Splendid Abandoned Wife

Chapter 260 So strange (2 updates in 1)

Chapter 260 So strange (two updates in one)

She didn't know whether it was what Mummy Ling said that confused her mind, or whether it was Zhiruo's lukewarm attitude that cooled down her originally warm and even a little excited mind. Anyway, she walked along Zhiruo's ladder. After the show, until she left, Mrs. Song, who was more and more satisfied with Zhiruo's knowledge, could not get excited.

Pan Shumin, who did not go shopping at Merlin in the end, was very happy because Zhiruo not only brought freshly baked cakes, but also gave her two portions of double-skinned milk that she had never seen before. It was sweet and tender, which made her smile. She was already bent. Then she heard that this pair of leather breasts would only be launched in dim sum during the Chinese New Year, and she became even more excited. Didn't she have the capital to show off among a group of little girls she had always been friends with?
However, the arrival of her second brother Pan Jiaming interrupted her good mood, because she was going to her maternal grandfather's house in Penzhou with her mother again.

"How could this happen?" Ms. Song was also very depressed, "Isn't it better? I just returned to Beijing." By the way, her mother was not very ill last time. She just used this as an excuse to run back to her parents' home. Forget it, she originally planned to plot Pan Jiaming to marry her natal niece, but she didn't want this damn boy to trick her and didn't pick her up at all.Looking back, Pan Jiaming has been getting more and more out of her control since then. Could it be that the queen or the old lady discovered something and then told the dead boy to provoke him to be on guard against her?Yes, that must be the case. Why hadn't she thought of it?

Mrs. Song's mind at the moment was not at all about her mother being seriously ill again, but she wanted to immediately go through the servants who accompanied her mother and daughter to Penang last time and find out the slave who caused her to be tricked.In the early years, when the second wife and her husband died, she knew that someone was staring at the eldest master and her. Later, they gradually disappeared. Didn't she expect that it would happen again now?How abominable!Why can't the queen and the dead old woman tolerate their big house so much, so they must insist on handing over the Pan family to a loser and a playboy?
Pan Jiaming looked careless as usual, holding a cup of milk tea and lazily said: "I heard that Song Hongtu raped a common girl, but it turned out that the girl happened to go to the mansion of the Penang governor, Mr. Li, to join his aunt, Mr. Li. Cousin, her father was a school captain who was guarding the border in the northwest, so Song Hongtu was taken into custody by the Yamen, and then Mrs. Song fell ill. Well, that's probably it, but the Song family sent a message Your people are still waiting for you at the inn, wouldn't it be more clear, Auntie, if you go and ask in person?"

Uh, I know it would be very embarrassing for this owner to be an outsider. He accidentally heard about someone else’s scandal?This Prince Pan is really unreliable. Are there any outsiders here who don’t know?Don’t you know that family scandals should not be made public?Grandma Ling knew just now that "family scandal" should be whispered in her ear.

It's a pity that she has finished speaking and listening now. As a master, she can't just leave her guests and go away, right?I can only immerse myself in sipping milk tea and try my best to reduce my sense of presence.

Song Hongtu?Mrs. Song was stunned for a moment, and then sighed helplessly. No wonder the old lady suddenly became "seriously ill". Her precious eldest grandson was in prison. It would be strange that she was not seriously ill.It is said that Pan Jiaming is the most dandy in the capital and the head of the three hegemons of the aristocratic family, but he never flirts with women. He still goes to the brothel and watches the singing and dancing, but if any oiran, courtesan or the like dares to come within three steps of him , first he was thrown out by four tubes and two tubes.

As soon as she arrived in Luo City this time, she heard that at the Ning family horse racing meeting, the two slaves deliberately let out rumors that their master had been warned by the Queen and was not allowed to get involved with women and be plotted by shameless women. He also said that if a woman dared to scheme against Pan Jiaming, no matter how far she went, she would at most be a maidservant.

Sometimes she really felt it was strange. In other aspects, Pan Jiaming didn't listen to the queen that much (otherwise he wouldn't have become the dandy he is today), but why was he so obedient when it came to women?She has been secretly manipulating it, and even deliberately creating conditions and adding fuel to the flames over and over again has failed to achieve anything.

Suddenly, a vague idea flashed through her mind so fast that she couldn't grasp it at all.

Mrs. Song shook her head and secretly smiled bitterly. Now was really not the time to dwell on this matter. What she needed to worry about most was her biological nephew who really only knew how to eat, drink, whore and gamble, and now he was imprisoned for sex. .

"Erlang, can you..." Apart from bringing Pan Jiaming back to Penzhou to support her family and rescue Song Hongtu, she really couldn't think of any other way at the moment.

