Chapter 249 Ah Fu, go and play

Lin Jinhua did not participate in digging the traps, so naturally he did not get the pheasants.

But he didn't care, the smile on his face was sincere, and anyone who saw it knew that he was in a very good mood at this time.

Su Nianfu looked at him, "Brother Ahua, do you want to stay for dinner?"

Lin Jinhua smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

As for Mr. Dou, he went to the Bai family.

Lin Jinhua asked Ah Qi to go back to Lin's house and talk to his family.

When Ah Qi came back, there was a food box in his hand.

When the food box was opened, the sweet smell of pastries wafted out.

The pastries made by the Lin family chef not only taste very delicious, but also look very delicate and beautiful.

It's the kind that's pleasing to the eye.

You know without asking that this must have been prepared by Mrs. Lin.

Because Lin Jinhua stayed for dinner, Mrs. Lin had someone prepare snacks and bring them over.

After eating, Su Nianfu and others went to the study together.

Spring is coming, and when I stay in the study, not only is it not cold anymore, but the lighting is also very good.

The trees and flowers planted in the yard have flower buds early in the flowering period.

When I get tired of writing, I look up and take a look outside, and I immediately feel that it is pleasing to the eye and relaxed.

I have experienced many things and have a draft in my belly, so when I start writing, it will naturally become much smoother.

It didn't take long for Su Nianfu to write a travel note.

Of course, this is also because there are not many words and there are no fancy words.

Otherwise, even if it takes such a long time, it will not be finished.

Just after finishing his homework, Xu Anan came.

Xu Anan was just growing up. After not seeing him for a while, he grew a lot taller.

Su Nianfu raised his head to Xu Anan, very envious of her height.I don't know how long it will take for her to grow so tall.

Xu Anan probably didn't expect that Lin Jinhua was there, and when he saw Lin Jinhua, he felt a little restrained.

But soon, she returned to normal.

Every time Xu Anan comes here, he reads Su Nianfu's books and learns a few words from Su Nianfu.

When writing, Xu Anan only used the paper used by Su Nianfu and wrote on the back.

Xu Anan hasn't learned to write for long, and his writing is not beautiful, but it is very neat, horizontally and vertically, and it can be seen that he has put a lot of effort into it.

Su Nianfu was short, Xu Anan was standing at the table writing, but she had to stand on the chair to read.

While staring, Su Nianfu felt his clothes being tugged.

Looking down, she saw Lin Jinhua looking at her.

"What's wrong?" Su Nianfu asked in a low voice.

"Let's go out and play, let Ah Qi watch."

Su Nianfu thought about it and realized that Ah Qi's handwriting was very good, much better than hers, so he agreed.

"Sister An'an, let Ah Qi watch you write! His handwriting is so beautiful!"

When Xu Anan heard this, he immediately nodded, "Okay! I can write it myself. Ah Fu, you go and have fun!"

Su Nianfu smiled at Xu An'an, then jumped off the bench and walked out with Lin Jinhua.

Xu Anan watched the two people go out, then turned his head and looked out the window, and he could see the two people appearing in the yard.

Xu Anan didn't look at it for long before he withdrew his gaze.

Noticing Ah Qi from the corner of his eye, Xu Anan thanked Ah Qi, "Sorry to trouble you."

Ah Qi has always had no expression, so when he heard this, he just hummed as an answer.

But when Lin Anan wasn't paying attention, his earlobes turned slightly red.

(End of this chapter)

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