Chapter 418: So precocious?

There were also baskets of green dates on the carriage, which Jin Sanshao ordered his servants to pick after going to dinner.

The jujube tree that was an eyesore to Aunt Sun but couldn't be cut down was finally plucked and no more fruit would fall.

No one will mention it again for the time being.

The carriage driver helped move baskets of dates to the Shen family yard.

Shen Xiaoyu invited him to drink a cup of tea, served him two sugar snowballs, and then sent him away.

When Shen Xiaoyu returned home, his parents had already had dinner.

They went to Gu's house for dinner.

When Shen Xiaotao went to Gu's house, she also brought the dishes that her second sister had prepared in the kitchen before going out.

Shen Xiaotao is practicing calligraphy at the moment, and Shen Xiaoli is taking her father and little sister to tend the chickens, ducks and vegetable garden in the backyard.

The chickens and ducks I bought earlier grew very quickly.

The father and sister worked diligently to dig wild vegetables to feed them.

Especially the chickens, which are already big chickens in ten days, will run around and poop randomly, making the house smell like chicken feces.

Shen Xiaoyu guessed chicken poop as soon as he stepped in the yard.

It seems that the chicken shed needs to be built bigger and higher in the future, so that the chickens and ducks cannot escape and poop randomly, it is too smelly.

Or after raising them this time, stop raising chickens and ducks and start raising other things.

"Second sister! You're back!" When Shen Xiaotao heard the noise, she immediately put down her pen and paper and ran out.

"What is this?" When she saw the baskets of dates and the food box in Shen Xiaoyu's hand, she knew there was something delicious again.

The three people in the backyard heard the voice and ran over immediately.

Shen Xiaoyu first took the food box into the kitchen and came out and said, "These are dates, Xiaotao. Go get a bamboo basket and put some in it for your Master Beihe to take over."

"I'll come, I'll come, I'll take it! Xiaotao, keep writing!" Shen Xiaoli actively packed the dates in the bamboo basket and knocked on Gu's door.Shen Youfu took a date and put it in his mouth without washing it.

Shen Xiaoxiao followed suit. He held the basket and stood on tiptoe to take one and put it into his mouth.

Shen Xiaoyu hurriedly snatched it away.

"It hasn't been washed yet! Wash it before eating it! Xiaotao, take these and wash them for everyone to eat!"

Shen Xiaotao lifted up the hem of his coat, took five or six dates and went to the water tank to wash them.

Shen Youfu and Shen Xiaoxiao also followed.

Shen Xiaoyu took the remaining dates to the kitchen with the basket. There were so many dates that she couldn't eat them all in a while. In addition to giving them to the Gu family, she also planned to give them to the doctor's house, Zheng Qianqian and the village chief.

As for other people meeting each other, give one or two something to eat.

You can also put the leftovers in the refrigerator to see what desserts and snacks you can make and sell them at a stall.

As soon as Shen Xiaoli passed Gu's house, she couldn't come back for a long time, talking around Gu Nanshu.

"Xiao Li, your second sister bought these dates? They are so crispy and sweet!" There are no date trees in Gujia Village, so they rarely eat dates and don't pay to buy them.

"Second sister didn't say anything, but there's a whole basket full. Brother Nan Shu likes to eat it, so I can bring it again!" Shen Xiaoli said, her eyes fixed on Gu Nanshu's face again.

Gu Beihe had long noticed that Shen Xiaoli seemed to especially like talking to his second brother. She always smiled when looking at him. This girl is only seven years old. Is she so precocious?

"One is enough for me, thank you!" Gu Nanshu took one, thanked him and continued studying.

Shen Xiaoli wanted to follow, but was stopped by Gu Beihe: "Xiaoli, thank you for bringing the dates. It's getting late. If you don't go home, your second sister will come looking for you!"

"Second sister knows I'm here and won't look for me."

"Didn't you say you want to learn new moves? Then you have to go to bed early so that you can have the energy to learn martial arts tomorrow."

"Here, aunt will bring you some Chinese cabbage back!" Aunt Li stuffed three Chinese cabbages into her bamboo basket.

(End of this chapter)

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