Chapter 300 Buying food for dad

Shen Xiaoli told Ye Qingshan that she learned martial arts from Gu Beihe.

Seeing that her mood improved, Ye Qingshan followed her topic and asked: "You are so young and a young lady, is it appropriate to learn martial arts?"

"Second sister said that only by learning martial arts can you become stronger and protect your family! So it's appropriate!" Shen Xiaoli said proudly, raising her little face.

"You are still a child, so just be responsible for playing well. Leave the matter of protecting your family to the adults!" Ye Qingshan touched her head.

"It's messed up!" Shen Xiaoli pushed his hand away and said with slight disgust.

Ye Qingshan didn't care, smiled and continued to help.

The stall was set up again, and Ye Qingshan helped attract customers.

Shen Xiaoyu secretly took the rice balls out of the refrigerator and gave them to them, and lunch was done.

Business is really good when no one comes to cause trouble.

Shen Xiaoyu was busy and sold out the kebabs and all the tea before sunset.

"Today's commission, should I calculate it tonight and give it to you tomorrow? Or do you want to pay it now?" Shen Xiaoyu asked Ye Qingshan when closing the stall.

Ye Qingshan shrugged and replied: "It's okay tomorrow."

Shen Xiaoyu nodded and took out two pennies from his pocket to give to Shen Xiaoli. She did well today.

"Thank you. I want to buy a roast chicken for dad. Is this enough?" Shen Xiaoli asked her while holding up two pennies.

Shen Xiaoyu thought she was going to save it, but she didn't expect to spend it.

And I didn’t expect that instead of spending it on myself, I would spend it on food for my father.

"There's certainly not enough here."

Shen Xiaoli was disappointed for a moment, and Shen Xiaoyu said again: "I'll be the one to go out."

Shen Xiaoli felt happy again.

"I know a restaurant that sells roast chicken. It's delicious!" Ye Qingshan said proudly.In fact, he has never eaten it, but the owner of that restaurant came to see Dr. Jin a while ago and mentioned that his roast chicken is a signature dish and is famous for its deliciousness in Huali County, which made Dr. Jin come back to visit him. , give him half an extra one.

Dr. Jin was a cool man and never took advantage of these things. He just accepted them perfunctorily.Ye Qingshan was curious, is it really that delicious?

He asked Asu, who said he had eaten it once and it was indeed delicious.

Ye Qingshan just thought about saving some scraps of silver and going to eat some other day.

But there were so many things that were quickly forgotten.

When he heard the Shen sisters mention roast chicken, he suddenly remembered.

Recently, I got the salary from Shen Xiaoyu, so I might as well buy one as a way to honor Doctor Jin.

"Then could you please show me the way?" Shen Xiaoyu said.

After they took the trolley to the hospital and put it away, they went to buy roast chicken together.

The restaurant is in the opposite direction of the street where Shen Xiaoyu sets up his stall, away from the market, in an area where various restaurants, bakeries, and teahouses are relatively concentrated.

There are more people in this area, but stalls cannot be set up. If someone comes to set up a stall secretly and is discovered, the county government will evict them or fine them.

This also protects the interests of the store.

Shen Xiaoyu rarely comes here, this is the first time he walked slowly and looked around slowly.

The last time I went to Qinghui Courtyard, I passed through this street, but last time I was in the Jin family's carriage and there was no need for her to walk on the road.

"Where! That's the one!" Ye Qingshan raised his finger and pointed before he arrived.

"It seems there are quite a lot of people." Shen Xiaoyu saw a lot of people at the door of the restaurant.

It will be dinner time in about half an hour. If there are already many people there, it proves that this restaurant is quite good.

It is really at the level of an internet celebrity store.

The three of them couldn't help but speed up their pace, as if they would be ahead of others if they walked slower.

(End of this chapter)

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