Strategy of Prince's Concubine's Rebellion

Chapter 518 The beast who forced himself

Chapter 518 The beast who forced himself
Princess Yingxue breathed a long sigh of relief, and her tense nerves finally relaxed.

Yes, it's just a coincidence.

I had made sure again and again whether he had no breath at all, and for this purpose I had stabbed him in the most fatal part of his body.

Then he asked Zi Yan to follow his coffin all the way until the corpse inside rotted to the point of unpleasant stench before returning to life.

This is already the case, what chance of survival is there?
What are you afraid of and doubtful about?

The beast who forced himself must be really dead.

As for the other beast who wants to force himself, it's time to give him some color.

Princess Yingxue has never seen Prince Nan Zhao since his throat was scratched.

I spent a very peaceful time alone in the palace.

Xiang Junhao's palace is almost ready.

Of course, what made her feel even more relieved was that Zi Yan, whom she sent to deliver a message to Zhou Jing, finally came back.

He also brought a reply letter from Zhou Jing.

Princess Yingxue hurriedly opened the small envelope and unfolded the dark yellow letter paper.

Zhou Jing's vigorous and unrestrained handwriting appears on the paper.

However, before Xiang Yingxue had time to look, Xiaojue and Xiaotao came over eagerly.

"What did Master Jing say? What did he say?"

"When will Master Jing come back?"

"Did Master Jing say when the next wedding will be?"

"Master Jing, how are you doing there?"

Xiang Yingxue helplessly pushed away the two big heads blocking the letter paper.

"Why are you so anxious? I will tell you after reading this!"

Princess Yingxue read silently word by word.

She didn't know what she read, but her face suddenly turned red.

Gradually, it becomes more and more red, as if a ripe peach is about to drip red juice.

Xiaoju Xiaotao looked at each other with a smile.

Xiao Tao saw that Princess Yingxue had finished reading the letter, but she still remained silent.

I couldn't help it anymore, so I snatched the letter away.

He deliberately coughed and said, "I miss someone far away in a distant land. I feel something deep in my heart." "Don't think about it, don't say it out loud!"

Princess Yingxue hurriedly grabbed it.

Xiao Tao laughed playfully but refused to give it to her.

Xiaoju came over to take a look, and read with a smile: "You can't go far away from home without looking at it every day. You can't understand it in your heart, and you can't miss it every night without thinking about it."


The two little maids couldn't stop laughing.

Princess Yingxue snatched the letter and held it tightly in her hand.

Seeing that she was serious, Xiaojue Xiaotao became much more honest.

After all, Xiaojue and Princess Yingxue went through hardships together in the Yan Army camp, so she is still calmer than Xiaotao.

She stepped forward and held Princess Yingxue's arm.

"No more trouble, no more trouble. But you must tell us when Master Jing will come back."

They followed the princess since childhood and played with Zhou Jing and Zhou Yu from childhood to adulthood.

Although the relationship is that of master and servant, the relationship is not much different from that of brothers and sisters.

Xiao Tao also nodded eagerly.

"Yes, princess, let's stop making trouble. Princess, please tell me when will Master Jing come back?"

Princess Yingxue sighed.

"Brother Zhou Jing said that the eldest prince of Soochow took him in and was kind to him.

He wants to repay his kindness and come back after he has no worries. "

"What kind of favor is there? When will it be repaid?"

Xiaotao asked.

"The so-called repaying the kindness of the Soochow Prince is to train an invincible army for him.

Brother Zhou Jing said that he would train day and night and be back in as soon as a month. "

"Ah, one month, that means we can still make it in time for New Year's Eve!"

Little Taole dances happily.

"Great, Master Jing can come back to spend New Year's Eve with the princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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