Chapter 374 There is heaven and earth in it
When we got home, as soon as the tricycle stopped, the Su Balang brothers gathered around us.

Old Mrs. Su distributed the things to her grandchildren, "Okay, stop hanging around, go play with yourselves, and wait for some delicious food later!"

After Su Balang and others got what they wanted, they dispersed happily.

Unlike the children who only focused on getting what they wanted, Li Lanzhi and others did not disperse, but looked at Mrs. Su and Mr. Su eagerly.

Without them asking out loud, Mrs. Su knew what they wanted to ask.

Mrs. Su had a smile on her face and her voice was very loud when she spoke, "They are all sold, business is very good!"

In fact, just by looking at the smiles on the faces of Mrs. Su and others and the many things they bought, you can guess that business should be pretty good.

But guessing it is one thing, hearing it with your own ears is another.

After hearing what Mrs. Su said, everyone's hearts fell back into their stomachs, and the smiles on their faces became a little brighter.

"Strawberries are precious and precious, and they look like they have been left unused. From now on, I will get up every morning to pick them, and then quickly take them to the county town to sell them," Mrs. Su said.

When everyone heard the words, they responded one after another.

They are not the only ones growing strawberries, there are also some in the village.

Although other families don’t plant much, they add up to a lot.

This all says that things are more expensive when they are scarce. If there are too many things, not only will there be competition, but the price will not easily go up.

They want to sell them quickly while other people's strawberries in the village are not yet ripe.

This is one reason.

In addition, it is also because strawberries are not easy to store. If you don’t eat them quickly when they are ripe, or sell them quickly, they will go bad easily.

It would be a real pity if it was allowed to break.

The Su family grows a lot of strawberries. There are several acres of strawberries. When they are not ripe, there is no feeling. Once they are ripe, they can be picked in one day and weigh hundreds of kilograms.

There are so many strawberries that a small county cannot handle.

After only one day of selling, Mrs. Su became worried.

Business is good, but they can't be sold out.Not only Mrs. Su is worried, but everyone in the Su family is also worried.

Strawberries are quite popular in the county, and they can be sold for a lot of money in a day.

After one day of selling, only one-third of it was sold.

If the remaining two-thirds can be sold, the money will be even more.

Su Nianfu looked at his family members all frowning, and at first he didn't understand what was wrong with them.

After asking clearly, Su Nianfu also thought of a way.

Su Nianfu was not someone who was willing to waste, and he was not willing to let the rest go bad.

It can be placed in the warehouse of her space, where it can be kept fresh and won't go bad for a long time.

But that's not a solution, and it's not easy to explain to my family.

So, we still have to find a way to sell it.

But how to transport it is another problem.

Strawberries are delicate and expensive, and the skin will break easily if touched, and then they will go bad.

As he thought about it, Su Nianfu remembered Yao Niang's bag.

The bag that contained many petals but was still not full.

There is Qiankun in that bag, and it should be able to hold a lot of strawberries.

The bag is light and compact, making it easy to carry anywhere.

As he thought about it, Su Nianfu's eyes lit up, "Grandma, don't worry, I've thought of a way, just wait for me!"

After saying that, Su Nianfu turned around and ran out. She was anxious to find Canghai.

(End of this chapter)

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