Chapter 458 She is so fake

Bai Cenxin's expression finally changed.

Are there people from the Lu family, Mu family, and Jiang family?

There are three of the four most powerful families in Duyu Island, except the Bai family.

All of them came here because of Shen Zhi?
Forget about the people from the Lu family, why would the Jiang family and the Mu family come here for Shen Zhi?

Without having time to think about it, she hurriedly went out and walked to the door, just in time to see Meng Xinlan and others slowly walking over.

She quickly stepped forward, looked at Meng Xinlan and Mu Ling who were walking in the front, and said warmly: "Madam, Uncle Mu, why are you here?"

"I heard something happened here. I happened to pass by and came to take a look." Meng Xinlan replied calmly.

"I came for my daughter, you don't have to worry about me."

Mu Ling waved her hand and Tiantian disappeared. According to the tracking watch, she was here.

That's why he chased after her.

Hearing this, Bai Cen breathed a sigh of relief, and she said, how could they all come here because of Shen Zhi? Even Shen Zhi is not so capable.

"Shi Chu, Shi Lie, Huai Zhi, you are here too, what's the matter?" She looked at Lu Shichu, Lu Shi Lie and Jiang Huai Zhi again, and asked softly.

"Whatever happens to us is none of your business!"

Lu Shichu said angrily and ran quickly towards Shen Zhi, and Jiang Huaizhi quickly followed.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

"We are all here, don't worry, no one can bully you."

Shen Zhi looked at them indifferently, expressionless, but the coldness on his body was no longer that heavy.

Lu Shiliao looked around as if he was looking for someone.

When had Bai Cenxin been treated like this? His face instantly turned darker. He suppressed his anger and forced a smile: "Aunt Lu, Uncle Mu, I'm sorry for asking you to run away. In fact, it's nothing. It will be fine soon." It can be taken care of.”

Meng Xinlan asked calmly: "The medical league is of great importance to Duyuzhou, so we can't be careless. I heard that the results of some contestants were wrong, right?"


Bai Cenxin glanced at Minister Yang and Shen Zhi, with an expression that seemed helpless: "Shen Zhi, I have made it very clear. You got a zero in the test, and the score will be whatever it is. There is no point in making trouble. I won't Maybe I can get the score for you."

As soon as these words came out, Minister Yang was immediately stunned.

What does she mean?
It's useless no matter how hard you make a fuss, the score should be whatever it is?
All the contestants from China also looked confused.

Bai Cenxin's change of attitude was a little too quick...

It seems that this Miss Bai is not as noble as they thought. What she said is... such a bitch.

Meng Xinlan's face suddenly turned cold when she heard Bai Cenxin's words, and her cold eyes glanced at Shen Zhi: "You mean, they are deliberately causing trouble?"

Bai Cenxin didn't say anything, just smiled bitterly.

"We didn't!" Minister Yang reacted and quickly explained: "We never said that, we are..."

"Minister Yang, I have made it very clear. I cannot satisfy you what you want."


Minister Yang was so angry that his lips trembled. He had never seen such a shameless person!
"Shen Zhi, it's okay to get a low score, but you can't be upset. As the organizer, I must be fair and impartial. It is absolutely impossible for me to help you cheat."

Bai Cenxin sighed and continued.

Everyone here belongs to her, and she will naturally do whatever she says.

She deliberately belittled Shen Zhi in front of Meng Xinlan. As expected, Meng Xinlan's face became colder and colder.

She didn't know Shen Zhi well, nor her temperament. The only time she saw her was at the Lu family villa.

When we first met, I felt that she was a very nice girl, different from the rumors.

That's why she came here this time.

But I didn't expect it to be like this.

She didn't blindly believe Bai Cenxin's words, but she was a little shaken in her heart. After all, she believed in Bai Cenxin, whom she had known for many years, more than Shen Zhi, whom she had only met once.

"Bai Cenxin, you are telling lies all because of your mouth? Your mouth smells so bad after eating shit." Lu Shichu glared at her: "How dare you touch your heart and say that your sister-in-law said this? Don't think that this is all yours. People, you can just make things up." His mother's impression of my sister-in-law wasn't particularly good to begin with, but she actually came to stir things up!

Jiang Huaizhi also looked like he believed in Shen Zhi.

He and Bai Cen were not very close, they were just junior members of the family and had some interactions with each other at various banquets.

Bai Cenxin has always been someone else's child, and his father often praises her, but he doesn't have a good impression of her and thinks she's pretending. Now that he sees her targeting Shen Zhi, he hates her even more.

"Miss Bai, it's not a good habit to spray feces everywhere. Tell careful when you give birth to a son without an asshole!"

They are all the little bullies of major families, and they are never polite when speaking.

Lu Shichu wanted to speak for Shen Zhi, but Meng Xinlan glared at him before he stopped.

Bai Cenxin's face was green and white, but he couldn't get angry and could only curse in his heart.

Shen Zhi is really capable. She has only been in Duyu Island for two days. Not only is Lu Shichu looking towards her, but also the young master of the Jiang family is protecting her.

"I'm not talking nonsense, Shen Zhi...forget it, stop talking."

She knew that she couldn't defeat Lu Shichu and Jiang Huaizhi, so she pointed her finger at Shen Zhi: "But I still say the same thing, Shen Zhi, you'd better stop here. No matter how much trouble you make, I won't help you change your score. You will only destroy yourself."

Minister Yang was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Only now does he know what it means to be unable to argue.

"Don't be angry, don't be impatient, be careful."

Seeing that he was about to faint from anger, Shen Zhi stretched out a hand and patted his back gently, quite casually.

Minister Yang had another mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat. Hey, ancestor, how long has it been and you are still so calm? Do you know how dangerous the situation you are facing now.

Bai Cenxin looked at Meng Xinlan and continued, "Auntie, just leave it to me. You can go back first."

Only when Meng Xinlan goes back can she drive Shen Zhi out of Duyu Island.

The moment Bai Cenxin finished speaking, a burst of children's laughter could be heard.


The laughter echoed in the office, making people's hair stand on end.


Mu Ling shouted angrily.

As soon as he finished speaking, a child came out of the bookcase.

Seeing her, Bai Cenxin's expression suddenly changed.

When did Mu Tian hide in the bookcase?
So how much of what they said did she hear?

Shen Zhi was quite surprised to see Tiantian, but when she thought about how she often appeared on the island without anyone noticing, she calmed down.

this kid.

It seems to have always been unusual.


"Did I tell you not to run around? You came here on purpose."

Mu Ling deliberately darkened his face, trying to scare her.

This girl is becoming more and more unruly.

Tiantian pursed her lips and hid behind Lu Shilie.

The big flashing eyes seemed to say, Sister Shi, you asked me to come here, you must help me.

Lu Shiliao's eyes flashed, and he asked seemingly unintentionally: "Tiantian, what were you laughing at just now?"

"I laughed at her——"

Tiantian raised her chubby little hand, pointed at Bai Cenxin, and laughed twice: "She is so fake."

(End of this chapter)

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