"No," Pan Jiaming answered quickly and simply, "Not to mention the horse race is coming soon. I can't leave. Even my grandfather won't let me get involved in this matter. Well, this is what my grandfather asked that servant of the Song family to take care of. The letter you gave me contains instructions to my aunt, please take a look."

A letter from the Duke?Song's heart sank, did the Duke know?What else can be "explained"?She was really killed by her parents this time!It's true that her mother sent someone to report the news. She was so stupid. Since she knew that she was not in the capital, she only said that her mother was sick and asked her where she was. Why did she tell the Duke the specific matter?
Although the Duke of Guo was partial to Da Fang, he had always looked down on her natal Song family, especially since her father's death, because several brothers and nephews in the Song family were insignificant.

In fact, Mrs. Song was really the servant who had wrongfully delivered the letter. It was her eldest brother and sister-in-law who were anxious. They were worried that if they were delayed for one more day, their son would suffer in jail for one more day. They hoped that the British government would directly send a message to the prefect's Yamen from above, forcing the prefect to do nothing. The crime released Song Hongtu.

This requires telling the Song family the truth in Beijing and asking her to find a solution to Prince Pan or Mr. Pan. Otherwise, the day lily will be cold after all the time. Putting aside the punishment, once the crime is determined, where will Song Hongtu be able to return the favor in the future? Can you be an official?Don't even think about a good marriage.

Therefore, since Mrs. Song was away, the servants had no choice but to tell Mr. Pan the truth, fearing that they would delay the rescue of the second young master and be skinned by the eldest master and his wife when they returned home.What a coincidence, the Duke of Guo who suddenly arrived heard him...

As expected by the Song family, the first sentence of the Duke of Guo made it clear that Pan Jiaming must do his job conscientiously and host the horse race banquet well, and must not get involved in the messy affairs of the Song family, so as not to discredit the queen.

The letter also said that filial piety comes first. Since the Song family came to see the Song family on the grounds that Mrs. Song was seriously ill, the Song family would naturally go back to Penang. Pan Jiajin and Pan Shumin could follow if they wanted to, but Pan Jiajin was not allowed to do so. Song Hongtu came forward and acted in the name of the British government.

In the letter, the British Duke repeatedly ordered the Song family not to shield their natal nephew, help the tyrants, or damage the reputation of the British government outside. He also said that since Song Hongtu had done something wrong, he should be punished.The emperor now pays more and more attention to the military morale, especially the military morale of the border officers. The soldiers are guarding the border, but the daughter is being bullied. How can it not be chilling?What's more, the Ying Dynasty has explicitly protected women from good families since Emperor Taizu, and imposed heavier penalties on crimes such as forcing good girls into prostitution, abducting and selling women from good families, and raping civilian girls.

Ah, bah, are the old man and the Pan family so upright?Mrs. Song secretly spat, wasn't it necessary to speak so grandly just to protect his queen daughter, for fear of damaging his father-in-law's status and reputation?
However, she only dared to complain about these words in her heart. Not to mention the Duke, she did not dare to say a word to Master Pan and her son Pan Jiajin.By the way, several of her children are also extremely disgusted with their maternal grandfather's family.

She was the only one who had no choice. No matter how much she didn't like it, it was still her natal family. A woman without her natal family would have less confidence in anything.Forget it, Duke Guo and Pan Jiaming refused to help, so she had no choice but to go to Penang and think of another solution. As long as she didn't kill someone, she still had room for maneuver even if she committed a crime.Didn’t you say that Magistrate Li was greedy for money?Now that the cousin's reputation has been ruined again, it's not impossible for the Song family to give her more betrothal gifts or compensation to get her back.

Mrs. Song's brows gradually relaxed a little. Since the evidence was complete, if Magistrate Li really wanted to convict Song Hongtu, why should he delay?I guess the Li family has the same idea, right?It's just that my mother, brother and sister-in-law relied on the power of the British government and only wanted to use their power to suppress others. They didn't think about it in any other way, right?
After figuring out the key points, Mrs. Song felt a little relieved and her expression softened a lot.

But Pan Shumin was unhappy: "Mom, what does our second cousin's crime have to do with us? Why should we go to my grandfather's house and be embarrassed? Mom, I don't want to go to Penang."

Mrs. Song was a little moved at first, but when she thought about it, the three of them, mother and son, were in Luo City together. They received the news that Mrs. Song was seriously ill, but she was the only one to visit the doctor. If the news spread, she would be criticized. The real purpose of this trip back to Penang will also be dug up and gossiped about.

