll give you a break."

"I want to thank you on behalf of Jiajia and Brother Shifang." Wen Sheng said.

The warm light from above his head poured down, making the outline of Fu Yanlin's face soften a lot.

Their eyes met, she had him in her eyes, and he only had her in his eyes.

Probably, this is what love looks like at the beginning.

"Wife——" Fu Yanlin softly called Wen Sheng's name, his eyes so affectionate and gentle that they melted her.

Wen Sheng slowly came forward, kissed him on the lips and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fu Yanlin's eyes were blazing, as if he were the most devout believer, and he asked cautiously, "Honey, can we have a baby?"

The two of them had discussed the topic of children.

Wen Sheng's plan is to consider it at least two years later, when her career has stabilized. But Fu Yanlin didn't think so, and felt that since the two of them had plans to have a baby, they should do it as soon as possible.

He did not want Wen Sheng to be an advanced maternal age, and cited many examples of working women getting married first and then starting a career.

"Didn't we reach a consensus on this topic last time?" Wen Sheng let go of his hand and pretended to be angry.

Fu Yanlin turned into a clingy spirit in a second, grabbed Wen Sheng's waist and moved towards him shamelessly, "Don't you like children? It will be a lot more lively when you have children at home, and you don't have to worry about delaying your career because of raising children. I will pick up grandma then. Come to Jiangzhou to take care of the children for us and hire some nannies." "Have you considered this far-term?" Wen Sheng couldn't laugh or cry.

The child has not been revealed yet, and she has no plans to have a child in the next two years.

Fu Yanlin said with a serious face, "You see, I am not too young. If you become a father when you are older, then you will be misunderstood as a grandfather if you send the child to school. Moreover, the younger the child is, the smarter he will be, and you will suffer less."

Jiang Shifang's incident gave him great inspiration.

Before getting married, Fu Yanlin thought that a marriage certificate would tie his wife tightly to him. After getting married, he discovered that there were many men who missed their wives, so it was safer to have a baby first.

Just imagine, when Wen Sheng goes out in the future, there will be a little kid behind him. Which man would dare to have any unreasonable thoughts?

"Grandpa? Classmate Fu, are you here to make a joke? I didn't think you were that old." Wen Sheng held Fu Yanlin's cheek and looked at it carefully. No matter which angle you look at, he is still a handsome guy who is eye-catching.

Fu Yanlin pursed his lips, showing a look of helplessness, "Honey, just take pity on me!"

"No, I agreed to consider it after two years."

If you are too soft, then be more cheeky.

Fu Yanlin picked up Wen Sheng without saying a word, turned around and was about to enter the bedroom. At exactly this time, the cell phone on the sofa rang.

"Fu Yanlin, someone is looking for me——"

"Do not listen!"

Wen Sheng punched Fu Yanlin's chest, frowned and said, "It's a work call. Give me ten minutes to deal with it first, or I'll get really angry!"

This was so helpful that Fu Yanlin immediately put him back on the sofa.

Wen Sheng looked at her phone and found that it was Song Yuen, "Hey, Mr. Song."

"Sister-in-law—there seems to be something wrong with that girl. Can you come over and take a look now?" Song Yuen's voice was slightly worried.

Wen Sheng was shocked, "What's wrong with Xiao An?"

"After the dermatologist left this morning, she locked herself in the room and didn't come out to eat dinner. Auntie went to knock on the door, but she didn't open it either!"

"I am coming over now!"

Wen Sheng hung up the line, turned around and said to Fu Yanlin, "I have to go to Lantai now."

Half an hour later, Lantai.

Song Yuen saw the dissatisfied look on Fu Yanlin's face and guessed that the phone call just now ruined the two of them.

As expected, only my sister-in-law can cure this arrogant bitch!

"Where's Xiao An?" Wen Sheng asked.

After finishing speaking, Song Yuen pointed to the room behind him, "Auntie didn't even knock on the door. I'm worried that something might happen and I'll call you right away."

"I'll give it a try." Wen Sheng strode forward after saying that.

"Xiao An?"

"Xiao An, open the door quickly, it's me!"

Even after shouting until his voice became hoarse, there was still no response from the people in the room.

Wen Sheng was so anxious that she turned around and shouted to Fu Yanlin, "Bash the door!"

Fu Yanlin stepped forward without saying a word and kicked the door open. Wen Sheng was the first to rush in and found that Gu Xiaoan had his head covered. He quickly stepped forward and lifted the sheets.

"Xiao An, are you okay?"

After a long while, Gu Xiaoan's angry voice came from the bed, "Sister A Sheng?"

"Yes, it's me - Mr. Song said you locked yourself in the room, are you okay?" Wen Sheng noticed that Gu Xiaoan's face looked wrong, and reached out to touch her forehead. It was frighteningly hot.

"Xiao An, you have a fever!"

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