Wang Ye's foodie farm concubine

Chapter 354 Then why should we do it?

Chapter 354 Then why should we do it?
Grandma Li smiled and shook her head when she saw her grandson's movements.

"Yao Yao is making delicious food again. You can smell the fragrance as soon as you enter the yard."

As soon as Yu Youfu entered the courtyard, he smelled a scent that hit his face.

He asked before he could even put down the hoe in his hand.

"I'm back. It's almost time to absorb the food."

Grandma Li said to her sons while putting the fried leek box on the table. .

"Looks like we're going to be in for a treat again tonight."

Yu Youshou put down the hoe in his hand and said.

"Yao Yao must make us some tea to help digestion tonight."

Yu Youkang put the basket in the utility room and came out, patting the dirt on his body and saying.

"Okay, hurry up and wash your hands and eat."

Mr. Yu watched his eldest grandson bring them all the water for washing their hands, and immediately went to wash their hands first.

These people are really not active in eating!
Yu Youning looked at the box full of leeks on the table.

"Yao Yao, you really want to make us a pot of tea to help digestion tonight."

"As long as you're full, there's no way you'll be full every time."

It’s delicious, but that’s not the way to eat it.

"You should save this and tell them later."

If anyone remembers it.

Every time Yaoyao came up with a new trick, they would eat too much on the day of storage. In the end, she got them a pot of tea to help digestion.

Yuyao knew by looking at their looks that it was all in vain.

"Okay, let's eat."

Mr. Yu can't wait to try it.

"Come Yaoyao and give this to you."

"Thank you grandpa, grandpa will eat it too."

Mr. Yu first picked one for his granddaughter and put it into her bowl, and the second time he picked one for himself.

Everyone saw that the old man was already using chopsticks, so they all picked up their bowls and started eating.

For a while, the only sounds in the main room could be heard were the sound of chopsticks and the crunching of the skin of the leek box with teeth.Seeing that everyone liked it, Yuyao also started to eat the leek box in the bowl.

The skin is thin, the filling is rich, the outside is fragrant and the inside is tender, and the size is generous.

Yuyao couldn't eat anymore after eating two.

I looked in the basin and saw that there was not a single one left.

"Burp, I'm so full, so full."

Yu Jingting touched his belly and said.

Seeing that everyone was a little full, Yuyao went to the kitchen to prepare a pot of hawthorn tea and left it for a while for them to drink.

After drinking the hawthorn tea prepared by Yuyao, everyone felt less stressed.


Mr. Yu thought about what his daughter-in-law had just said to him. He thought it would be better to tell Yaoyao and ask her what they were going to do next.


"Recently, there have been many Liangpi sellers like us in town. What are you going to do about this?"

"Didn't Third Aunt and the others tell you about this?"

Hadn't she already discussed this matter with them before?

Why does grandpa still come to ask?

"say what?"

Mr. Yu looked at his granddaughter with confusion on his face.

They haven't said anything to him these days.

"Let's give up the Liangpi area. If we don't do it, let them do it."

Yuyao lowered her head and said, it seems that some people didn't say anything.


Why don't you do it if it's good?
Although there are more people doing it now, they can still sell it if they lower the price a little.

"We don't need to argue with them on this point. We must know that there will only be more and more people selling Liangpi in the future, and once there are more things, the price will definitely not go up. We have spent manpower and material resources but ended up not making any money, so we Why do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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