He is like a delusional person

Chapter 165 Ex-girlfriends spread all over the world

Chapter 165 Ex-girlfriends spread all over the world

Wen Sheng was like a little kitten, nestled in Fu Yanlin's arms, looking up at his chin, especially anxious to know the follow-up story.

Fu Yanlin gently stroked her hair, opening the curtain of memory again.

After graduating from Harvard, Fu Yanlin interned at a top technology company in Silicon Valley and successfully stayed, becoming a member of a dating software project that was popular internationally at the time.

It was during the docking process of that project that Fu Yanlin met his later like-minded partner in AI, Liang Yundu.

"At that time, Steven was already a well-known AI architect in Silicon Valley, a big-shot figure. At that time, I was writing a program and got stuck in one place. I used a lot of formulas but couldn't achieve perfection. After get off work, I went to the bar. , ordered a glass of dark beer, and listened to the black man’s talk show on the stage, while I huddled in the corner and coded.”

"He came to me out of nowhere, looked at my computer screen, immediately pointed out my problem, and then asked me to give him a try."

But Liang Yundu failed to solve his dilemma.

The two had similar interests, so they simply stopped writing.

"I invited him for a drink, and after we chatted, I found out that he graduated from Columbia University and happened to be on our project team. He left me his phone number and told me that if I wrote the formula, I must tell him."

That whole week, they talked frequently about the unsolved formula.

"A week later, we met again at the bar."

Fu Yanlin said, "We solved the formula almost simultaneously and found the perfect answer. It's hard to describe the feeling. It's like Su Dongpo and Zhang Huaimin who visited Chengtian Temple at night hundreds of years ago. They had the same interests and understanding."

"Later, my software was sold to the owner at the time for US$20——"

That 20 US dollars was considered the first pot of gold in Fu Yanlin's life.

He took that money and did something really crazy.

Play hedge funds.

One hundred times leverage.

When he met Liang Yundu again, Fu Yanlin had left Silicon Valley and was in a confused period of life.

He and Xu Rangchu had been playing hedge funds and stocks for a long time and made a lot of money. Xu Rangchu also joked that he should not learn computers but finance. This guy has a keen sense of smell in this area and likes to play. It's exciting. People who don't know him think he is from the financial circle.

Fu Yanlin is also not modest, "My amateur level has already made you think that I am the king of trading. You worship me. I have a serious academic background and in-depth research. So if I don't stir up trouble in the secondary market? Buffett What is it?"

Wen Sheng couldn't help but be curious after hearing this, "Why did you choose computer science?"

A set of images suddenly flashed through her mind. After returning to Jiangzhou after an encounter from Qingzhou, Fu Yanlin, on behalf of Linyun Technology's senior executives, brought architects and legal affairs to a meeting in Changjing to demonstrate to everyone the new product Linyun Technology was developing, AI wisdom. series.

Wen Sheng was fascinated by that demonstration - she still remembers the shock in her heart at that time.

The shocking encounter between Fu Yanlin and Linyun Technology co-founder Fu Yanlin in Qingzhou is completely different.

It's even more because the field where Fu Yanlin set foot and shined was once her heart's desire.

But Fu Yanlin didn't seem to intend to answer Wen Sheng's question immediately. He continued, "During that time, my mother came to New York many times to find me and wanted me to study for an MBA (Master of Business Administration). After returning to China, she would ask Fu Yuhe I was arranged to go to the Fu Group. I find it ridiculous that my mother is still obsessed with it after all these years."

"Shortly after I rejected my mother's request, I met Steven again when Xu Rangchu, Song Yuen, and I went to Las Vegas for vacation."

It was at that time that Liang Yundu invited him to join the team he had just formed.

They wanted to establish a technology company, which was the prototype of Laiyun Technology.

Liang Yundu's personal charm cannot be expressed in a few words, and the affinity between Fu Yanlin and him is also difficult to describe.All in all, facing the olive branch offered by Liang Yundu, Fu Yanlin agreed without even thinking.

"However, I did not publicly join Steven's team at that time," Fu Yanlin said. "Even though I still behaved ridiculously during those years in the United States, the Fu family has not let me go and has been keeping an eye on me."

absurd?Hearing this, Wen Sheng pricked up his ears and asked, "What kind of ridiculous method is this?"

Fu Yanlin's face was filled with a doting smile. He looked down at the person in his arms and gently scratched the tip of Wen Sheng's nose. "Miss Wen, you are really a good student and you know how to grasp the key points."

"So, Mr. Fu, during your years in the United States, what kind of ridiculous methods did you do?"

At this point, Fu Yanlin couldn't hide it anymore. He said frankly, "He changes his girlfriend very frequently. He is a scumbag who is praised by everyone."

“How high is the extremely high frequency?”

"None of them lasted more than three days."

"What?" Wen Sheng's eyes widened in shock, she sat up in shock and pushed Fu Yanlin away, "Are you serious?"

"Miss Wen, this is not the point..." Fu Yanlin pursed his lips. Thinking of those ridiculous days in the United States, he wanted to slap himself. That was the stupidest thing he had ever done!
Fu Yanlin struggled, "With my appearance and figure, it's hard not to be liked."

"..." Wen Sheng felt that she was far away from Dapu, "Why do I think you are selling melons in Wang Po?"

"be honest."

"Nothing modest!"

"Seek truth from facts!"

Wen Sheng looked around with a pair of watery deer eyes, "Then how many girlfriends have you had in total?"

Fu Yanlin didn't even think about it, "Five."

Wen Sheng was suspicious, "Are you honest?"

"Ten?" Fu Yanlin wrapped his arms around Wen Sheng's slender waist, trying to get through. How could he dare to say the specific number?In fact, he didn't even count how many there were.Fu Yanlin blew a rainbow fart, "A Sheng, calm down and listen to me, those people's experimental fields are not even considered."

"But not your ex-girlfriend."

"But I only have you in my heart from beginning to end."

Fu Yanlin said that in the past ten years, he would always sneak into QQ space to see Wen Sheng’s updates.

But Wen Sheng is really too lazy!

She doesn't update at all!
The latest one is that year when Zhu Qingjia went to Yanjing to find her, the two of them ate fried chicken at KFC near Haidian Park and took photos and uploaded them!
After that, no more!

Wen Sheng looked at Fu Yanlin as if he were a fool, "Well... because my QQ account was hacked. I rarely use QQ, and I don't have many people to contact, so I'm too lazy to get it back. Didn't there be WeChat later? Jia Jia always looks for me on WeChat.”

So, Fu Yanlin has been visiting her space for the past ten years, which is equivalent to feeling lonely?

"But don't try to sidestep the topic. Let me tell you why you have so much experience in flirting with girls. It turns out that you have been experimenting a lot, and it's like you were born with it."

Although Wen Sheng didn't want to admit it, he was still jealous that he had talked to so many ex-girlfriends!

And she only has one ex-boyfriend!

"Are all your ex-girlfriends Chinese?" Wen Sheng asked lightly.

Fu Yanlin saw Wen Sheng's indifferent expression and thought he was just curious. He also thought that Wen Sheng lacked talent in love and was probably not as cute as an ordinary little girl.

So Fu Yanlin answered honestly, "Most of them are Chinese, as well as Koreans, Japanese, Americans and British...and I don't know which country she is from."

Wen Sheng smiled and nodded approvingly, "Well, that's quite impressive. You are so charming. You have ex-girlfriends all over the world. Not many people in the world can do this."

(End of this chapter)

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