He is like a delusional person

Chapter 128: She also likes Fu Yanlin, right?

Chapter 128: She also likes Fu Yanlin, right?

On the night they arrived in Ganzhen Village, Song Lan and Wen Sheng, a local teacher from Hope Primary School who was responsible for matching student aid, took Song Lan and Wen Sheng to have a simple dinner.I stayed in the only hotel in town that night, and the room rate was only 20 yuan a night.

The hotel is a resident's home in the town. It is not open on weekdays because no one comes.The room is extremely simple. There is only a 1.5-meter hard bed with straw and cotton batting as the base. There is a window for ventilation, dim tungsten light bulbs and a washstand. There is an enamel basin on the shelf. You need to go outside to fetch water. Only then can I wash up.

The conditions are indeed difficult, but Wen Sheng can still accept it.

As a venture capitalist over the years, she has traveled to countless places and has seen even the worst environments, so when she saw that the room was a bit moldy and the bed linens were washed white and pilling, she was not surprised and thought about it in her mind. At worst, he will sleep with his clothes on at night.

No matter how you look at Wen Sheng, she is a fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world. She is so calm and there is no trace of disgust in her eyes. Song Lan can't help but appreciate her more.

Because there were dozens of student families to visit this time, everyone decided to split up. Wen Sheng was brought by Song Lan, so she naturally followed Song Lan, and Teacher Chen from Hope Primary School led the way.

Unexpectedly, she and Song Lan encountered a landslide on the first day they went out.

It was on the way back from the student Anyuan's home.

Anyuan's family lives in the mountains more than 20 kilometers away from Ganzhen Village.

I heard from Song Lan that the households in their village were scattered. There used to be many villagers, but in recent years the young people have moved to the town or went out to work and never came back.Those who still stay in the mountains are the old, weak, sick and left-behind children. Most of the young labor force in such families go out to work and do not return home all year round.The children at home are taken care of by elderly people.

Sometimes there is only one house on a hilltop, and to get to another house, you need to climb another hill.

As a result, Wen Sheng and his party only visited two houses at the end of the day.

It was already five o'clock in the evening when I left Anyuan's house.

Grandpa Anyuan saw that the weather was bad and the mountain road was difficult to walk, so he asked Anyuan to send the three of them down the mountain.

Not far along the road, there was a sudden heavy rain in the sky, thunder was rolling, lead clouds were billowing, and the strong wind blew the branches swaying.A few dozen meters down the slope from the path, there is a river. It is not very wide, but at this time the flood is rolling and powerful. The river water is fast and turbid, echoing the sound of thunderstorms.

The four of them walked down the mountain in the rain. When victory was in sight, they suddenly heard a crashing sound, which came very quickly.

The mountain road was narrow, and when they discovered it was a landslide, it was too late to dodge. Song Lan and Teacher Chen subconsciously hid first, but Wen Sheng thought that Anyuan was only ten years old, so she subconsciously grabbed Anyuan's hand and wanted to hold her and hide together. In the past, who knew it was too late - the rocks falling from the mountain were throwing at people crazily. In order to protect Anyuan, Wen Sheng held the child tightly in her arms, and in the moment of dodging, she stepped on the ground under her feet. Who knew that there was nothing underneath the weeds? Wen Sheng just fell down.

The second before he fell, Wen Sheng pushed Anyuan away.

Immediately afterwards, stones falling from the mountain and soil from the landslide continued to fall down - Song Lan exclaimed and wanted to jump down, but was caught by Teacher Chen.

Below the path is a suspended 30-meter-high cliff, and then there is a fast-flowing river.

Song Lan was so frightened that she kept shouting, "Wen Sheng, Wen Sheng..."

But Wen Sheng didn't respond.

Teacher Chen said, "It is very common for mudslides and landslides to occur here. If we go down hastily now, not only will we not be able to save people, but we may also get ourselves involved. The most important thing now is to rush back to the town immediately to find someone to rescue us. There’s no time to delay!”

Song Lan was panicked and asked Anyuan to go home first while Teacher Chen went back to town to find someone to help.And she will stay here to accompany Wen Sheng.

At that moment, Song Lan's legs went weak.
When Wen Sheng woke up, she thought she had had a dream - otherwise, how could she be in the grass outside the wilderness, with pain all over her body as if her bones had been broken?Something seemed to be pressing down on her feet. She reached out and touched it. It was a thick layer of wet and heavy soil.

It was pitch dark all around, and all you could hear was the sound of the rushing river, the pouring rain, and the howling wind.

She was woken up by the cold rain hitting her face.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious.

Wen Sheng felt a little scared as she listened to the noise in the desolate place. The feeling of emptiness and helplessness was just like the emptiness in her heart when she faced the world of ice and snow alone after her father left.

Like being abandoned by the whole world.

The stepmother's roars and curses were like the roaring river not far away, ruthless, cold, selfish and cruel.

