Chapter 159 Sweet Potato Mountain

Sweet potatoes are grown in the ground, harvested one day earlier and harvested later, there is no difference.

Zhao Youde still wanted to stay and see how the Su family's harvest was.

There are many people who have the same idea as Zhao Youde.

The only difference is that none of them are growing sweet potatoes, they are all just watching.

The Su family harvested sweet potatoes and took some people in the village to plant them. The Su family even planted as many as two barren mountains.

If the harvest is not good, this will make people laugh out loud.

I can't say that these people are bad, I can only say that idleness is idleness, and it is quite fun to watch other people's excitement.

Although Su Nianfu couldn't 100% know what they were thinking, he could roughly guess a thing or two just by looking at the expressions on their faces.

After his eyes moved around their faces, he looked back.

Su Nianfu had a bright smile on his face.

No matter what these people are thinking, the reality will definitely disappoint them.

There are many people in the Su family, and they are all skilled at work.

When you really start doing these things, the speed is still very fast.

After more than half an hour, one acre of land was harvested.

An acre of sweet potatoes is piled into hills.

Even if it hasn't been weighed yet, just by looking at it, I know that the yield per acre will not be low.

Zhao Youde, including everyone standing around Zhao Youde, were looking at all this in stunned silence.

This output is indeed a bit high.

It was so high that they couldn't believe it.

There were many people standing and watching the excitement, but no one spoke.

I don’t know how long it took, but someone finally spoke.

"Why is the yield of sweet potatoes so high?"

Most people are amazed, and some are regretting that they didn't plant along with them.

But there are also those who say mean things.

"What's the use of high output? If it can't be sold, won't it just be left to rot?"

The voice of the person who said this was not high, and he deliberately disguised his voice.Hidden among the crowd again, for a moment, I really didn’t know who said this.

It wasn't enough and everyone in the Su family didn't delve into it.

No matter who said this, it doesn't matter.

In this world, there are many people who say grapes are sour.

If you argue with such a person, you will only be angry with yourself in the end.

Zhao Youde did not continue reading.

You already know everything you want to know, now it’s time to go back to harvest the sweet potatoes.

Zhao Youde left, but the other spectators did not leave.

The Su family doesn't care about these people.

If they want to see it, let them see it.

Even if they look casually, there will be no less than one and a half sweet potatoes in the field.

After taking a short rest, everyone in the Su family began to work again.

The harvested sweet potatoes were put into baskets, put on the cart at the foot of the mountain, and pushed all the way home.

Some people transport it, some people plan it, and some people load it.

The assignments are clear, and while everyone is busy with their own tasks, they also cooperate with each other.

We have done it quickly and hard enough, but there are really a lot of sweet potatoes planted in the two small barren mountains, and it is impossible to harvest them all in one day.

After two days of busy work, I finally shipped all the sweet potatoes home.

The Su family's yard is very large, but it is already full of sweet potatoes.

There is a walking path out of the yard, and the rest of the place is full of sweet potatoes.

Even Su Nianfu was dumbfounded.

What is sweet potato mountain?

This is Sweet Potato Mountain!
Looking at the sweet potatoes in this yard, everyone in the Su family also felt happy.

But while I was happy, I also had to consider another matter before me.

(End of this chapter)

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