Strategy of Prince's Concubine's Rebellion

Chapter 588 The first encounter with King Chen

Chapter 588 The first encounter with King Chen
All this flashed through her mind uncontrollably.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that this situation was very familiar.

Why is it so familiar?

Did the princess say the same thing to me at some point?
Xiaoju brushed her hair, originally wanting to knock off the bit of osmanthus cake on her head.

But it unexpectedly evoked some memories from long ago.

In the noisy market of Yongchun City, Princess Yingxue met King Chen for the first time.

She comforted: "Miss, I heard about it too.

Men from Beiyan are different from us young men from Nanchu.

They don't care whether the girl's family wants it or not.

As long as you like it, you will take back whatever you can, just like a savage.

Even though there are secret guards for protection, it’s still best not to provoke them. "

The princess couldn't listen at all, and she only wanted to speak for the barbarian.

"You, don't think nonsense.

This brother looked different, there was no barbaric aura about him.

The people of Beiyan are also human beings, not beasts, so there is nothing to be afraid of. "

But just now, the princess was smiling.

"You, you only look at people based on their superficial appearance.

That young man is not a bad person at first glance.

It must be that he was abused since childhood in a wealthy family, which made him look like this strangely today.

He is very pitiful.

Don't think too much, and don't be afraid of him. "

What about these two scenes and dialogues?
So similar?

The more Xiaoju thought about it, the more panicked she became.

The princess is obviously so smart, but why does she become confused and lose her mind when she encounters such people and things like this?
Doesn't she feel that meeting and getting along with the young master in black today is exactly the same as when she met King Chen in Yongchun City?

Twice before and after, everyone smelled the danger, but she was unaware of it.

Why is this so?

Xiaoju took Princess Yingxue's hand and said excitedly:

"Son, I think they look alike"

Like King Chen, like Yan Jun!

She almost blurted out.But thinking of the princess in the general's mansion in the border town, how heartbroken she looked every day, it was hard to say anything.

After all, King Chen is dead, and all these are just his unfounded speculations.

Why tell it again and make the princess sad?
At this moment, the princess looks so beautiful with a smile.

Xiaoju lingered on the word "like" for a long time, but in the end he didn't have the heart to say what it looked like.

Princess Yingxue looked at Xiaojie's dazed look and burst into laughter.

"What a silly girl."

She stood up and stretched her waist.

"Tell the store owner that I want to take a bath before going to bed and let them prepare it."

".Yes, my lord."

Xiaoju went to prepare worriedly.

In King Chen's house, Fei Shi was also worried.

As soon as Zhang Yong came over, they heard very light footsteps.

Hence the previous conversation about buying silk.

But just after he sent away the thief who came to inquire, when he turned around, he saw His Highness sitting beside the desk, looking at the robe in a daze.

Fei Shi also glanced at the robe.

The material quality is indeed high quality, and the price is evident at first glance.

But so what?
That vicious woman would not think that she could seduce His Highness with just a piece of tattered clothes, so that His Highness would be merciful to her.

Simply delusional!

I'm afraid she doesn't know yet.

His Highness's purpose of this trip is to take revenge on her, to make her life worse than death!
"She will be tortured repeatedly and then killed in the most cruel way, so that she will know what it means to live with regret!

This is what His Highness said personally.

Huh, her little tricks are nothing more than little tricks in His Highness's eyes.

Your Highness will not be fooled.

However, when he raised his head for a moment, he saw his master putting his big hands on the robe, gently stroking the embroidered patterns on it.

His face was softer than it had ever been since that incident.

How can it be?

(End of this chapter)

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