She looked up at the sky, but there was not a single star - at that time, she was accompanied by Zhu Qingjia, who flew thousands of miles from Jiangzhou to Yanjing.

But now she is alone.

Wen Sheng suddenly remembered Fu Yanlin - she remembered that they were in Chengdu, she was ill, and he accompanied her to the hospital to get water, spending the days full of the smell of disinfectant that she hated.

When people are vulnerable, they always want someone to rely on.

She was used to being alone, but she still got scared.

But her reason told her that it was useless to cry or be afraid at this time. She had to get up first and find a safe place before making plans.

Wen Sheng struggled to turn over and finally got up, but she didn't dare to move. She only felt pain under her feet—either she had fallen down and had sprained her ankle, or it had been broken.Not a good situation.She touched her pocket. Fortunately, the hiking clothes she wore before going out today had pocket zippers, and her phone was not dropped in the bag.

He took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and illuminated the environment in front of him. It was dark, overgrown with weeds, and the mountains were quiet. From time to time, rocks rolled down the steep slopes and crashed into the river. .

Wen Sheng climbed up with difficulty and limped to a cliff to sit down - there was a small cave here, which was well hidden and could avoid rain and things that fell from time to time from landslides.

After sitting down, Wen Sheng looked at his legs. His pants were cut, his legs were bleeding, and his ankles were swollen like steamed buns. The white coconut sneakers he wore from Jiangzhou were so dirty that you couldn't tell. color.

very bad.

There were several missed calls on the phone, and there were many on WeChat, all from Zhu Qingjia. Wen Sheng wanted to call back, but there was no signal at all - no matter how he pointed to the sky and changed directions, the signal bars were all there. All gray.

Wen Sheng knew that Zhu Qingjia must be worried because he couldn't contact anyone.

She was shivering from the cold and her clothes were soaked. She took off her wet coat and hung it to dry, then sat on the ground holding her legs and shivering.

She knew that Song Lan and Teacher Chen must have returned to town to find a way to save her.

She just needs to conserve her strength now and wait for their rescue.

Her stomach growled with hunger, and although she was shivering from the cold, she felt like her body and face were burning.

Wen Sheng suddenly wanted to eat Guangdelou's shrimp porridge with soybean paste - it was salty and delicious. I don't know who the little genius invented these two, and they matched so perfectly.

There is also steamed bamboo shoot shell fish with scallion oil, dipped in a sauce mixed with steamed fish soy sauce and scallion oil. The garlic clove meat is so tender that it is so delicious that you can't wait to devour your tongue.

If you can, you can also get a plate of boiled small tubes, dipped in a sauce mixed with mustard and soy sauce, which is fresh and crispy.

and also……

These are the dinner recipes Fu Yanlin asked Guangdelou to deliver every day during his business trip to Shenzhen.

Thinking of this, Fu Yanlin's face suddenly flashed in Wen Sheng's mind.

What is Fu Yanlin doing now?

Wen Sheng suddenly felt that maybe Jiajia was right and Fu Yanlin was sincere to her.Otherwise, why would he try so hard to please her and rely on her?

He is Jiang Yukuo's uncle, but she broke up with Jiang Yukuo a long time ago. She doesn't love Jiang Yukuo either. Why should she obliterate and deny Fu Yanlin because of Jiang Yukuo?

She actually... likes Fu Yanlin a little, right?It's just that she has been hurt and doesn't want to admit it.

I am afraid that I will look like a fool and be hurt again.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years, you are afraid of well ropes.

With his incredible status, he would actually make breakfast for her, begging for forgiveness.

If she fell and died accidentally, she would never taste the breakfast made by Fu Yanlin in her life.

What did he do those days?Is it delicious?

The more he thought about it, the hungrier and colder he became. In a daze, Wen Sheng hugged his legs and fell asleep.

Later Wen Sheng had a dream.

In the dream, Fu Yanlin jumped down from the mountain and suddenly appeared in front of her, descending from the sky with a fierceness and unparalleled elegance all over his body.

She was in a daze because of a fever, but when she heard Fu Yanlin calling her name, he felt anxious, distressed and tender, "A Sheng, A Sheng——"

More gentle and beautiful than ever.

Fu Yanlin's tears fell on her face, "I'm sorry, I'm late——"

That dream was also extremely real. She opened her eyes slightly and saw his smooth and serious jawline, as well as his dark and deep eyes, filled with worry and heartbreak. They were misty and filled with deep affection. .

Wen Sheng felt that her whole body was hot. She was held in Fu Yanlin's arms. He was so cold. It was very comfortable to stick to her. It was ice cold, so she couldn't help but crawl into his arms.

She also knew that she had not forgiven Fu Yanlin yet, but forget it, it was in a dream anyway, and he wouldn't know if she hugged her.

No one knows.

(End of this chapter)

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