He is like a delusional person

Chapter 157 The love letter I wrote to you

Chapter 157 The love letter I wrote to you

Wen Sheng felt a little tricked, but still agreed to Fu Yanlin's "request".

After the two happily went to the place recommended by Su Ye, they found the internet celebrity painter at a glance.

It's a pity that the painter has to close the stall and go home for dinner. Please come tomorrow morning.

But they will return to Jiangzhou tomorrow morning.

Wen Sheng wanted to ask for a few more words, but the painter carried his things and left directly.Especially neat and stubborn.

Looking at the back of the person leaving, Wen Sheng was a little disappointed.

Fu Yanlin saw her loss completely.

Wen Sheng sighed slightly and was about to say go back. At this time, Fu Yanlin smoothed away the broken hair at her temples and said softly, "Wait for me here."

Before Wen Sheng could ask where he was going, he saw Fu Yanlin chasing the painter.

She stood there and saw Fu Yanlin trotting up and blocking the painter's way.

He was standing under the streetlight, and the dim light fell on his shoulders. He seemed to be covered with a halo of light, and the picture was full of romance.

He didn't know what he said to the person. After a while, the painter turned back to look at Wen Sheng, then nodded and followed Fu Yanlin back.

When someone came up to him, Wen Sheng was very surprised and asked curiously, "What did you tell him?"

Fu Yanlin just pursed his lips and smiled, holding her hand and sitting on a simple pony, "Look ahead, draw first, and I'll tell you when I get back."

The night wind blew gently.

Fu Yanlin put his arms around Wen Sheng's shoulders. Although his face was calm and calm, if you look closely, you will find that there is a smile on the corners of his mouth and eyes.

It only took about twenty minutes to complete the painting.

Although it is a cartoon, it is quite vivid and vividly expresses the characteristics of Wen Sheng and Fu Yanlin.

Fu Yanlin and Wen Sheng were both satisfied.

The two walked back to the hotel contentedly.

Wen Sheng was very curious as to what Fu Yanlin said to the street painter before he would come back to serve them.

Fu Yanlin still kept it secret until he returned to the hotel room.

Wen Sheng chased after her coquettishly. Fu Yanlin sat on the edge of the bed, took her hand, and immediately brought her into his arms and sat on his lap.

"Do you really want to know what I said?" Fu Yanlin lowered his eyes and looked at Wen Sheng, his eyes as deep as a pool filled with a tenderness that could drown someone.

Wen Sheng nodded, put her hands around his neck, and looked at him expectantly with her clear deer eyes, "I want to."

"I said that the girl standing over there, I have been chasing for ten years, but I have never really been in the same frame. The only photo of me and her is a group photo of high school graduation, and it was photoshopped. That's me The biggest regret of the past ten years - I hope he will fulfill my wish of the past ten years."

Fu Yanlin stared at Wen Sheng, his tone of voice was extremely indifferent, but Wen Sheng could hear a thousand percent sadness from it.He smiled slightly and said, "He said that it takes ten years to catch up with someone. It's really pitiful. I'll draw one for you."

Wen Sheng narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "You have been chasing me for ten years? Classmate Fu, you are lying."

Fu Yanlin said lightly, "No."

Wen Sheng teased him, "Why didn't I know you were chasing me?"

"Miss Wen, I sent you love letters ten years ago," Fu Yanlin emphasized, "more than one."

"I've never received one!" Wen Sheng's eyes widened in shock.

Fu Yanlin raised his eyes suspiciously.Wen Sheng said with great certainty, "Really! My memory has always been very good. If I have received it, I won't remember it wrong!"

Fu Yanlin knew that Wen Sheng had a good memory. He remembered that when Wen Sheng was transferred to Class 29, he shocked everyone on the first day——

Class 29 is known as the "dog's hindrance". After the monthly exams, all the teachers expressed their feelings in unison that the students in Class 29 were holding back the grade average.

That class was an English class. The English teacher was angry about the monthly test scores, and Class 29 was in last place. During the class, there was a criticism meeting for 10 minutes.

While he was being impassioned, a rebellious classmate Fu retorted to the teacher, "Teacher, is the grade like a dog? It has front legs and back legs."

The whole class burst into laughter.

This made the teacher angry. He asked Fu Yanlin to stand up, but Fu Yanlin refused. The teacher stepped down from the podium and found Wen Sheng doing the Mathematical Olympiad problem.

Doing Mathematical Olympiad questions in English class?The English teacher is even more angry!

Wen Sheng was told to stand up on the spot and punished by reciting an essay.

Who knows what kind of food Wen Sheng ate to grow his brain? That article had at least 29 words. The teacher thought that it would take at least half a day for the students in Class 6 to memorize it - but Wen Sheng could only read five hundred words. I told the teacher that I could recite it in [-] minutes.

At first, the English teacher thought Wen Sheng was joking and bragging.

But when Wen Sheng opened his mouth, the whole class fell silent.

Every word came out of her mouth with accurate pronunciation, smooth tone, and accurate sentence segmentation, as if she was reading it from a book. No, even if she was reading it from a book, no student in Class 29 could be so fluent.

It was at that moment that Fu Yanlin's eyes fell on Wen Sheng's profile. She seemed to have strong glue on her body, firmly attracting the young man's fiery gaze. From then on, it was difficult to move away.

Falling in love with someone is such a simple moment.

Fu Yanlin thought, Wen Sheng basically had a photographic memory, but did not remember the love letter - so did she really not expect the love letter she wrote?

He wrote more than one.

When he was a boy, Fu Yanlin had never been so serious about reading - for countless nights, he racked his brains and wrote Wen Sheng's name over and over on specially bought stationery, switching between countless opening lines.

Wen Sheng shows good faith.

Wen Sheng, hello, I am your classmate Fu Yanlin...

Wen Sheng, let's be honest, I like you...

Wen Sheng, I want to date you...


In those days, it was popular to buy letter paper when writing love letters.

Fu Yanlin still remembers how sneaky he was when he went to buy letter paper. He was afraid that someone would discover that he, a "school bully", imitated little girls and went to a stationery store to pick letter paper and write love letters to girls. It was embarrassing!

He was not good at words. He copied poems by Xi Murong and Rabindranath Tagore, but felt that these so-called famous poets were too reserved. He also copied "Yueren Song" and was discovered by Gu Siyi, who laughed at him if he wrote it for girls. Change the "Jun" in "My heart pleases you but I don't know you" to "Qing".

He also specifically asked Gu Siyi, what kind of gift would be good to buy when sending a love letter to a girl?
Gu Siyi said he should buy chocolate.

Dove was famous at that time, but the gift-boxed Ferrero was more sincere and respectable, and of course more expensive.

Gu Siyi said that all girls like to receive chocolates, and chocolate represents love--when I was a student, if I received expensive chocolates, I would be sure to envy others.

Fu Yanlin hugged Wen Sheng's limp body, and his tone was very calm and restrained, not letting the loss and pain in his heart show even a little bit, "I also gave you a box of chocolates, but then I found that box of chocolates lying in the trash can. , lying together with a bunch of dirty things, very peaceful."

Ten years have passed since the incident, and Fu Yanlin still remembers the heartache he felt at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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