Chapter 354 Boss Qin is dragging his debt again
The old man Gen who was driving the oxcart saw the two of them and said hello: "Are you going to set up a stall together again today?" He had heard that the reason why Gu Beihe didn't marry the girl he had decided to marry in Liujia Village next door was because of Shen Xiaoyu.

Half the village agreed that they were a couple.

The remaining half of the people were actively helping Shen Xiaoyu with matchmaking.

Shen Xiaoyu just smiled without explaining. She thought that if Gu Beihe minded, he would explain, but unexpectedly he nodded.

"Eh? Why don't you see little girl Xiaoli?" Old man Gen looked behind Shen Xiaoyu.

"Children, it's better to rest at home after three minutes of heat." Shen Xiaoyu responded.In fact, Shen Xiaoli still wanted to follow, but this time was quite special, so she was allowed to stay at home.

Firstly, it was because Cuiyu got lost, and secondly, it was because she had to go to Chunfeng Tea House to collect debt today.

Boss Qin delayed the bill again.

This time the amount was almost five hundred cents. If she couldn't recover it, all the money she had earned from setting up the stall these days would be in vain.

This boss Qin is also weird. He started to delay the payment from the first order.

Every order he placed after that was delayed and never made on time.

Every time I pay for the last order, I order the goods immediately.

Shen Xiaoyu wouldn't want to cooperate with such a person unless it was for the sake of making money.

Every time she had to go to Chunfeng Tea House to block him.

I asked the clerk in the store, but he didn't know anything about it. She rolled her eyes in anger.

She thought of a way and set up a stall in front of his teahouse today. While doing so, she waited for him until the teahouse closed. Therefore, she couldn't take Shen Xiaoli with her. She would have to go back late and she really had to worry about safety issues.

She can protect herself, but if she takes Shen Xiaoli with her, she's afraid she won't be able to take care of him, so it's better to stay at home.

On the way to Huali County, Gu Beihe and Shen Xiaoyu sat face to face in the car.

"Have you had breakfast?" Shen Xiaoyu took out a donut from his backpack and gave it to him.

When she was shopping at the mall last night, she received several donuts as free gifts. She received them early this morning. When she saw that the shelf life was relatively short, she had to eat them quickly, so she ate them for breakfast, saving one for each person. Girls, take out the rest and eat it.

"What kind of bun is this?" Gu Beihe took the donut.

"This is a bun that will make you happy after eating it!" Shen Xiaoyu said casually.

Gu Beihe obviously didn't believe it and could tell that she was talking nonsense.

"I'm not lying to you, eat it and see! It's delicious!" Shen Xiaoyu said, taking a big bite first, and the icing on the surface stuck to his lips, making it taste sweet.

Sweets can make people happy, and she is not lying.

In the past, when she was trying to lose weight, she didn't dare to touch donuts at all. If she ate one, she would feel guilty and have to dance with Coach Liu for an hour immediately.

It's better now. I'm as thin as a skinny monkey. I eat more and can eat sweets without any burden. I'm so happy and happy.

Gu Beihe was naturally very confident in eating the food that Shen Xiaoyu brought to him, but it was often food he had never seen before, which made people feel surprised but also a little suspicious at the same time.

I suspect that she is not from Da Zong, but maybe from the South, an exotic place and exotic food.

But she looks like a Han Chinese, and she was exiled from the capital to Yazhou.

He always felt that she was hiding some ulterior secrets, but as long as there was no impact or conflict on him and his family, he didn't want to know too much.

There are some things that, once you know them, you may have to take care of them, even though they have nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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