Chapter 313 Cantonese late night snack
Shen Xiaotao looked at herself in the mirror and admired Gu Xiyue.

Both sisters asked Gu Xiyue for advice.

Gu Xiyue used Shen Xiaoxiao's hair to demonstrate to them.

But Shen Xiaoxiao's hair was not long enough and was thin and soft. She didn't dare to use too much force for fear of hurting her.

Shen Xiaoxiao was very obedient when she was played with at first, but as she continued to play with her, she became impatient and started to lose her temper.

Shen Xiaotao usually spends a lot of time with her and knows how to coax her.

"She's sleepy. I have to take her to take a bath and then go to bed." Shen Xiaotao picked up Shen Xiaoxiao.

"Are you going to bed so early?" Gu Xiyue was having fun and didn't feel that time was passing too fast.She heard that there was a late night snack, so she didn’t want to go home yet.

"She is at this time every day." Shen Xiaotao coaxed while holding Shen Xiaoxiao. She went to the yard to get a wide wooden bucket, boiled some hot water, mixed it with cold water to make warm water, and then helped Shen Xiaoxiao take a bath in the room.

After washing, help her put on clothes and put her directly on the bed.

With extra warm water, Shen Xiaotao poured out the basin that Shen Xiaoxiao had washed, and used the remaining water to wash herself. She also put all the dirty clothes in the bucket and took them to the yard to wait for others to wash them. After that, do the laundry the next day.

After putting away the dirty clothes, she went back to the room to see Shen Xiaoxiao. She had fallen asleep on the bed.

Shen Xiaotao turned her over, covered her with a quilt, and then continued to play with Shen Xiaoli and Gu Xiyue.

After a while, they smelled the fragrance of late night snacks.

Shen Xiaoyu made two midnight snacks, salty pork bone porridge and three-shredded fried rice noodles.

She is from the south and often eats these two late-night snacks. Food stalls all over the street offer these two dishes at night.

Salted pork bone porridge is not only delicious, but also has the effect of reducing inflammation and replenishing calcium. It is not difficult to make and is very suitable for late night snacks.

If you can't finish it, you can cook it for breakfast tomorrow morning and continue eating it.The salted pork bones had been marinated before and had been kept in the refrigerator. Normally, they would have expired after dozens of days, but she found that the items in the refrigerator seemed not to be spoiled no matter how long ago they were stored. , as if time slowly stopped.

Does the refrigerator have a new hidden function?
But she hasn't specifically tested it yet. She will know it naturally after using it.

She scooped out three cups of rice, washed it, and marinated it with salt and oil, so that the rice could be boiled faster.

Soak some mussels in warm water, break off the black core in the middle, wash them clean and set aside.

Then cut some shredded ginger, shredded tangerine peel, and shredded red dates. She wanted to add preserved eggs, but there were no preserved eggs or peanuts, which was a pity.

Both of these are more soulful.

There are no peanuts in Da Zong Country yet, at least she has not found any relevant knowledge in the memory of the original owner, and so far, she has not seen one.

Preserved eggs are available in some restaurants and restaurants, and people in the village rarely eat them.

After preparing these materials, they can be boiled together.

Boil over high heat and it will be ready to serve in about two quarters of an hour.

As for fried rice noodles, it is a dish that even a novice in cooking can make.

The three shreds of Sansi fried rice noodles refer to shredded meat patties, shredded ham and eggs. The special thing is the processing of the vermicelli.

It is best to use Dongguan's fine rice noodles, cook them until they are seven or eight mature, and then cover them with a wrung-out wet towel to allow the heat to penetrate into the core of the rice. If you do this, the fried rice noodles will be very soft and fluffy.

When frying, you also need to heat the oil over high heat.

Shen Xiaoyu's thin arms and legs could not lift the wok in the kitchen, so she could only quickly stir-fry with the spatula, trying to stir out the smoke from the fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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