Chapter 171 Brother Afu, can you draw?

However, not everyone is just envious;
There are also many jealous and hateful people.

Even if the Niu family is hidden among the crowd, Su Nianfu can feel their extremely unkind gaze.

Su Nianfu followed his gaze and met Niu Erquan's sinister eyes.

Niu Erquan probably didn't expect that Su Nianfu would suddenly look over.

When he met Su Nianfu's eyes, he was stunned for a moment.

But just a moment later, a sneer appeared on Niu Erquan's face.

Probably in Niu Erquan's view, Su Nianfu was just a little kid who didn't understand anything, so he didn't hide the malice on his face and eyes at all.

He even wanted to scare Su Nianfu.

However, no matter what kind of expression he showed on his face, Su Nianfu remained unmoved and withdrew his gaze extremely calmly.

Although he didn't show it on his face, Su Nianfu was already wary in his heart.

It is said that a biting dog never barks. Niu Erquan has been quiet and not making any noise during this period of time. Su Nianfu doesn't think that he has really changed for the better, he only thinks that he has another agenda.

Now he is quiet and quiet, but he is holding back a bigger evil.

Although Su Nianfu thought so, he did not express his thoughts.

First, I didn’t know how to tell my family, and second, I was afraid that Niu Erquan would see it and change his mind.

At this time, movement is obviously not as good as silence.

Waiting quietly, just watching what Niu Erquan would do.

"Sister Afu, what are you thinking about?"

Su Nianfu raised his head when he heard the familiar voice.

Sure enough, when he looked up, he saw Lin Jinhua.

I don’t know when Lin Jinhua came here.

This thought only flashed through Su Nianfu's mind, and was quickly forgotten by her.

"Sister Ah Fu, is your family going to build a new house?" Su Nianfu nodded, "Yes!"

The newly zoned land is to the left of their current house.

Because their house has no neighbors, the left and right sides are empty.

But there was a road on the right, and there was an open space next to the road, so I simply chose the left.

The designated area is not small, with nearly two acres of land.

This is also for future consideration.

There are many children and grandchildren in the family. When they all get married, one person will need a room.

When they have children, they will need more houses.

Of course it is impossible to build so many houses now, but you can circle the land first, build a large courtyard wall, and then slowly add the rest later.

The area where a house is not built can be tidied up and used for growing vegetables.

When Mr. Su and Mrs. Su planned, they all considered practical aspects.

Su Nianfu thought that she could take advantage of this opportunity to build two houses that she liked.

It doesn't matter even if she can't live alone now, she can go there and play during the day!
The house Su Nianfu wanted could only be described clearly, and he had to draw it.

But she definitely couldn't draw by herself, so she simply looked at Lin Jinhua, "Brother Ahua, can you draw?"

Lin Jinhua now knows Su Nianfu very well.

Only when he needed his help, Su Nianfu would call Brother Ahua in such a sweet tone.

Once it's no longer needed, you won't be happy to shout.

But even though he understood this, Lin Jinhua still answered Su Nianfu's question, "No, but Ah Qi will."

When Su Nianfu heard this, he immediately looked at Ah Qi with bright eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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