Strategy of Prince's Concubine's Rebellion

Chapter 428: Can you sit on the throne?

Chapter 428: Can you sit on the throne?

Xiang Junhao rubbed his back teeth.

He knew that Sun Haoyan's two consecutive questions were going to add to his troubles and hinder him from doing things.

However, he still endured it.

"It is indeed my order.

The unscrupulous people were deceived and did not distinguish between right and wrong, and threatened to support a new leader.

As the emperor, how can I sit back and ignore it? "

"Your Majesty! Now the world is peaceful and the people's livelihood is prosperous. May I ask why the people want to support a new ruler?"

When Xiang Junhao heard Sun Haoyan's question, he knew that he wanted to be called an admonishment, but in fact he was teaching an emperor like himself a lesson.

However, I was really helpless, and no matter how unhappy I was, I didn't dare to offend him at all.

Although Old Man Sun has never whipped himself.

But if you make him angry, give yourself a whip.

Even if we give him some shoes to wear in the future and make him or his family live a more miserable life, so what?

As the first king in history to be whipped by his ministers, can he still retain any trace of his face?

He could only suppress his anger and continue to reply:
"They are just a group of ignorant people, a deluded mob.

They want to create unrest and make me act according to their wishes, otherwise they keep saying that they will support a new leader.

How can I tolerate them! "

Sun Haoyan didn't care about the excitement in Xiang Junhao's words.

He said calmly: "Your Majesty also knows that they are a group of ignorant people who cannot succeed.

But does Your Majesty know why they said such treasonous words? "

Sun Haoyan saw Xiang Junhao staring straight at him without answering, nor was he afraid.

“They would say such radical words because they are disappointed with the imperial court!
It is because there is nowhere to complain and there is nowhere to redress grievances, so they are forced to come here!

Your Majesty, please think carefully.

Which common people in the world, who are well-fed, clothed and have no grievances, are willing to bear the crime of disobedience to the king, and are willing to make a living by licking blood with the tip of a knife? "Then what do you want from me?"
Let them do whatever they want? "

"His Majesty."

Sun Haoyan cupped his hands and said:
"I heard about Princess Yingxue more than ten days ago.

Today I also came from the market, and I know a little bit about the resentment of the people.

The common people are just because the Yan people have repeatedly violated our border towns and robbed cattle, horses and food.

The imperial court was afraid of offending the brave and warlike Yan State, so it pretended to turn a blind eye.

The people's hearts were filled with resentment.

Now that Princess Yingxue defeated the Yan army, the people just felt bad in their hearts and learned that the hero who defeated the Yan army was treated badly.

They are so angry and resentful.

Not only the people, but even the minister felt that Princess Yingxue should not be treated like this. "

Don't you deserve to be treated like this?

Xiang Junhao's heart thumped and he twisted hard.

Why is it that every time I want to teach that stinky girl a lesson, a bunch of people come to stop her.

It is obvious that she is coquettish and willful, and despises the authority of the king.

How come it's all my fault in the end?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, but he still managed not to get angry in front of Mr. Sun.

Sun Haoyan didn't know what he was thinking. Seeing that he was silent, he thought he was reflecting.

So he continued: "The people's hearts and minds are the foundation of a country, and it is too late to protect them carefully.

Why does the emperor need to take drastic measures and do things that hurt the hearts of the people?
Is the emperor really willing to let everyone in the world blame you, hate you, and be afraid of you?
When the world rises and falls, who else will be willing to be loyal to you?

Alien invasion, who else is willing to fight to the death for you?
Even if the people don't support the new emperor, can you still sit on the throne? "

(End of this chapter)

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