Dressed as a farmer's little cook, don't panic if she has a refrigerator

Chapter 308 Celebrating the Twins’ Birthday on the 2nd

Chapter 308 Celebrating twins’ birthdays in two days
There are various types of chickens in the chicken stall, both big and small.

But Shen Xiaoyu knew that the three-yellow chicken was the most suitable for making roast chicken, better than both the baby chicken and the old hen.

Because it is simpler and easier to use three-yellow chicken, and the three-yellow chicken contains high protein and high amino acid content, which are essential amino acids for the human body. It is also a good source of phosphorus, iron, copper, and zinc, and is rich in Vitamins can be used to nourish blood and maintain health.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Sanhuang chicken has the effects of warming the middle and replenishing qi, replenishing deficiency and replenishing essence, strengthening the spleen and stomach, activating blood vessels, and strengthening muscles and bones.

"Second sister, how do you choose?" Shen Xiaoli asked curiously.

"Pick the one with yellow feathers, yellow claws, and yellow beak!"

"This one! This one is so yellow!" Shen Xiaoli immediately pointed to a three-yellow chicken with sharp eyes and a cheerful look.

"Okay, let's get that one, I'm still picking two!" Shen Xiaoyu thought about buying more at once, since there is a refrigerator to keep them frozen.

It's the twins' birthdays in two days, and it's time to cook a big meal for them.

The children have never had a decent birthday since they were born.
"I'm talking about girls! You have to pick and choose like this when you buy a chicken! As long as you don't buy it to lay eggs, it will be the same if you cook it!" The uncle who sold the chicken couldn't stand it.

"Of course it's different. Old hens are sold for making soup. For soy sauce chicken, choose the tender ones. For roast chicken, you have to choose three-yellow chicken. Boss, there are requirements for cooking, okay?" Shen Xiaoyu said with a smile, "Besides, the chicken here is There are so many, is it normal for me to choose?”

The boss was speechless for a moment and could only choose whatever she wanted.

Shen Xiaoyu picked the chicken and spent a lot of time negotiating the price.

Shen Xiaoyu tied up the three chickens and put them in a basket on her back. They cooed and pooped a lot along the way. The smell was so bad that she didn't even want to carry them on her back.

After shopping, they were ready to leave to find Uncle Gen's bullock cart.

Suddenly I encountered someone in the crowd shouting to steal something and catch the thief.

There was a commotion all around.

"That's you! Thief!" "I'm not a thief!"

Shen Xiaoyu saw through the crowd that the person arrested was the young lady of the Zheng family.

Although her plain linen clothes were heavily patched, they were still clean. One hand was being held by someone else, and the other hand was holding something tightly and refused to let go. Her face was cold and stubborn.

"Ha! I clearly saw you picking up my coins! You still don't admit it!" The other party raised his hand and slapped her on the head and cheek.

Everyone took a deep breath.

"What you picked up is what you picked up! How can you unjustly accuse someone of stealing!" Shen Xiaoyu shouted in the crowd.

Everyone was stunned and looked for who was speaking.

Someone echoed: "Hitting someone before they understand it! That's too much!"

Then there were many voices one after another, all on the side of the young lady of the Zheng family.

The big man who shouted that he had lost a few pennies was embarrassed by everyone, but he still did not let go. Instead, he tightened his grip. He was quite aggrieved and said angrily: "That's the pennies I lost too! I just picked them up." You want to pay me back, don’t you? Then why don’t you go to the Yamen and apply for an official position to discuss it!”

As soon as he said he wanted to report to the official, everyone became quiet.

The young lady of the Zheng family is indeed in the wrong.

"You don't need to report this kind of thing to the official, right? How much did you lose? It's just a few pennies. I'll give you two pennies. Will everyone contribute?" Shen Xiaoyu thought that crowdfunding could help people and calm down this situation. This incident might even influence the young lady of the Zheng family, so that she could loosen her grip and return the money she picked up to the big man.

But no one paid attention to Shen Xiaoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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