Chapter 322 Coconut Milk Thousand Layer Cake

Shen Xiaoyu opened the refrigerator and rummaged through it again, deciding the flavor of the second crystal cake based on the ingredients he found.

She is somewhat thankful that she got into baking before, so now she can find a variety of materials and tools.

She took out a bag of glutinous rice flour, Chengfen, a can of salad oil, and osmanthus sauce.

Then boil hot water, pour two tablespoons of sugar, and stir until it melts.

Put the sugar water in a bowl, let it cool down, add salad oil, and mix quickly evenly.

This step is quite important. You must be patient and mix thoroughly, otherwise it will affect the taste.

In order to have a more delicate taste, she took out a sieve, sifted the glutinous rice flour and added it to the sugar water. In this way, the cake made would be more crystal clear.

Keep stirring the glutinous rice flour batter clockwise until it is completely uniform and translucent, then add a few spoonfuls of osmanthus paste into it and continue stirring.

Coat the walls and bottom of the steaming plate with a thin layer of cooking oil, and pour the glutinous rice flour paste into it.

Steam for 10 minutes and it's done. After taking it out of the pot, let it cool and then cut it into pieces.

Crystal Osmanthus Cake is distinguished by its crystal clear shape and smooth and sweet taste. People in Jiangnan will put it on the dining table during every year and festival.

Such exquisite pastries are perfect to be served in teahouses.

Shen Xiaoyu tasted a piece herself, but it was a bit too sweet for her.

Refrigerate the rest.

Sometimes I don’t really want to eat the delicious food I put so much effort into, and I don’t know why.

But seeing others enjoy their food will make you feel satisfied and have a sense of accomplishment.

As for the mille-feuille cake, she plans to make the most popular coconut milk mille-feuille cake.

In modern times, most people like to eat food, but they just don’t know if it will be accepted by the audience here, so they have to give it a try.

The materials are all there.Shen Xiaoyu took out water chestnut powder, pure milk, coconut milk, and brown sugar. She made the simplest version.This method can be said to be zero failure, and it is easy for novice cooks to get started.

Fortunately, she has an electronic scale for baking in her refrigerator, which is very convenient and eliminates the need to go shopping at the mall.

Rinse the water chestnut powder with water and mix thoroughly until it becomes thicker. Set it aside for later use.

Then she took out a bowl, weighed the brown sugar, added water, brought to a boil and melted, stirred evenly, then added two spoons of the water chestnut powder slurry she had just prepared, stirring while adding, until they turned translucent, then poured it all in Go into the bowl of water chestnut powder slurry just now.

While stirring quickly, add water in small amounts and multiple times to adjust the consistency, then divide it into two parts, add milk and coconut milk to one part, and leave the other part without it. You will get two slurries, white and yellow.

Then a layer of yellow and a layer of white begin to overlap and steam in the pot.

When it was almost steamed, she took a small spoon and touched the cake body lightly with the back to see if it was cooked.

There seemed to be some water. She wrapped her hands with a cloth strip and picked up the entire baking pan, poured out the water, and continued steaming.

After all the slurry is steamed, you can take it out and let it cool.

It needs to be cooled completely before cutting it, and it will be easier to cut it beautifully.

After finishing everything, she put them neatly in the refrigerator. She moved her tired body, went to wash up and go to bed. She had to get up early tomorrow.

It’s not easy to start a business working from dawn to dusk.

She really misses "horse killing chicken", hot spring spa and so on, or cupping and mugwort acupuncture to soothe the body and bones.

With beautiful thoughts in mind, Shen Xiaoyu fell asleep tiredly.

It seemed that I hadn't slept long before I heard the alarm clock ringing.

Yes, she discovered that Xiaobing can provide morningcall services!

As long as the time is set, Xiaobing's mechanical voice will constantly remind her in her ears: "It's time to get up! It's time to get up! It's time to get up."

(End of this chapter)

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