Chapter 120 Express Coupon
Shen Xiaoyu hurriedly asked: "How can I unlock this oven function?"

"The oven function is about to be turned on! Please wait patiently!"

"I'm asking you, when can it be turned on? Can't you understand human speech again, Xiaobing?!"

Xiaobing still said mechanically: "The oven function is about to be turned on! Please wait patiently! Xiaobing understands human speech, unless you are not a human!"

Shen Xiaoyu gave up asking questions, knowing that Xiaobing always insisted on her standard answers.

But then I thought about it, the second half of the sentence sounded weird.

"Xiao Bing! Are you going round the corner and saying I'm not a human being?!"

"Sorry Master, Xiaobing can't turn!"

"I mean, are you scolding me?"

"Be civilized, establish new practices, everyone is for one, and one is for everyone."

Shen Xiaoyu rolled his eyes resentfully. She was right when she heard that this smart assistant was just connotation!It's really irritating that we can't fight each other.

Shen Xiaoyu went shopping in the mall to see if there were ready-made roast chickens, frozen chickens, live chickens, etc.

Yes, they are available, and the prices are not expensive, but many of them have to wait a day or two for delivery, so there is no time to cook now.

"It would be great if the express delivery for shopping in this mall could be faster!"

The mechanical voice of the conscientious Xiaobing sounded again: "To speed up the express delivery, you can use the acceleration coupon."

Shen Xiaoyu just muttered to himself, but he didn't expect Xiaobing to receive it. He was really sensitive. It seemed that even if he wanted to say bad things about it, he would have to say it secretly.

Shen Xiaoyu remembered checking my card package to see if there were any coupons with strange names. She clicked on them, but there was nothing there.

"Where can I get express acceleration coupons?" "You can get the various coupons you need by completing tasks."

Then a task center button popped up on the screen. Shen Xiaoyu clicked on it and saw some tasks that were similar to those in the task center of a certain payment platform or some shopping platforms, such as daily check-in, browsing products for 15 seconds, etc.

Shen Xiaoyu followed this task list and completed all the tasks he could do. As for the last task, he had to buy anything in the mall to get this express delivery acceleration coupon.

"It's so troublesome? After all this, you still have to trick me out of money!" Shen Xiaoyu thought to herself, if it wasn't because her silly father wanted to eat roast chicken that she obeyed, she really didn't want to spend money to buy food, and there was still food in the refrigerator. There is a lot of money, save it if you can, and spend it wisely.

Shen Xiaoyu thought about it and decided not to waste time getting these acceleration coupons here.

She simply exited the scene and used the chicken nuggets and chicken breasts in the refrigerator to make the texture of roast chicken, and prepared a relatively heavy dipping sauce. The taste was very fragrant and should be able to temporarily coax the silly dad.

Shen Xiaoyu made lunch and called Xiaoli to come in and help take it out.

The dining table was set with tableware for four people, and everyone sat down to eat except Shen Xiaotao who was in the room.

"Dad, try the roasted chicken you want to eat. I made a new flavor dipping sauce. It's very delicious!"

"Not a roast chicken? I want a roast chicken, one like this! One by one!" Shen Youfu held the chopsticks and gestured with his hands.

"It's roast chicken, just cut into cubes! It tastes the same, oh no, it's more delicious! If you don't believe me, try it and see, it must be a hundred times more delicious than what He Xiu gave you!" Shen Xiaoyuchong said He raised his eyebrows and patted his chest in assurance.

"Second sister, can I have a taste?" Shen Xiaoli licked the tip of the chopsticks.

"Of course, it's just for everyone to eat. If dad doesn't want to eat, you can eat more!" Shen Xiaoyu said and glanced at Shen Youfu.

"Roast chicken, it's mine, it's mine! I want to eat it!" Shen Youfu started faster than Shen Xiaoli.

(End of this chapter)

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