Strategy of Prince's Concubine's Rebellion

Chapter 490 A faint sense of satisfaction

Chapter 490 A faint sense of satisfaction
The people in the bank saw it and started talking among themselves.

"There have been rumors recently that the reason why Xingsheng Bank was renamed Yongshou Bank was because the second prince took over the bank for Princess Yingxue. I didn't expect it to be true."

"Of course it's true. The Yongshou Yinhao is the new name given by the emperor. He said it was to support the second prince."


Someone whispered: "The Second Prince is far less reliable than Princess Yingxue. Is it safe for us to store our money here?"

"So, I came here just to take my money home."

"Don't talk about it, you really have to take it home. It will make you feel at ease if you take it home. I heard that as soon as he takes over the bank, he will build a large-scale construction project and build a palace for the emperor. Wouldn't such a construction mean that the bank will be hollowed out?"

"Keep your voice down, keep your voice down, are you risking your life? If you don't worry, just take away all the money. If you take it away, everything will be fine."

"Yes, yes, just take away the money and everything will be fine."

The shopkeeper of the silver account carefully examined the second prince's token. After confirming that it was genuine, he immediately said respectfully: "Sir, how much silver does the second prince want to withdraw? I will ask the guys to prepare it now."

Seeing the shopkeeper's respectful attitude, the little eunuch felt a faint sense of satisfaction in his heart, but his face became even colder.

"Three million taels, not a penny less!"

300 taels!

The shopkeepers, waiters and people who came to deposit and withdraw money were all shocked.

300 million taels, how much silver is this?

Even dozens of carriages may not be able to pull it.

The people on the side were anxious, and some could no longer care whether what they said at this time was inappropriate.

He hurriedly said to the waiter: "I take less, so I'll just take 30 taels. Please take mine first."

An old woman also said anxiously: "Take out all the 150 taels we have at home."

When other people in the bank saw it, they all clamored to get the money.

Even the people who were going to deposit the money had to take it away.The entire bank instantly became noisy.

The little eunuch didn't bother to care, and said coldly: "Go and get it quickly, I am waiting for you here."

The shopkeeper heard the noisy voice behind him, looked at the condescending little eunuch in front of him, and sighed deeply.

He is an old associate of Xingsheng Bank, but he was reluctantly retained because he was related by marriage to a distant relative of the Zheng family.

He had long thought that there would be trouble if the second prince took over the bank, but he didn't expect that trouble would come so quickly.

He said with a bitter face: "Sir, how can a mere bank account have 300 million taels of silver? You are really putting yourself in such a difficult position."

The young eunuch disagreed.

"Aren't you a banker? Aren't you a banker where there is a lot of money?"

"Sir, the silver number does have money.

But it is just some cash for people to store and use every day, not the silver mountain you mentioned. "


The little eunuch said sternly: "Last time I accompanied the second prince to check the accounts, there were clearly tens of millions of taels of silver and tens of millions of taels of gold in the accounts.

How is it possible that you can't even get out 300 million taels of silver?

Moreover, the second prince also saw it in person, and there was clearly a room full of white money. "

"Sir, the silver in a house is only a few thousand taels.

If you don’t believe me, you can do the math. 500 taels can load a large bucket, and it requires a strong man to move it.

Last time the second prince looked at a small storage room, even if it was full, it would only hold 4000 to [-] taels. "

"So, my lord, I won't get any money today?"

(End of this chapter)

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