Chapter 574

Murong Xiao looked unhappy, he did not agree with Yun Xiangshang moving in.

Feng Mingwei smiled and said: "Catching a turtle in a urn, only in this way can we have a chance to catch her and expose her true face."

"She must have some purpose in wanting to enter Prince Lie's Mansion so persistently."

Feng Mingwei wanted to deal with this woman well. Since she insisted on coming to torture her, she would do it for her.

Murong Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking that this was a way to catch the fox's tail, "Okay then! I listen to you."

Lie Wang finally smiled.

Aunt Zhuang and the others all felt as if the rain had passed and the sky had cleared up. They all breathed a sigh of relief. Aunt Zhuang said, "Old slave, please leave."

Butler Xu sent Nanny Zhuang away.

With King Lie's permission, the Yun family, mother and son, moved into Prince Lie's Mansion.

Madam Yun and Young Master Yun stayed with her because they were worried.


Not long after moving in, Yun Xiangshang came to Xingyue Tower to meet Feng Mingwei.

It feels like a concubine coming to greet the main wife.

Feng Mingwei had just finished taking a bath and came out wearing a gauze dress.

Yun Xiangshang looked up when she heard footsteps. When she saw the man behind her, her face turned green. The girl said that Feng Mingwei was taking a bath and asked her to wait a moment.

And Murong Xiao came out together. Both of them were wearing thin white summer shirts. They were handsome men and beautiful women, just like a couple of gods and gods.

It's broad daylight now. Why do you need to take a bath if you haven't done anything during the day?You can imagine what they just did in the house.

When Yun Xiangshang thought of that scene, she was so excited that she almost revealed her true colors, with a vicious look in her eyes, but she quickly lowered her head to cover it up when the two of them walked to sit down in front of the Luohan cave.

She thought she had concealed it well, but little did she know that Feng Mingwei and the others had seen this scene.

Looking at the woman with a low eyebrow, Feng Mingwei's lips curled up coldly: "Why does my cousin come to Xingyue Tower alone when she is not feeling well?"

Yun Xiangshang pinched her palms with her fingers, raised her head and glanced over the man intentionally or unintentionally, pretending to be calm and sweetly smiling: "I came here to express my gratitude to my cousin. Without you, Chang'er might have died."

What women wear can be said to be very cool. They wear a pink bra skirt with a white gauze top. In Northern Qi, dressing is relatively conservative. Most ladies in Northern Qi would not dress like this, let alone expose their skin at all. She was bundled up even more tightly when she went out, and her clothes were in Western style, from the Western Regions.

She was afraid that she had known that Murong Xiao was here, so she dressed like this on purpose to seduce men.

Feng Mingwei raised her eyebrows calmly and glanced at the man beside her. Seeing that he didn't even look at the woman, the corners of her lips curved with satisfaction, "Cousin, you don't have to be so polite. Your Yun family paid 10 yuan for the antidote." You bought two from me, so there is no need for you to go out of your way to thank me."

"Next, there will be a fee for conditioning the body."

Yun Xiangshang sneered in her heart. She had known that she was a money-minded woman, and there was a trace of contempt in her eyes, "How much does my cousin want, just ask." Now she is not short of money.

Feng Mingwei raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the man, "My lord, how much do you think it is appropriate to charge? After all, we are relatives. Originally, I didn't want to talk about money because it would hurt my feelings, but you also know that the medicinal meals I prepare are all made with valuable ingredients." The expensive medicinal materials are made by this princess myself, and they are the only ones in the world."

Murong Xiao glanced at the woman with cold eyes, took the towel for wiping her hair from the girl's hand, stood up and wiped her hair naturally, looking down at her with the utmost tenderness in his brows and eyes, "Let's calculate it on a daily basis! Until Until my cousin gets married, it will be calculated as 10 taels per day."

Yun Xiangshang's face turned pale and bloodless as she watched this scene. Jealousy made her eyes look vicious, and she screamed uncontrollably: "10 taels? Cousin, have you fallen into the eyes of money?"

As he spoke, he looked at Murong Xiao with weak and helpless eyes, "Cousin, I am your cousin, how could you do this to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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