Chapter 765 Persuasion
After a meal, Han Shi and Dou Dou already understood the main purpose of Xiong Er's visit. They knew that he would go back after cultivating the land. Dou Dou told him several places suitable for reclamation. However, although Xiong Er came several times to Not knowing much about the situation around the valley, Doudou led him out of the house after dinner.

Han Shi led Xiao Shitou and continued to go up the mountain to chop firewood, but this time he refused to let Zhu Zhu and the three of them accompany them into the mountain. What happened last time was still vivid in his mind, and he was really worried about what would happen again.Seeing that Han Shi didn't agree with anything, Zhu Zhu had to give up.

Not long after Han Shi and Xiao Shitou left, Zheng Juan came to the door. When she came, her face was red and angry. Zhu Zhu looked at her curiously and asked, "Who made you angry this early in the morning?"

"Not that bastard bastard!" Zheng Juan poured herself a cup of tea and sat down next to Zhu Zhu.

"That bastard?" This was the first time Zhu Zhu saw Zheng Juan scolding someone like this, so she became more and more curious about that person.

"That's it..." Zheng Juan looked at Zhu Zhu who was staring at her curiously. She rolled her eyes and swallowed what she said. After all, she couldn't tell Zhu Zhu about such things. It was really embarrassing.

"Who is it?" Zhu Zhu looked at her and asked urgently.

Zheng Juan scratched her head and said sheepishly: "No one, in fact, there is nothing. Why did Brother Han let Wang Han and the others go? I think they should be detained for a longer period of time."

Zhu Zhu couldn't help laughing when she looked at Zheng Juan who was so angry when she mentioned Wang Han. Now she finally knew who the bastard bastard she was talking about was, but since Zheng Juan didn't want to make it clear, she just took it as nothing. Even if I know it, I won't go out of my way to point it out.

"If we lock them up for a while longer, we will provide them with food for an extra day. This is of no benefit to us at all, so the uncle and the others decided to let them go after some discussion. Have you met them?"

"Well, I met them early in the morning, and you said it was bad." Zheng Juan said indignantly.

"It stands to reason that you are his savior, aren't you happy to see them released?"

"I'm not happy at all. I've never seen such a hateful person. I don't think Wang Han is a good person. Why did Brother Han release them? What if... what if they have evil intentions?" What to do? I think we should drive them out."

"That can't be done. Uncle and the others said that the 18 members of Wang Han are all capable. It is beneficial to our valley to stay. It would be a pity to drive them out."

Zheng Juan sighed after hearing this, her already bored heart became more and more bored.

"Did Brother Han tell you when you will go hunting this time?"

"That is, the exact time has not been set for the past two days. Why do you want to go hunting again? Isn't the food at home enough to eat?"

"Of course there is enough to eat. Isn't it sad to see Wang Han!"

"From now on, they will be people in our valley. You can see each other when you look up, and the relationship can't always be like this. Besides, the weather is so cold now, and the prey is not easy to hunt. If it rains, there is not even a place to shelter from the rain. , even if you find a cave by luck, a large group of gentlemen squeezed together can taste anything, why should you wrong yourself for others, now everyone is used to you staying in the valley, you suddenly go out to hunt again Everyone doesn’t know what they will think, the wind is strong in the mountains, your skin is just a little bit better, it will be ugly if you get slits by the wind again.”

Zheng Juan couldn't help but shudder as she listened to Zhu Zhu's words and imagined that scene.

"It's okay if I don't go."

Zhu Zhu looked at Zheng Juan who stood up and left and said, "No more sitting here?"

"There are still things at home!"

Zhu Zhu looked at Zheng Juan's back and smiled slowly thinking about Wang Han.

(End of this chapter)

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