Splendid Abandoned Wife

Chapter 263 Playing Chess

Chapter 263 Playing Chess
The reason for choosing Beijing and Jiangnan to expand the store first is naturally that these two places are rich in people and have strong spending power. Secondly, it is also very important. Haha, there is Shi Xin in Beijing and Qi Haotian in Jiangnan.

In the eyes of everyone, these two people are their own people and protective umbrellas at Zui Banshan Winery. I believe that under normal circumstances, no one would be willing to mess with them, whether they are local gangsters or gangsters.

The development of Dayuanfang and Shunfeng Escort Bureau are in sync. Now they are both in full swing and developing rapidly. They have been established in almost all the capitals and rich and developed places in Daying Prefecture.However, Da Yuan Fang can protect Nichang Ju and Qi Mubai's other properties, but it cannot have any involvement with Dian Dim Sum and Zui Ban Shan, lest people follow clues to find out the relationship between Da Yuan Fang and Meizhuang.

Fortunately, Prince Jing is taking care of the snacks now, and Old Man Banshan is taking charge of Zui Banshan. They each have their backers, but they are not afraid of anyone coming to cause trouble.

Liang Dashan said with emotion: "The business of Shunfeng Escort Bureau has gradually improved. Da Yuanfang will soon be self-sufficient. It won't be difficult for the silver to come rolling in soon. Add some snacks, Zui Banshan, Nishangju..., Da Yuanfang will be self-sufficient soon." Sister, you can make more money than your adoptive mother, you are truly better than your master."

"Haha," Zhiruo was not hypocritical, "What we have to do is to make a lot of money with one hand, and to quickly and quietly increase our strength with the other. Brother Cunren, Da Yuanfang is our hidden strength and important The most important thing is that making money is just a side job in the process of training, practicing, and testing strength." As for Mingze's strength, it depends on what step the Mingze brothers can take in the future.

Liang Dashan nodded and said firmly: "Don't worry, eldest sister, I understand." Everything they did was ultimately to find their enemies, avenge them, rehabilitate their adoptive father, and revive the Yin family.Money is indispensable, but it is not what the owner of Da Yuanfang wants to do, or in other words, it is not Da Yuanfang's main business.

"By the way, eldest sister," when talking about making money, Liang Dashan remembered that he still had something to say to Zhiruo, "That woman named Liu is really good at it. Jiaoyan Xiangzhuang has made the second house of the Yin family turn around. Not only does she have a lot of money Come on, Yin Hui's rank seems to have been raised back to the fifth rank, and his official position is the fifth rank of Household Doctor." Since his adoptive father's accident until now, Yin Hui's official rank has been upgraded and downgraded one level. In turn, it has become a joke in the circle. Now it has been promoted to the fifth level, and it is still lacking.

Zhiruo smiled, not too surprised, thinking that Jiaoyan Xiangzhuang had made money for the master behind the scenes and had more conveniences, so naturally it would give Yin Hui some sweetness.

convenient?Liang Dashan was a little confused as to what convenience a shop selling ointment could provide. If it were a building, restaurant, teahouse, etc. like Baihua Building, it might be of some use.

Zhiruo raised his eyebrows: "Brother, don't underestimate women. Behind every man there is one or even several women. In addition to talking about balm, women also talk about men. A woman's mood and the nature of her shopping may be affected by the officialdom of the men in the family. The influence of mood, some women are more powerful, and can even affect men's choices in dealing with others..."

Liang Dashan suddenly realized that his perspective was still a bit narrow.He is a secret guard, so he naturally knows these principles, but he just doesn't think about it. The things and methods he can use as a secret guard can also be used by people who want to create power and cliques in the officialdom. They are much the same. "Poor Mrs. Qi just turned over, and now she's in danger again." Zhiruo didn't like anyone in the two rooms of the Yin Mansion. "There's unrest in the backyard. I'm afraid it's hard for him to secure his official position! Brother Do you think so?" In order not to alert others, she would not punish the two families now, but she also didn't want them to live too comfortably, right?

Liang Dashan's eyes lit up, right?Isn’t it said that “If you don’t sweep one house, how can you sweep the whole world?”The imperial court does not care how many wives and concubines an official has, whether they are in harmony or not, but if he stops his wife and remarries, spoils his concubine and destroys his wife, or the chaos in the backyard causes all kinds of rumors and affects the official's character and image, the censor will definitely stand up and impeach him. , maybe he will be personally named by the emperor for various reasons, which will directly affect his future.

Yin Hui has already divorced a wife who colluded with bandits. If he causes any more "fun", haha...It doesn’t matter if it’s not lively enough. In the theater of the Yin Mansion, there are still a few characters who are quite capable of doing things. There are quite a few people), of course, they can’t be said to be nails. If anything happens, it won’t make any waves, and they won’t be implicated as the real nails.

"Brother," Zhiruo thought of another very important matter. It just so happened that Liang Dashan came back, so it would be best to talk to him in person, "Is it possible, as long as there is a powerful, or in other words, a prince or prince who covets that position?" , when we have the opportunity, we will try to find a way to place a chess piece in. Of course, there is no rush, and there is no need to place it in an important or convenient position. We can just take it slowly." How can it be easy to place a chess piece in the Wang Mansion and the Prince's Mansion? Where do people go in?

"Is it possible to covet?" Liang Dashan frowned, "This range is a bit large. Sister, do you think he is not the prince?" If it is possible to covet, the scope is smaller, but if there are conditions, it can be more or less. It depends on how you define it.Well, he still thinks the prince is the most likely.Firstly, the adoptive father did not think highly of the prince during his lifetime, and thought it would be better to depose the prince; secondly, the prince had always wanted to draw his adoptive father into the camp that supported him, but unfortunately he failed to do so.

Zhiruo shook his head: "You can't say that. I'm not sure I can rule out the prince yet. After all, there are indeed many doubts pointing to him. However, since the Baieling gold mine was launched, hasn't the prince received a cold reception from the emperor? ? Isn't he worried that the emperor will be suspicious of him? Shouldn't he stay dormant for the time being and put away all his little moves?" However, she had a feeling that that person seemed to be quite busy recently.She couldn't tell anything specifically, but she couldn't help but have this intuition after listening to what Liang Dashan and the others had discovered about the capital in the past six months.

"No matter what," Zhiruo continued, "Those people are always inextricably linked. Each of the chess pieces we set up will not be wasted, so we must be careful when choosing people."

Liang Dashan insisted on his own doubts about the prince, but he also felt that Zhiruo's words seemed to make sense, especially the last sentence, "There are always inextricable connections between those people." Indeed, whether he is the prince or not, since that person has something to do with it, The purpose and ambition of informing others will naturally not let go of anyone in the royal family, whether it is to win over those who support him or to exclude dissidents.

 My monthly relatives are here. I have had a headache all day today and my neck is extremely uncomfortable. I hope it won’t hurt again tomorrow.Not only were there no updates today, but there were very few updates, so I can only ask for your forgiveness.

(End of this chapter)

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