Chapter 299 Be patient
Putting so many hawthorns on the trees would probably rot a lot if it rained for a few days, which would be a waste.

If it's too sour, forget it. Since it's not sour, you should pick it off as soon as possible.

Make them all into candied haws and sell them, maybe you can make some pocket money.

When it comes to making money, you don't mind making more or less.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. Besides, it takes a little to make a lot.

So in the afternoon, Mrs. Su took Su Nianfu and his party to the barren mountain again.

This time, Mrs. Su brought two of the largest backpacks in the family, which were half her height.

Such a big backpack, even if it is empty, is still full of weight.

When it is filled with hawthorns, it will be even heavier. Mrs. Su cannot carry it.

But that’s okay, just leave it when it’s full, and ask Su Laosi and the others to come over and transport it back in the evening.

Old Mrs. Su can stand below and pick the hawthorns she can reach.

As for the ones above, she couldn't reach them, so she had no choice but to trouble Ah Qi.

Ah Qi is light and can easily fly to the top of the tree without falling off. She can pick hawthorns without any problems.

Even though she had seen it in the morning, and now seeing it again, Mrs. Su couldn't help but marvel, and she didn't forget to tell Ah Qi to be careful.

Su Nianfulin, Lin Jinhua, Bai Mengsheng, and Pudding were all unable to do anything. They could only squat under another tree and look up.

After staring for a while, until his neck felt a little sore, Su Nianfu withdrew his gaze.

"Ah Qi is so awesome!" Su Nianfu sighed.

She also really wants to fly!

But is it difficult to learn Qing Gong?
It must be a lot of hardship, right?
Even though he has never practiced martial arts, Su Nianfu also knows that achieving Ah Qi's achievements requires hard work and dedication.

In comparison, Bai Mengsheng's situation is different.As long as Bai Mengsheng returns to his true form, he can fly at will, even passing through walls.

Compared with practicing hard, it does seem easier if you can practice.

After Su Nianfu thought about it randomly, after picking hawthorns and returning home, Su Nianfu spoke to Mrs. Su and went to Bai's house.

The Bai family moved here. There are only houses and no fields in the mountain village.

People in the village are busy with the autumn harvest, and the schools are on holiday. Everyone is busy, but at Mr. Bai's house, it is very leisurely.

Mr. Bai doesn't have to teach, prepare lessons, or check students' homework, which makes him even more relaxed.

As soon as Su Nianfu entered the courtyard of Bai's house, he saw Mr. Bai sitting by the window, holding a book in his hand and reading intently.

However, before Su Nianfu could speak, Mr. Bai put down the book in his hand and looked towards her.

Seeing this, Su Nianfu and others greeted Mr. Bai and then trotted into the house.

This room is Mr. Bai's study. There are many bookcases against the wall, filled with books.

"Why are you here at this time?" Mr. Bai asked with a smile.

"Sir, I would like to ask, is there any news yet?"

Su Nianfu's question was a little vague, but Mr. Bai understood her meaning instantly.

Mr. Bai laughed and said, "Afu, no matter what happens, you have to be patient enough."

There is no news yet.

Su Nianfu was a little frustrated and his cheeks bulged.

(End of this chapter)

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