Chapter 737 Long-term plan
Li Xu and Li Minzhi discussed some specific matters, and they left after an hour. Although they left, Zhou Hu did not leave because he still had something to report.

"If the prince wants to exchange food with Han Shi and the others, we must hurry up. The weather in the mountains is different from ours. It is extremely cold in December. What I am most afraid of is snow. Once it snows, the mountain roads will be closed unless there is an accident." When the time comes, it will be much more difficult for us to enter and exit the mountain."

Li Xu frowned slightly when he heard this; "We have to go into the mountain to exchange as much food as possible before the heavy snow seals the mountain, otherwise it will be difficult to support the next autumn harvest with the current food in our hands."

Li Xu walked back and forth in the hall several times. After a while, he turned to look at Zhou Hu and said, "You have two days of rest and then you will lead a group of people and leave with the vanguard. In these two days, I will get what Han Shi and the others need as soon as possible." Everything is ready.”

"Humble job!" Zhou Hu stood up and said respectfully.

"Go down and rest early after working hard all the way!"

"My lord has one more thing to report." Zhou Hu looked up at Li Xu and said.

"You just say it."

"Han Shi has two sworn brothers. I have reported it to the prince in detail before. The three of them are rare talents, so the people gathered under them are also extremely extraordinary. Although they only have 3000 or 3000 people, but These two [-] people are all first-class warriors. Not only one against a hundred, but one against ten is not a problem."

"Oh?" Li Xu's eyes flickered slightly and he began to think.

Zhou Hu looked at his contemplative master and gave a warning and backed away. After he left, Li Xu turned to look at Wang Zhongdao; "Take good care of them these few days, and pay them three meals a day. They have really worked hard and suffered during this time." Not a few sins."

"Master benevolence!" Wang Zhong smiled and nodded.

"Call Shang Ping in the evening. I have something to ask. Han Shi and Miss Zhu Zhu are married, and they have twins. Please prepare two gifts yourself and ask Zhou Hu to take them with him when he sets off."


Li Xu took out a jar of wine and some mountain fruits from the bag and handed them to Wang Zhong; "This is a gift from Han Shi and two people."

"I didn't expect them to remember me." Wang Zhong took it with a smile. I don't know how happy he is.

Li Xu smiled and waved to him, and Wang Zhong led the servants in the hall to retreat.

Li Xu sat on the chair and opened the wine jar, couldn't help but poured a glass and drank it in one gulp. His eyes lit up slightly and he exclaimed, "Good wine!"

After a glass of wine, he became more and more hungry. He ate some berries and pondered. It was not easy to live in the mountains. They needed to overcome many difficulties. This was something he knew before.

But it is precisely because of these difficulties that their bodies are much stronger than ordinary people. It is not a problem for the mountain people to defeat two. In fact, what makes him most happy is the attitude of Han Shi and Zhu Zhu towards him. Through this He was certain of one thing, it might not be difficult to conquer them.

Although this year's autumn harvest brought in a lot of food, there were more and more disaster victims here. In addition, they had to feed so many soldiers. He was wondering if he could hide his troops and train them in the mountains?If he directly gives an army to Han Shi and the others, will they accept the order and use it for him?He thought quickly in his mind.At this time, Li Yao happily ran in holding the small wooden box.

(End of this chapter)

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