Strategy of Prince's Concubine's Rebellion

Chapter 565: The young master is still a baby, right?

Chapter 565: The young master is still a baby, right?
She hurriedly pushed the woman away.

Her fair and tender little face turned red.

His watery eyes darted around like a frightened deer.

"Please, girl, respect yourself."

Murong Chen, who was drinking alone and looking at her coldly, burst into laughter.

The girl who was rejected by Princess Yingxue was a little embarrassed at first, but when she heard the laughter of the man in black, she also laughed.

"Young Master is still a youngster, don't be afraid. There has to be a first time for such things. Sister will serve you well and let you know what it means to be romantic and happy."

"No, I'm not going!"

"Young master, don't be shy."

"Oh, I'm not going, don't pull me away."

Murong Chen sat opposite her, watching her embarrassment with interest.

Her fair and tender little face was filled with blush.

The man's hair style, which was not very regular to begin with, became slightly crooked while hiding here and there.

There were thin beads of sweat on his forehead and neck.

A pair of big black eyes, hiding around because of shyness.

It's like he and she.
The way they look when having sex on the couch.


It’s not like you’ve never experienced this kind of thing before, so why are you so shy?

Or, for her, those things have disappeared long ago, as if they had never been experienced before?
Murong Chen's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

"Liu'er, why are you so shameless!

The young master doesn’t want to go to the private room with you.

Young Master, I want to stay here and drink with me. "


Xiang Yingxue responded quickly.

"I want to drink here and enjoy the view, not go upstairs."

Princess Yingxue said, took the wine cup handed over by another girl, and drank it in small sips.

The girl who handed the wine was very happy when she saw the handsome young man drinking her wine.

While she was drinking, looking at her fair and tender face, I couldn't help but want to lean over and kiss her.


A wine cup suddenly hit her in the face.Drinks flew everywhere in an instant!

Even Xiang Yingxue's face was splashed with wine.

All four girls screamed together.

Murong Chen was upset after hearing this and slapped the table hard with his big palm.

He uttered four words in a dull yet oppressive tone: "Stay away from her!"

The four delicate girls were frightened.

They all stood up and stood in a row behind Princess Yingxue.

He clasped his hands and lowered his head, waiting for the distinguished guest to say something.

Although Xiang Yingxue didn't like having them around.

But as they are both women, I don’t want to embarrass them.

She didn't know someone was about to kiss her just now.

I just thought that the man in black opposite him lost his temper because he was left out.

He quickly warmed up and said: "Several of you girls are vying to accompany me, how can that be done?

My brother is still here drinking alone.

Why don't you go and accompany him. "

The four girls looked at each other and winked at each other, but no one wanted to accompany the young man in black and brocade robes.

Although he looked dignified, his whole body exuded an eerie air of coldness.

It makes people inexplicably fearful.

Having been in a romantic place for a long time, I know best who I can mess with and who I can't mess with.

This tall and thin young man exuded a bloodthirsty and violent aura. He must have been in the killing business to be like this.

Such benefactors would not dare to earn money even if they were given money.

If you serve well, you'll be fine; if you serve poorly, your life may be lost.

And with such a lowly status, his life was gone, and the madam didn't even bother to repay his official position.

A random straw mat was thrown into the mass grave.

Who is willing to accept this kind of deal?

Seeing that the four girls were motionless, Xiang Yingxue took out a large ingot of silver from her sleeve pocket and slapped it on the table.

"Girls, whoever stays with my brother well today, this ingot of silver will belong to him."

(End of this chapter)

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