Chapter 512: Executives Exposed

The matter of Yun Yurou and Gu Mohan's "consummation" became known to everyone, and he originally believed it, but when he was cleaning Gu Mohan's room today, he discovered Nan Wanyan's Yu Huang.

This jade huang, which Nan Wanyan was still wearing when she came back from the palace yesterday, ran into the prince's room after one night and even fell on the prince's bed. It was obvious that something happened between Nan Wanyan and the prince. .

What happened to Yun Yurou?

However, he did not reveal it, "I understand, I will handle this matter personally, Concubine Yun, please don't mess up your position."

Yun Yurou seemed to have been given a shot in the arm, and she breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, executive, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone."

The executive gave her a cold look, his aura completely unlike that of an ordinary housekeeper, "I'm not doing this all for you."

Gu Mohan and Nan Wanyan were about to become the prince and the princess. He had been secretly guarding the young master for more than ten years. His wish to become the princess was about to come true. He could not let the young master down.

He still wants to stay here to help the young master, so there is no way he can stay with Shen Yu, a time bomb!
Yun Yurou didn't understand the implication of his words, and thought that the executive was doing it for himself, and she didn't care, as long as the executive was willing to take action.

After Yun Yurou calmed down, she returned to her Zhulan Courtyard.

But somehow, her heart was still vaguely uneasy.

Shen Yu woke up, but the news that he had lost his memory soon spread throughout the palace. That night, some were happy and some were worried...

Early the next morning, the executive family appeared in front of Xifengyuan with a bowl of porridge and two plates of side dishes.

In order to protect Shen Yu, Gu Mohan increased the number of guards around the courtyard.

When the guard guarding the door saw the executive's family, he asked, "Why are the executive's family here?"

The executive smiled kindly, and his words were as honest and amiable as ever.

"The princess told him that if Guard Shen wakes up, he must eat some warm liquid food. The prince also specifically asked to take care of Guard Shen's safety, so the old slave came to deliver the meal himself."

The two guards exchanged glances and said expressionlessly to the executive, "How offending, but now the prince has an order, and we are testing the poison out of order."

The executive's eyes changed and he quickly regained his composure. He smiled at the two of them and said, "I understand. After all, everyone is doing things according to the prince's instructions."

One of them took out a silver needle and checked the food. The silver needle did not change color, and the two guards let the high man's family into the courtyard.

The executive came to the door of the house, knocked twice, then opened the door and walked in, "Guard Shen, this old slave is here to bring you meals."

On the bed, Shen Yu was still weak and could only push himself up and lean against the bed. His face was pale, but his eyes were unusually clean and clear.

He smiled gratefully at the executive, as if he really didn't know that the person in front of him had tried to kill him.

"Sorry to bother you, the executive. Just leave such small things to them. Why do you have to go there yourself?" The executive's eyes were a bit inquisitive. Seeing that Shen Yu really didn't remember, he paused for a moment. He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled happily.

"The old slave and Guard Shen are both old men in the palace, why should they be so polite."

He turned his back, picked up the porridge bowl, and used his index and middle fingers to explore the medicine bag he had hidden under the bowl. He quietly sprinkled the medicine powder into the porridge bowl, then silently put away the paper, and turned to face it with a normal expression. Follow Shen Yu and walk away.

"However, Guard Shen has been in a coma for so many days, which has really worried the prince. In order to catch the assassins who harmed you, the prince has spent a lot of effort. Unfortunately, there are no clues yet..."

As he said this, he handed the porridge bowl to Shen Yu.

A flash of fierceness suddenly flashed in Shen Yu's eyes, but he suppressed it.

What a great acting skill. If he was not a victim, how could he dare to think that the kind and kind old man in front of him who had watched him grow up was actually a traitor and the one who wanted to kill him!
He was so brazen, saying that he couldn't catch his assassin. The person who killed him was the executive himself...

He suppressed his angry emotions, smiled on his face, and raised his hand with difficulty to take the porridge bowl, "Thank you, steward."

Shen Yu took the porridge bowl. There was a hint of murderous intent in Gao Guanjia's eyes, but he smiled and said, "Be careful because it's hot and eat slowly."

Before Shen Yu could respond, Nan Wanyan's voice, as cold as frost, suddenly came from the room.

"The executive is really good at acting. It would be a pity not to make you the best actor."

South night smoke? !

Why is she here? !

The executive's body suddenly stiffened, but he immediately calmed down. Not only was he not afraid of Nan Wanyan, but he turned around pretending to be surprised.

"Princess, why are you here? What did I do wrong? You want to say this to me?"

Nan Wanyan walked out from behind the screen, sneered and took the porridge bowl from Shen Yu's hand and threw it on the ground. In an instant, a large area of ​​stone bricks was corroded, and the area covered by the white porridge made a continuous "sizzling" sound.

"Now, what do you think I'm saying to you? Are you trying to kill Shen Yu over and over again for Yun Yurou?"

When Shen Yu saw this, his heart went cold. Even if he had known for a long time that the executives were traitors and wanted to kill him, he still couldn't believe that he had just escaped death and the executives came to give him poison again.

He looked at the executive's house, his eyes full of anger and pain. Thinking that the prince was in the house, he shouted excitedly.

"Executive family, why did you poison me? Why did you help Concubine Yun to harm me? What is your relationship--"

(End of this chapter)

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