Chapter 128 Gu Beihe’s cousin
In the alley next to the gambling house, a boy who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old was covered in injuries, his clothes were stained with blood, and his face was also bruised and miserable. He was lying on the ground dying.

Gu Beihe remembered that when he brought Shen Xiaoyu to Huali County Medical House for a follow-up consultation a few days ago, he saw someone being beaten when he returned. The person who was beaten had the same clothes as the boy in front of him. Could it be the same person?
The boy was seriously injured. He had no shoes on his feet, and the soles of his feet were dirty and stained with black stains.

Doctor Jin took the boy's pulse and frowned.

"Mr. Gu, could I trouble you to help carry him back? He is too seriously injured and needs to be treated by the hospital."

"Of course." Gu Beihe picked him up on his back, and a sour smell hit his nostrils, which made Gu Beihe almost gag. He thought to himself, this man hadn't taken a shower in several days and was extremely dirty.

When he arrived at the hospital, Gu Beihe put him down and helped Doctor Jin for a while, then went to Caoli County to find a remote inn to stay.

In Huali County, it is easy to meet people from Gujia Village. If they see him and tell his parents, siblings, he will be betrayed.

Gu Beihe was walking from Huali County to Caoli County. On the way, he passed by the foot of the mountain where he rescued Shen Xiaoyu before. There was a tea shed not far from there.

There are many people resting in the tea shed. They are the people of Sihai Escort Agency, the largest escort agency in Huali County.

Gu Beihe's cousin, Gu San's eldest son Gu Dali, works as a bodyguard in the Sihai Bodyguard Bureau. He usually lives in Huali County and occasionally visits his home village.

This cousin is only three years older than him. Although he is not as mean as Gu San and Zhou, he is not a good person either.

Gu San's family is proud of Gu Dali's work as an escort in Sihai Escort Bureau, and they often bring this matter up to show off to the people in Gujia Village.

It was as if their family was superior to others.

Gu Beihe remembered that in his last life, after he joined the army in Yazhou, the first task of the army was to exterminate the bandits Black Dragon Gang.

Because the Black Dragon Gang robbed homes, burned, killed and looted, and committed all kinds of evil.

This time, the Sihai Escort Bureau was escorting tributes to the imperial court. On the way, they were intercepted by the Black Dragon Gang. The entire batch of tributes was robbed, and all the people escorting the escorts were killed.

Because of the bad situation, the imperial court took it very seriously and sent troops to encircle and suppress the Black Dragon Gang.

The Black Dragon Gang has great influence in the entire Yazhou. The imperial court has sent people to encircle and suppress them before, but they have repeatedly failed.

It was during this encirclement and suppression operation that Gu Beihe made his mark, and was appreciated and promoted by the military leaders.

If I remember correctly, this escort trip was exactly the one intercepted by the Black Dragon Gang.

Then it means that Gu Dali will be killed.

Gu Beihe did not see Gu Dali being killed in his last life, because when he followed the army to encircle and suppress the Black Dragon Gang, all the escorts on this trip had been killed.

In his last life, he had been away for several years, and even Gu Zhongliang died of illness. He didn't know that Gu Dali had died until many years later. Gu San's family lost a very important income because of the death of their son. With the capital to show off, the family sucked the blood of Aunt Li and several other orphans and widows like vampires.

When Gu Beihe went to join the army, he was promoted quickly because of the appreciation he received. When he often wrote letters home to Aunt Li, he would always bring thick banknotes with him.

Aunt Li always hid it and carefully took it out for use, but there were always those best relatives who got wind of it and came to her to extort money and defraud her. No matter how much money she had, it was gone in an instant, and the days became worse and worse as time went by.

(End of this chapter)

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