Splendid Abandoned Wife

Chapter 644 For Da Ying

Chapter 644 For Da Ying
Yin Zhilan stared, feeling disappointed, angry, helpless, and... gloating.Thinking of Yin Zhiqianzhi's proud face in the past two days, she didn't know why. She suddenly felt the urge to laugh even though she was being humiliated by Yin Zhiruo.

Is De Fei amazing?Is the Li family amazing?I don’t know what to be proud of marrying a Li Sanye who is suspected of having a broken sleeve?Don't you want to take advantage of Yin Zhiruo's sister and brother's blessings and wealth, but also want to use their names?It's a pity that Ren Yin Zhiruo still doesn't buy it!

Not only was Yin Zhilan speechless, but He Yi, who had been refuted, was also speechless. Can he say that he didn't know there was such a statement?Or can we say that he is more qualified than Concubine De to ask Yin Zhiruo to give face?
"Didn't you just say you were busy embroidering something? Do you want me to send you there first?" He Yi thought for a while and decided to let Yin Zhilan go back first to avoid an awkward atmosphere.To be honest, if Yin Zhilan's appearance hadn't happened to be his favorite type, he would have wanted to break the marriage. She could understand Yin Zhiruo's hatred for the Yin Hui brothers, but she didn't expect that she would hate everyone in the two houses. Exclusion.

Yin Zhilan shook his head and said, "No, my maid Xiaohuan is outside. Let's go back by ourselves." It was ridiculous to say that she was in the same mansion, but she had to go out the front door and go back through the side door.You could tell from He Yi's face that he was unhappy. She had indeed underestimated Yin Zhiruo's dislike of them, so much so that her first words angered Yin Zhiruo, making her even more ruthless, and even He Yi was offended.

Yin Zhilan left, and He Yi began to bring the conversation to the main topic, which was the main purpose of his visit today.

"Miss Yin," He Yi said, "I wonder if you still remember that husband Yu? The white-haired man that General Yin once rescued?"

"White-haired military advisor?" Minghui's eyes lit up, "How could such a powerful person not remember?" Yu Zhihusband is the posthumous son of a former general who was imprisoned to death by the Usolan Kingdom, and his mother is from the Usolan Kingdom. , was still the female slave who was responsible for bringing water and food to Yu Jiangjun. Because she admired Yu Jiangjun's integrity and would rather die than surrender, she has always taken good care of him.

It was not until [-] years after General Yu's death that Yu Zhihus mother told him her true life experience before she died of illness, hoping that he would have the opportunity to return to General Yu's hometown to recognize his ancestors.Yu Zhifu was less than ten years old at the time. He grew up alone on the grassland and was bullied. His only playmates were wolves, hounds and eagles on the grassland.However, he was gifted and had an extraordinary memory, as sharp as a wolf, as ferocious as a hound, and as sharp as a goshawk.

By chance, Yin Zhao, who was seriously injured and alone, rescued Yu Zhifu, who was poisoned by some plant he accidentally ate, and gave him the only detoxification pill on his body that Princess Qianxin bought for a lot of money. , and gave him half of the few dry food he had left.Later, in the most difficult battle fought by Yin Zhao and the most glorious victory, Yu Zhifu came to lead the Ying army at a critical moment. He also made great contributions and served as a military advisor to a certain extent. role.

After that time, people knew about Yu Zhihu's life experience and abilities.His familiarity with Usoland's landforms, weather anomalies, wind direction changes, strange desert phenomena, etc. is astounding. It is like a living map. It is also a living map with additional functions such as weather forecasting and water source searching. .Because he was young but had snow-white hair, he was called the white-haired military advisor by Yin Zhao's soldiers.

Unfortunately, Yu Zhifu was unwilling to formally join the army and serve the imperial court. He only returned to his father's hometown with the help of Yin Zhao. After returning to the northwest, he has been living a semi-savage life in a mountain on the border. He only occasionally came out to visit and help Yin Zhao, which was always when Yin Zhao was stationed in the northwest or fighting.Since Yin Zhao was shot to death by random arrows, no one has seen any trace of Yu Zhifu.

Only Zhiruo, Liang Dahai, and Mr. Li knew that Liang Dashan went to the northwest this time to find Yu Zhihu and persuade him to go out again to help Da Ying's army when necessary.Because in the entire Da Ying, there is really no general who is as familiar with the terrain and combat characteristics of Usoland as Yin Zhao. "You should have heard," He Yi continued, "that the Usolan Kingdom has produced another fierce general who is extremely brave and good at fighting. He is even more powerful than the general who was beheaded by General Yin before. It is said that Usolan In the past two years, the country has been fighting from the west to the north against those blue-eyed and golden-haired Fans, and its rapid expansion is all the result of that fierce general.

If we really go to war with the Usolan Kingdom this time, I am afraid that the fight will be very difficult and will consume a lot of time, financial resources, and troops. General Yin has a spirit in the sky, and he definitely does not want to see such a situation. . "

Mingze frowned: "Brother He is also going to the northwest for reinforcements? You want to find the white-haired military advisor? But we haven't seen him yet? We don't know how to find him? Brother He, you should have met Bai before. He is the military advisor." He didn't like He Yi's way of speaking. These situations were not something that their siblings should worry about. Even if the emperor valued their brothers, he never thought of letting Minghui, who was less than 14 years old, The children are now on the battlefield.Is it possible that He Yi hasn't given up yet and still wants to persuade Minghui to give up the scientific examination and go to the northwest with the prince?
"Ahem, haha," He Yi laughed awkwardly. The situation in the northwest is dangerous now. He finally got such a good official position. He was still in the suburbs of Beijing. He didn't want to go to the northwest. "I am currently on an errand in Zhechong Mansion. It's also very important. I'm afraid I won't be able to go to the northwest. I have met Yu Zhihu, but he is weird and withdrawn. He pays no attention to anyone except General Yin, and he won't give face to anyone. You guys take care of yourself. Think about it, has General Yin never mentioned before where to find Yu Zhifu when needed? Or is there a token or something?"

"Father never talks to me about official matters." Zhiruo shook his head: "As for Mingze and Minghui, when my father died, Mingze had just turned thirteen and was frail and sick, and Minghui was only eleven. How could my father discuss military affairs with them? ? We only know the name and origin of the white-haired military advisor, which is known in every street and alley, and we don’t know much about it, big brother He."

He Yi: "..." He actually thought so too, but the prince wanted too much to win over Yu Zhihu.Previously, they wanted to persuade Yin Minghui to follow the prince to the northwest. On the one hand, they wanted to draw the Yin family siblings into the prince's lineage. Yin Minghui's strong martial arts could also serve as the prince's bodyguard. On the other hand, they also wanted to use Yin Minghui to recruit Yu Zhi's husband. Unfortunately, Yin Minghui... Yumugoda decided that he could not be a deserter and refused immediately.

"Or," He Yi tried again, "for Da Ying, for..."

"Or," Zhiruo interrupted He Yi's careful consideration of words, "for the sake of Da Ying, Brother He can be temporarily transferred to the northwest, or directly request the emperor to find the white-haired military advisor. Brother He was originally a cavalryman under his father's command. Pioneer, you know the white-haired military advisor, and it is easy to gain his trust. If necessary, Mingze and Minghui will enter the palace tomorrow, and they can help you, Brother He..."

 I went out early in the morning and didn’t get home until 08:30, eh!

(End of this chapter)

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