Pan Jiajin really didn't want him to go. Once she finally got the invitation to the horse racing banquet, she had the opportunity to show off and get close to Princess Chunxi and the fourth prince. Even if she opened her mouth, Pan Jiajin would not agree to give up.Secondly, she was also afraid that the Duke would not like Pan Jiajin because of this.

In this way, Pan Shumin, who was too young to attend the horse racing party, would definitely go with her to visit her grandmother.

In the end, Mrs. Song said goodbye to Zhiruo with a slight embarrassment and left with Pan Shumin.As for the snacks that Pan Shumin hadn't had time to finish, Zhiruo was very considerate and asked someone to pack them up for her and take them away, which finally put a smile on Pan Shumin's miserable face.

After the carriage had driven out for a while, she suddenly remembered that one of the purposes of her visit to Meizhuang today - to pay homage to Princess Qianxin - was not done at all. Mrs. Song couldn't help but frown in annoyance.Although she had no intention of doing so, it was just an excuse, but since she used this matter as an excuse without even burning a stick of incense, she was about to be gossiped about. Yin Zhiruo was very smart if not said, at least he was not as ignorant as the rumors said. , people who are easy to bully cannot not think more.

The more Ms. Song thought about it, the more depressed she became. If she had known that she would not be able to come out of the inn today, wouldn't it be okay to go to Meizhuang after returning from Penzhou?If I am embarrassed in front of Yin Zhiruo again and again like this today, it will not look good next time I go to Meizhuang on the pretext of paying homage.First, he was contradicted and rejected by one of the servants of Granny Ling, and then he came to Meizhuang because of the scandal of his parents' family. Now he forgot to burn the incense stick and left in a hurry. It was really... embarrassing.If not..., she would definitely never want to appear in front of the Yin family again.

Zhiruo was very happy that Mrs. Song was coming and going in such a hurry. On the one hand, she really didn't want to face a hypocritical person like Mrs. Song and say some unnutritious words. On the other hand, she was relieved, wasn't she?There is no need to worry about them playing tricks or letting that little witch Pan Shumin do anything bad to Ling'er and Xuan'er.

However, Pan Jiaming arrived with the news so quickly and brought news that disrupted the Song family's plan so effectively that the Song family's mother and daughter even stayed away from Pan Shuling, at least while he was busy with the horse racing party.Haha, are these really just coincidences?Although it is a coincidence, it is really unbelievable for a person like Zhiruo who has experienced a lifetime of hard work in modern shopping malls and a lifetime of complete defeat at home.In just one year since she was reborn, she has planned many "coincidences", okay?
Although it was only for a short moment, the sensitive Pan Jiaming quickly caught the suspicion and teasing in Zhiruo's eyes. He was not angry, but looked back funny, with even a rare hint of mischief in his eyes. .

For some reason, he couldn't help but feel relaxed and relaxed when facing Miss Yin in front of him, whether it was her who was disguising herself as a man and rolling her eyes, or whether she was holding tea and "stealing" the gossip openly, or whether it was her just now She has a cunning, little fox look on her face.

"Ahem," Zhiruo, who was caught, blushed slightly, "Master Ming, aren't you busy going back? It will probably be half an hour before Mingze and Minghui have time to sit with you." When expelling a guest or something, you have to say something nice, right?Who gives people high status?And she also hopes that her two younger brothers can be friends with her.

"Oh, I have to rush back. The fourth prince is still waiting for me to talk about something." Pan Jiaming saw the little girl blushing, and suddenly he couldn't bear to tease her anymore. He was about to ask, "Don't you have something to ask me?" "Swallowed it back alive.Hey, didn’t everyone say that he was out of tune and unreliable?Why are there so many "can't bear it" all of a sudden?Pan Jiaming felt like he was a different person when facing Miss Yin, and became strange.

Zhiruo breathed a sigh of relief and even forgot to cover up, but at this moment she didn't realize it, she just thought that she would be happy without having to face the embarrassment of being caught.

However, she was not one to burn bridges by crossing rivers. She also saw that the snacks in front of Pan Jiaming were still unused and the milk tea was only half drunk.

"It's a coincidence that Mingshizi came here. These snacks are freshly baked," Zhiruo said with a smile, "Just in time, I'll ask someone to pack some more and fill them with a pot of milk tea. You can take it back and use it while discussing things. That's good. .”

"That's a good relationship, thank you Miss Yin," Pan Jiaming was not polite at all and had a very natural feeling.

Many people treat him kindly, as if they really treat him as a relative. He often accepts things from others, and they are all of great value. Unfortunately, he doesn't feel any closeness to them, and usually just curls his lips and smiles.

However, the faint smile, the faint words, and the sweet snacks in front of him easily made his heart soften. How strange!
 Stick it on first and catch the bugs tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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