Strategy of Prince's Concubine's Rebellion

Chapter 524 Congratulations to the Emperor for finding a good son-in-law

Chapter 524 Congratulations to the Emperor for finding a good son-in-law
Luo Chengxian looked at everyone's surprised expressions and said proudly: "This is just a birthday gift from me to His Majesty the Emperor."

He raised his hand to the little eunuch who was with him again.

The little eunuch took out a volume of documents from his arms.

Luo Chengxian opened the document and showed it to everyone.

"In addition, I have also prepared a betrothal gift worth millions of gold. I only ask the emperor to marry Princess Yingxue to me as your concubine!"

"How can that be?"

Xiang Jingming stood up excitedly.

Before he could say the word "neng", he was interrupted by Grand Sima Zheng Rong.

"Congratulations to the emperor for finding a good son-in-law. The marriage between Nanzhao and Nanchu will definitely enhance the national power of Chu and create eternal peace for Chu!"

The other courtiers of Zheng's faction also knelt down and shouted in response.

"The marriage between Nanzhao and Nanchu will create eternal peace for Chu!"

"The marriage between Nanzhao and Nanchu will create eternal peace for Chu!"

Sitting on the throne, Xiang Junhao twirled his beard and was very satisfied.



Xiang Jingming and Sun Haoyan, the veteran of three dynasties, spoke out at the same time.

"Father, this is a major event in Xueer's life. Please don't make a hasty decision!"


Sun Haoyan said in a deep voice: "Princess Yingxue has benefited the people's livelihood, so I'm afraid it's inappropriate to marry far away."

Queen Chen was about to say something, but Concubine Zheng got there first.

“Your Majesty, Princess Yingxue grew up in Chu Palace and is deeply loved by her elders.

If she suddenly marries far away, I am afraid her elders will not be able to bear it, and she herself will become unbearably homesick.

Besides, if you don't have a filial child like Princess Yingxue to supervise the work, your new palace will probably be repaired in a mess. "

"Your Majesty's Concubine!"

Zheng Rong, who has always been tied to Concubine Zheng, actually contradicted his biological sister for the first time. "The marriage between Nanzhao and Nanchu is a great undertaking. How can it be delayed so easily because of the love between the children or the renovation of the palace!"

His elder brother has always been very respectful in front of him, but now he didn't show any face to him in front of all the civil and military officials and concubines in the harem.

Concubine Zheng's heart suddenly burst into flames.

"Da Sima thinks about the great cause of the country, but I think about human relations and family ties!

As a parent, who wouldn’t be extremely sad when their daughter marries far away?

What's more, why should Nanzhao and Nanchu form an alliance through marriage relations?

If the two countries trade with each other, can't they also form an alliance? "

The courtiers and concubines watched as the brother and sister, who had always been on the same page, turned against each other for their common enemy, Princess Yingxue.

I was stunned for a moment.

Is the sun out in the west today?

How do you feel that Zheng Rong has suddenly transformed into Sun Haoyan, who speaks uprightly and serves the country and the people?

But Concubine Zheng suddenly turned into Empress Chen, who loves her daughter passionately?
Is this the legendary soul exchange?

Zheng Rong was so angry that Concubine Zheng stomped her feet.

Although he tried his best to suppress it, there was still a slight irritation in his voice.

"Your Majesty, your words are wrong!

Nowadays, although the Great Chu Kingdom is in a peaceful and prosperous age, it is actually in a state of turmoil.

Although Princess Yingxue was victorious in the battle at the border town, she still personally killed King Bei Yanchen.

Emperor Murong Yue and Prince Murong Guang of Yan State were both good at strategies and understood people's hearts. They were among the best geniuses in the world.

They and Murong Chen share the same mother and brother, so how can they let Da Chu go so easily?

My spies have reported back. Since the death of King Chen, Murong Guang has been training day and night! "

Murong Guang started training day and night!
All civil and military officials in the dynasty shuddered.

(End of this chapter)

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