Dressed as a farmer's little cook, don't panic if she has a refrigerator

Chapter 339 1 You’ll know it’s dog meat when you eat it

Chapter 339 You’ll know it’s dog meat as soon as you eat it

Shen Xiaoli is only seven years old. She only knows that when she grows up, she wants to make a lot of money and live a good life in the county with her father and sisters.

I want to live in a spacious brick house, have plenty of food to eat every day, wear beautiful clothes, and keep warm in winter.

She doesn't want to go hungry anymore, she doesn't want to be cold anymore, she doesn't want to sleep with the livestock, and she doesn't want to be bullied by others anymore. Life was too hard in the countryside of Yazhou.

As for what she wants to do in the future, she has no idea.

She just wants to follow her second sister.

Just as I was thinking of the second sister, the second sister came back.

Shen Xiaoli immediately ran to her.

"I bought Po Su Bao! Do you want to eat it?" Shen Xiaoyu thought the Po Su Bao at Lao Jiang Restaurant was delicious last time. After receiving the payment today, he bought several more.

"Is it Lao Jiang's? His restaurant is super delicious!" Asu also visited.

This restaurant is a well-known delicacy in Huali County.

"Yes! I think the sesame filling is especially delicious!" Shen Xiaoyu gave one to each of them, and she wanted to take the remaining ones home for Silly Dad and Xiao Tao to eat.

"Of course the meat stuffing is more delicious!" Ye Qingshan put down what he was doing, wiped it on his pants, took the bun, and couldn't wait to break it open. It was pork and mushroom.

"The skin of the Posu buns is delicious. The ones made here are particularly crispy and soft." Shen Xiaoyu also sat down to eat one first.

It was still early today, so she was in no hurry to leave.

Asu saw that there was no one in the doctor's house. Doctor Jin also made a visit and would not be back soon.He put down what he was doing, poured them some tea, and sat with them eating crispy buns.

"How is the little fisherman's business going?" Asu chatted with her for a few words.

Shen Xiaoyu shook his head and said, "The stall business has not been as good as before recently." This can be clearly understood from the remaining ingredients every day. "Why? Little Yu girl, aren't your cooking skills very good?" Asu heard Ye Qingshan mention the stalls from time to time, which gave him the feeling that Shen Xiaoyu was very good at doing business.

"Whether your cooking skills are good or not is different from whether your business is good or not." Shen Xiaoyu said.

"It's all our fault for those who imitate us in selling kebabs!" Ye Qingshan said angrily.

He often walks around the market, and the medical hut is also on the streets of the market. Since Shen Xiaoyu's business of selling kebabs has become popular, many similar ones have popped up.

Some sellers of steamed buns and pancakes also claim to have fresh kebabs.

But Ye Qingshan had eaten that meat before, and he couldn't tell what kind of meat it was.

He also bought it for Shen Xiaoyu to try. Shen Xiaoyu probably tasted it like pork or dog meat. She couldn't be sure, because it was cut into very small pieces and a heavy sauce was used to prepare it.

Zheng Qianqian's tongue is also very good. As soon as she eats it, she can tell it is dog meat, and it seems to be very low-quality dog ​​meat.

"I'm afraid that if I die for a while, I'll be used for barbecue."

After she finished speaking, both Ye Qingshan and Shen Xiaoyu were stunned.

"You dare to use this as food and sell it? It's not a big deal if you eat it, but what if you kill someone!" Shen Xiaoyu didn't dare to eat anymore, even if it was a fresh, lively dog, she wouldn't eat it!She really can't stand dog meat.

But then she remembered that Ye Qingshan helped her beat the vicious dog she met in the temple to death when she was escaping from famine, and Ye Qingshan also packed it away at that time.

As for whether she ate it or took it to sell, she didn't know.

If you ask him now, he can't remember it at all.

Shen Xiaoyu felt that people here did business just like in modern times. When something became popular, everyone would rush to sell it, and soon it would be on the street and no longer popular.

(End of this chapter)

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